Boffin (Boff) Stonegirdle    (Mountain Dwarf Male Thief )
Character Information   
Name: Boffin (Boff) Stonegirdle XP/Next lvl: 110,001 /
Class: Thief HP:curr/max 61 / 61
Alignment: N AC:reg/rear/no shield 5 / 8 / 5
Race: Mountain Dwarf Level: 9
Age: 125 Height: 4'-6
Weight: 200 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 75lbs Movement: 9”
Languages: dwarven, gnome, goblin, kobold, and orcish
Ability Scores   
STR: 17 (+1/+1)
INT: 13 ()
WIS: 7 ()
DEX: 17 (-3AC / +2 on missile fire )
CON: 16 (+2 hit point/lvl)
CHR: 12 (COM:9 )

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
11 10 6 14 7

Notes: +4 on Poison

Description and Background   
Grumpy, Easily agitated, but loyal to a fault.

Boff doesn’t talk a lot about his past, or much of anything else really. He doesn’t hide the fact that he is a follower of Dumathoin, as is his niece Franny, a priestess of the Protector of All Mountain Dwarves, a far wiser and more pious member of the Stonegirdle clan. The pair often speak fondly of times back with their clan in the Barrier Peaks, but don’t really mention such things to any non-dwarven friends around them. They sometimes talk of strange monsters and odd metallic technological mysteries they have encountered in their homeland, but most of it seems too unlikely to be anything other than dwarven rumor.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Longsword 1 1d8/1d12 n n 16 +1 to hit/dam
Short Bow 2 5/10/18 1d6/1d6 n n 16 48 +3 to hit
2 Daggers 2 1/2/3 1d4/1d3 n n 16 2 (see above)
Sap 1 1d2/1d2 n n
Qty Item Location
1 Leather Coat and Pants Worn
1 Large Backpack (BP) Worn
1 Bedroll BP
1 Large Belt Pouch (bp) Belt
1 Thieves toolkit bp
1 Writing/Mapping Kit BP
1 Weeks Iron Rations BP
1 Large Water Skin BP
1 Fire and Cooking Kit BP
1 Seasoning Kit (salt/pepper/etc.) BP
1 Small Mirror BP
1 100’ Spool of Thin Wire BP
1 Iron Prybar BP
6 Large Sacks BP
6 Torches BP
10 Candles BP
1 Hooded Cloak/Extra Clothing Worn/BP
2 Pair Hard Boots Worn/BP
1 10 foot pole Hand
2 flasks of Holy water bp
1 Letter to Silver Spring in a bone scroll case BP

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 65 0 20 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Continual Light Lantern BP
1 Wild Boar Figurine bp
1 +2 Longsword Back
9 Dust of Disappearance (9 pinches) bp
1 Potion of Flying bp
1 Potion of Healing bp

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
4 Citrines (50gp each) BP
2 Peridot (500gp each) BP
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

60’ Infravision
When being attacked by ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and/or titans, dwarves subtract 4 from their opponents' "to hit" dice rolls because of the dwarves' small size and combat ability against these much bigger creatures.
dwarves add 1 to their dice rolls to hit opponents who are half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, or orcs.
75% Detect grade or slope in passage, upwards or downwards
75% Detect new construction or passage/tunnel
66% Detect sliding or shifting walls or rooms
50% Detect traps involving pits, falling blocksand other stonework
50% Determine approximote depth underground
Thief Skills
Secondary Skill

Rope Use

Wild Boar Figurine
This can transform into a 4’ tall Wild Boar (HP 24) with the command word to activate or deactivate is “Beornheard”. The boar can follow simple commands, fight (as a Wild Boar) or act as a stead (12” max move) for a dwarf, gnome or halfling. It can be used once a day (for up to 2 hours), if it falls to -7 HP or worse it cannot be summoned for a week and the extra abilities are lost for that time

When the boar in the form of the figure the holder if a dwarf or gnome has the following additional abilities
Locate Object 3 time a week (as 8th level Cleric)
The holder can ignore all sorts of gases that affect creatures through respiration. The holder can also breathe underwater or even exist in airless space for up to 24 hours.