Crabgrass    (Half-Elf Male Cleric / Magic- User)
Character Information   
Name: Crabgrass XP/Next lvl: 450 & 450 / 1500 & 2500
Class: Cleric / Magic- User HP:curr/max 7 / 7
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 7 (6) / 7 (6) / 7 (6)
Race: Half-Elf Level: 1 / 1
Age: 40's Height: 5'8
Weight: 166lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 90'ft per round
Languages: Elven, Common, Gnome, Halfling, Hobgoblin Goblin, Orc, Gnoll.
Ability Scores   
STR: 14 (+200gp weight allowance, Open Doors 1-2, Bend Bars 7% )
INT: 14 (4 Bonus Languages, 55% Know Spells, 6-9 min/max spells known per level)
WIS: 14 ( 2 bonus 1st level spells.)
DEX: 6 (+1 AC penalty (prosthetics left arm!))
CON: 15 (+1 hp per HD. 91% System Shock, 94% Resurrection. )
CHR: 6 (2 henchmen, -15% loyalty, -10% reactions.)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
10 13 11 15 12

Notes: 30% Resistance vs Sleep or Charm based spells.

Description and Background   
Crabgrass is seen as strange man of a new faith and a seeker of arcane knowledge. His defining feature, a prosthetic left forearm and hand. A pirate of old? a wrangler of crocodiles, an unlucky break, crushed under the wheels of a stagecoach? He can weave many stories or parables to entertain or beguile as want or need arises. His pointy ears might betray some elvish blood though he speaks little of his past life or misfortunes. He dresses in 'industrial' leathers and wears a multitude of pouches, components and holy symbols that befits his prayers and experimentations.

From somewhere in the Celene Forest, he is an itinerant wanderer seeking spell knowledge and a place in society above the 'norm'.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Quarterstaff 1 1d6/1d6 n n 20
Mace 1 1d6/1d6 n n 20
Dagger 1 1d4/1d3 n n 20
Qty Item Location
1 Quarterstaff Hand
1 Backpack and bedroll Carried
4 4 Days of preserved rations & wineskin Backpack
1 Spellbooks Pouch
1 Spell components & Loyn's Petrified biscuit. Pouch
1 Dagger Waist
1 Scalemail armours (AC6) Worn
1 Holy Symbol Worn
1 Prosthetic left arm Left forearm
4 Flasks of oil Backpack
1 Holy utensils for prayer and magic experiment Toolbox
1 Mace Waist
10 Torches Backpack
1 Rope & Grapnel Backpack
1 Pouch of 60kp (gold painted copper pieces) Pouch

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 36 0 8 60
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds (Cl)
Cure Light Wounds (Cl)
Detect Magic (MU)
Identify (MU)
Read Magic (MU)
Sanctuary (Cl)
Shocking Grasp (MU)
Sleep (MU)

Spell Book

Level 1
Bless (Cl)
Command (Cl)
Create Water (Cl)
Cure Light Wounds (Cl)
Detect Evil (Cl)
Detect Magic (Cl)
Detect Magic (MU)
Identify (MU)
Light (Cl)
Protection from Evil (Cl)
Purify Food & Water (Cl)
Read Magic (MU)
Remove Fear (Cl)
Resist Cold (Cl)
Sanctuary (Cl)
Shocking Grasp (MU)
Sleep (MU)

Crabgrass: Half-Elf notes
60'ft Infravision

Concealed doors: casual notice 1, careful 1-3 vs 1d6.
Secret doors: careful search 1-2 vs 1d6.

30% Resistance to Sleep & Charm spells and magic effects.

May advance to 8th level Mage. Unlimited in Cleric.
Return to the Keep: notes important to Crabgrass
Cleric Notes
+2 bonus 1st level spells daily.

Turn Undead:

Skeleton vs 10+
Zombie vs 13+
Ghoul vs 16+
Shadow vs 19+
Wight vs 20+

Roll d20 for Turn attempt, d12 for numbers 3d4 rounds.

Magic User notes
+2 x 1st level spells cast daily.

Experience Points & Hit Points tracing:
Max hp for character generation. 8hp (cleric) + 4hp (mage) /2 = 6hp +1hp Con bonus = 7hp for start.

+50xp taking bandit arrow
+100xp bandit encounter
+750xp conclusion of First Blood expedition.