Hexalon Sunstone    (Gnome Male Illusionist )
Character Information   
Name: Hexalon Sunstone XP/Next lvl: 114’248 / 145’001
Class: Illusionist HP:curr/max 27 (+8) / 27 (+8)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 0(5) / 3(8) / 0(5)
Race: Gnome Level: 8th
Age: 145 Height: 3’8”
Weight: 80lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 266gp (+200 for spellbook) plus 237gp coins) /normal max 350gp Movement: 9”
Languages: Common / CN / Dwarf / Gnome / Halfling / Burrowing Mammal / Kobold / Goblin / +1 left to learn (looking for trollish tutor)
Ability Scores   
STR: 06 (-1 / none / -150 / 1in6 / 0%)
INT: 17 (+1 / 75% / 8 min / 14 max )
WIS: 07 (-1 )
DEX: 17 (+2 /-3)
CON: 14 (+0 / 88% / 92% )
CHR: 11 (4 / Normal Normal / Comliness 12 )

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 11 9 13 10

Notes: +2 to all saves from gnome sized cloak of protection : +3 vs spells he can dodge due to Dex : +4 vs rods, staves, wands and spells due to gnomish innate resistance : -1 to wisdom saves vs mind affecting magic : +1 vs all saves magic armour would apply fro

Description and Background   
Hex is a mature gnome with shoulder length blonde hair and a tuft of chin hair. His eye are a clear crystal blue. He wears sky blue robes that are edged with white fur, and a white fur cloak. His high hard leather boots are also white. He has a white leather belt and three white belt pouches. He carries a small wooden staff with a rams skull atop it, and a white backpack.

Born in Gnome Vale, he studied magic from the high illusionist. Rankling at his masters rigid tutoring, feeling his master always had it in for him, the little wizard snuck away in the night with the spellbook his master had had him prepare over the course of his studies. Now he is making his way in the world and desperate to increase both his store of magical knowledge and his ability to access higher magical spells. Mischievous by nature and fond of a practical joke, Hex hungers for a good laugh almost as much as magical power and might.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Quarterstaff 1 0 4 1d6/1d6 n n 20 -1 from strength to hit
Sling 1 50/100/200 1in1 1d4+1/1d6+1 n n 17 20 +2 to hit from Dex inc
Qty Item Location
1 Blue robes lined with white fur (25gp) Body
2 White high hard boots (60gp) Feet
1 Backpack (20gp) Back
1 Waterskin (50gp) Pack
1 Spellbook (200gp) Pack
1 Tinderbox flint and Steel (2gp) Pack
1 Bone Scroll Case (50gp) Pouch
20 Sling bullets (2gp each) Pouch
1 Sling (unlisted) Belt
2 Candles (5gp each) Pack
1 Iron Rations (75gp) Pack
1 Continual Light Coin Attached to staff often
10 Rocks with Magic Mouth on (see notes) Pouch
1 White Leather Belt (3gp) Waist
1 Large Belt Pouch. (10gp) Belt

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 237 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 +2 Cloak of Protection Shoulders
1 Scroll of Protection from Undead Scroll case
1 (3lbs) Wand of Fire (56 charges) ) (2 taken) Wand case at top of pack
1 Potion of Extra-Healing (3/3) Pouch

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
4 100gp Tormalines (2gp each) Warded Pouch
11 50 gp Diamonds (1GP each) Warded ouch
Memorized Spells

Level 0
Detect Illusion
Read Magic

Level 1
Colour Spray
Phantom Armour
Wall of Fog

Level 2
Alter Self
Hypnotic Pattern
Mirror Image

Level 3
Continual Light

Level 4
Improved Invisibility

Spell Book

Level 0
Detect Illusion
Read Magic
TWO’D illusion

Level 1
Chromatic Orb
Colour Spray
Dancing Lights
Detect Illusion
Detect Invisibility
Gaze Reflection
Phantom Armour
Wall of Fog

Level 2
Alter Self
Detect Magic
Hypnotic Pattern
Magic Mouth
Mirror Image
Whispering Wind

Level 3
Continual Light
Illusionary Script

Level 4
Improved Invisibility
Rainbow Pattern

Gnomes have 60’ infravision
Gnomes gain +1 vs Rods, Staves, Wands and Spells for every 3.5 points of constitution. Hex has +4 vs such attacks
Gnomes add +1 to attacks vs Goblins and Kobolds
Gnomes gain -4 to their Armour Class vs Giants, Titans, Ogres, Ogre Magi, Gnolls, Trolls and Bugbears
Gnomes can detect grade in sloping passages 8in10
Gnomes can detect unsafe floors, walls and ceilings 7in10
Gnomes can detect approximate depth below ground 6in10
Gnomes can detect direction underground 50% of the time
Illusionist’s of 7th level and above can scribe scrolls of spells they know
Illusionists can cast Read Magic and Detect Illusion each once per day without using a spell slot.
Illusionist spell retention
Once (or more) per day when casting a spell of their school, the wizard may attempt a Hard ability check against INT (with a -1 penalty per spell level) to retain a spell after it has been cast. (16/15/14 or lower on 4d6 indicates success.)
For every 3 levels of experience, the wizard gains an additional attempt i.e. 2 at 4th level, 3 at 7th level, 4 at 10th level, etc.
This can only be from a maximum spell level following a similar pattern (i.e. 1st level MU/I spell at 1st-3rd level, 1st or 2nd MU/I spell at 4th-6th level, 1st-3rd MU/I spell at 7th-9th level, etc.)
Hex can try three times a day to retain (when cast) a 1st-3rd level illusion/phantasm spell with a hard intelligence check (4d6 -1 per spell level) vs 16/15/14 respectively)
Spells Hex failed to learn
Change Self
Invisibility 10’ Radius
Spell Components
50gp Diamond : 11
Phosphorus filled small glass rods : 30
Coloured sand pinches : 27
Talc and silver pinches. : 25
Crystal Prisms : 25
Small mithril plate : 10
Split dried peas : 25
Phosphor pieces : 30
Small vials filled with smoke : 30
Gauze pieces : 30
Yellowed glass piece : 20
Small pieces of Honeycomb : 30
Hit point rolls
1st : 4 2nd : 2+1 3rd : 2+1 4th: 2+1 5th: 2+1 6th : 3+1 7th : 2+1 8th : 3+1
Phantom Armour Spell
+1 to saves that magic armour would affect
Absorbs 1 hit point per caster level of damage from attacks before being dispelled - Hexalon’s Phantom Armours can absorb 8 hit points of damage before the armour is disrupted.
Behaves as Armour class 3 and armour type 3 whilst active.
Is weightless and does not block spell casting.
Magic Mouth Rocks
Four small rocks with magic mouth spells upon, keyed to shout a warning “INTRUDER ALERT” 12 times over two minutes, if any creature larger than a rat, other than each of the party members, enters the spells warding area of forty feet, but only after they are placed upon the ground by Hex. They each have a green painted underside. In pocket of pack.
One rock with magic mouth cast upon it that shouts “INTRUDER ALERT!” 12 times if a window next to the rock opens by anyone other than Hex, once he has placed the rock upon a sill. The underside is painted red. In pocket of pack.
One rock with magic mouth cast upon it that shouts INTRUDER ALERT” 12 times if a door opens next to the rock unless Hex opens it, only after he has placed the rock beside a door. The underside is painted blue. In pocket of pack.
Four rocks enchanted with magic mouth spells that shout “Flee, run for your lives!” in goblin, when thrown by Hex, to commence shouting once they hit the ground. No paint is on these rocks, kept in his belt pouch.
Warded his backpack and belt pouches also with magic mouth spells that shout “THIEVES, Get your hand out of my bag!” twice in succession, if anyone but Hex opens them.
Illusionary Script tattoo
Inscribed a tattoo of illusionary script glyphs with the phrase “Gnomes RULE, Hex most of all” in gnomish script upon his palm, that affects any none gnome that looks upon it. He always keeps this hand covered with a slim white fingerless glove.
Illusionists can use magic-user spell books & scrolls with spells of the same level and name as those upon the illusionists list.
Non weapon proficiencies
Swimming (Str roll 07)
Appraising (Int roll 17)
Tumbling (Dex roll 17)
Spellcraft (Int -2 roll 15)
Wand of Fire (70 charges)
Wand of Fire: This wand can be employed in 4 separate functions which duplicate the following magic-user spells:

1 .
Burning hands:
The wand emits a plane of fire, a fan-shaped sheet 10' wide at its terminus and 12' long.
Each creature touched takes 6 hit points of damage. The plane appears in 1 segment, shoots forth its dark red flames, and snuffs out in less than 1 second. It expends 1 charge
This function exactly duplicates the spell of the same name. It requires 2 segments to activate. It expends 1 charge.
3. Fireball:
The wand coughs forth a pea-sized sphere which streaks out to the desired range (or to a maximum range of 16") and bursts in a fiery violet-red blast, exactly as a fireball cast by a spell of that name would. The function takes 2 segments. It expends 2 charges.
The fireball does 6 hit dice of damage, but all 1's rolled are counted as 2’s
i.e. the burst does 12-36 hit points. A saving throw versus wand is applicable.
4. Wall of fire:
The wand can be used to draw a fiery curtain of purplish-red flames which exactly duplicates the wall of fire spell cast by a magic user
,i.e. a sheet of flame 12 square " (1" x 12", 2" X 6", 3" X 4", etc.) which lasts for 6 rounds, causes 8-18 hit points damage (2d6 +6) if touched (2-8hit points if within 1" of the fire, 1-4 if within 2” and can also be made as a ring-shape around the wand user (but the circle is only 2 1/4” in diameter).
This function requires 3 segments to cast and costs 2 charges.
Riding Pony
A/C : 7
HD: 1+1
Move: 12”
No Attacks : 1 for 1-2 damage