Pimlan 'Pim' Greenstride    (Halfling Male Fighter/Thief)
Character Information   
Name: Pimlan 'Pim' Greenstride XP/Next lvl: 300/300 / 2,000/1,250
Class: Fighter/Thief HP:curr/max -2 / 9
Alignment: NG AC:reg/rear/no shield 6 / 8 / 8
Race: Halfling Level: 1/1
Age: 25 Height: 3' 4
Weight: 48 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Normal Movement: 12
Languages: Common, dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, orcish, thieves' cant
Ability Scores   
STR: 14 (Wt. Allow +200| Open Doors 1-2| Bend Bars/Lift Grates 7%)
INT: 12 (Additional Languages 3)
WIS: 14 ()
DEX: 16 (Reaction Adjustment +2| Defense Adjustment -2| Open Locks +5%)
CON: 16 (HP Adjustment +2| System Shock 95%| Resurrection Survival 96%)
CHR: 10 (Max. Number of Henchment 4| Loyalty Base Normal| Reaction Adjustment Normal)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 12 14 16 15

Notes: +4 on saving throws versus wands, staves, rods, spells, and poison due to CON.

Description and Background   

Homeland: Longspear Story: Pimlan has always wanted to make a name for himself, to hear his name in stories told around campfires, and songs sung about him in taverns by bards. So he started learning skills like how to handle a sword, how to throw a javelin. How to do things in the sleight of hand. Skills he thought might come in useful trying to get in and out of ruins, and dungeons. Or even just the mean streets of certain cities with your stuff intact. Pimlan or Pim to most that is the nickname most call him by. Has gone out of his way to find his own little adventures but he hasn't earned the right to be in any tales or songs. Like that time he found a golden goose, that turned out to have been a regular goose that merely had golden/yellow paint spilled on it. Or that time he fought an ogre by himself, that turned out to just be a really big human that was drunk and ornery. Or that time he found a treasure chest that just ended up being full of fake wooden coins. Never the less Pim hasn't given up one day he will have his adventure.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Sword, short 1 3 1d6/1d8 n n 20
Javelin 1 2|4|6 3 1d6/1d6 n n 20 2
Qty Item Location
1 Leather Armor Equipped
1 Sword, short & scabbard Belt
2 Javelin Back/Backpack
1 Backpack, leather Back/Carried
2 Belt Equipped/Backpack
1 Boots, low, hard Equipped
1 Boots, high, soft Backpack
2 Cloak Equipped/Backpack
1 Belt pouch, large Belt
2 Skin for water or wine (1 filled with water, 1 filled with wine) Belt/Backpack
1 Thieves' picks & tools Belt Pouch Large
1 Belt pouch, small Belt
1 Rope 50' Backpack
1 Sack, small Backpack
1 Rations, iron 1 week Small Sack
1 Tinder Box with Flint & Steel Backpack
5 Torch Backpack
1 Sack, large (Insert loot here) Backpack
4 Wine, good pint (purchased to fill the wine skin) Wineskin
6 Spike, iron, large Backpack
1 Hammer Backpack
12 Caltrops Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 15 0 6 4
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

STR -1, DEX +1

+4 on saving throws versus wands, staves, rods, spells, and poison due to CON.

able to speak the following languages in
addition to mankind's "common tongue" and the alignment language: dwarven, elven, gnome, goblin, halfling, and orcish.

note if a passage is an up or down grade 75% (d4, 1-3) of the time, and they can determine direction 50% of the time.

Those with mixed blood are assumed to have infravision which functions up to 30' distant, while those of pure Stoutish blood are able to see heat radiation variation at up to 60'
Thief Skills
Pick Pockets 35%
Open Locks 35%
Find/Remove Traps 25%
Move Silently 25%
Hide in Shadows 25%
Hear Noise 15%
Climb Walls 70%
Read Languages -5%
Weapon Proficiencies
Short Sword
Pim's Log
(Pim likes to jot things down some of the time in his travels.)

After deciding to leave Longspear for good, heading towards the famed Borderlands, a place he knew to be filled with exciting adventure, Pimlan begged everyone he met along his travels for information about the area he sought.

The humans all said the same things. “It’s an area filled with monsters from the mountains.” And, “how could anyone in their right mind live in such a dangerous area?” And, “the Caves of Chaos are overrun with goblins.”

However, some kinsmen halflings he met on the road told another story. “There is still plenty of treasure to be found in them old caves. Everyone knows that when one monster gets killed, or run off, another eventually takes over the lair. Only so many good places to live out in the wild, after all. So, them caves never stay empty for very long.”

“If you need a trustworthy companion, try to find a guy at the Keep named Mouse. He’s been in the caves a few times, and still has all his limbs. He was real honest with us about the other folks at the settlement and about the dangers of the surrounding wilderness. Some folks told us he got rich searching the caves, but he didn’t seem snobby to us at all”.