Siouxsie.    (Half-Elven Female Druid)
Character Information   
Name: Siouxsie. XP/Next lvl: 114,249 / 125,001
Class: Druid HP:curr/max 48 / 48
Alignment: True Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 2 / 5 / 3
Race: Half-Elven Level: 9th
Age: 25+ Height: 5'6
Weight: 134lbs Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement: 120'ft
Languages: Common, Druid-cant, Elven, Halflingish, Gnomish, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orcish, Gnollic, Centaur, Dryad, Green Dragon, Hill Giant, Lizardman, Manticore, Pixie, Treant.
Ability Scores   
STR: 12 (+100 gp weight allowance, 1-2 doors d6, 4% bend bars.)
INT: 9 (+1 bonus languages.)
WIS: 16 (+2 x 1st level, +2 x 2nd level bonus daily spells. 0% spell failure.)
DEX: 16 (+1 to hit range attacks, -2 AC bonus.)
CON: 11 (75% System Shock survival, 80% Resurrection survival.)
CHR: 15 (7 henchmen max, +15% Loyalty, +15% Reactions. (+16% bonus Reactions due to 16 Comeliness).)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
7 10 11 13 12

Notes: +2 Wisdom bonus vs Mind effect spells. +2 class bonus vs fire or electrical based saves.

Description and Background   
Dark hair, svelte babe, considered as a rare rose of rugged beauty but comes with thorns attached. Half-Elven ancestry is betrayed by pointed ears and graceful manner. Of average height and build. Often found in the company of animals rather than people. A polyglot of multiple languages.

Unknown. An Initiate of the 7th druidic circle.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Oak Staff-sling 1 Melee 1d6/1d6 n n 16
Staff-sling Bullets (smooth) 1 -/30-60/90 2d4/3d3 n n 16 +1 to hit
Staff-sling stones (half brick, uncut) 1 -/30-60/90 1d8/2d4 n n 16 +1 to hit
Sword: Khopesh crescent blade. 1 Melee 2d4/1d6 n n 16
Javelins 1 20/40/60 1d6/1d6 n n 16 +1 to hit
Qty Item Location
1 Explorers outfit: leather boots, hide clothes, fur lined cloak, fox pelt scarf. Worn
1 Waist belt and two large pouches Waist
1 Mistletoe and druid spell components in pouch A Waist
1 Wineskin Backpack
1 Lantern and 8 oil flasks Backpack
1 Tinderbox & mess tins, cutlery, candles, 4 Torches, 50'ft hemp rope. Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 230 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Animal Friendship
Faerie fire
Invisibility to Animals
Pass without Trace
Speak with Animals

Level 2
Charm person or mammal
Cure Light Wounds
Heat Metal
Reflecting Pool

Level 3
Cure Disease
Protection from Fire
Water Breathing

Level 4
Cure Serious Wounds
Hallucinatory Forest

Level 5
Control Winds

Spell Book

Level 1
Animal Friendship
Detect Balance
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Detect Snares & Pits
Faerie fire
Invisibility to Animals
Locate Animals
Pass without Trace
Predict Weather
Purify Water
Speak with Animals

Level 2
Charm person or mammal
Create Water
Cure Light Wounds
Feign Death
Fire Trap
Flame Blade
Heat Metal
Locate Plants
Produce Flame
Reflecting Pool
Slow Poison
Warp Wood

Level 3
Call Lightening
Cure Disease
Hold Animal
Know Alignment
Neutralise Poison
Plant Growth
Protection from Fire
Spike Growth
Stone Shape
Summon Insects
Water Breathing

Level 4
Cure Serious Wounds
Hallucinatory Forest

Level 5
Control Winds

Half-Elf Races Abilities:
30% Resistance to Sleep & Charm based spells or magic effects.

Infravision of 60'ft depth.

Casual inspection for Concealed Doors = 1 vs 1d6 (16.66%)

Detailed Search: Concealed Doors = 3/d6 (50%)
Secret Doors = 2/d6 (33.33%).

Druid Class Abilities:
Gains +10% on earned experience through prime requisite bonus.

As a 9th level druid, Siouxsie may cast :

7 x 1st level (includes wisdom bonus)
6 x 2nd level (includes wisdom bonus)
3 x 3rd level
2 x 4th level
1 x 5th level

Cure Light Wounds: minimum healing is 5hp per spell due to level bonus. (Roll 1d4+4 not 1d8).

Cure Serious Wounds: follows above with a bonus of 1d8+1. [So 2d4+8 + (1d8+1)] = 13-25hp healing ... (2d7+11).

May speak when in Animal Form but garb and gear is not assimilated and taken with you unless carried in a claw.

Gains following druid class Abilities:

Identification of plant type.
Identification of Animal type.
Identification of Pure water.

Ability to pass through overgrown, forested areas without leaving a discernible trail. (As 'pass without trace').

Immunity from charms vs woodland beings (harpy's, Nixie's, dryads, etc).

Ability to assume animal form. A reptile, bird or mammal. A creature if each type may only be assumed once per day. Size may be assumed from as small as a bird to as large as a bear or crocodile. (basically as a normal creature of that type).

Assuming a new form may restore 10-60% of prior taken damage.

Skills and other proficiencies:
Three weapons of proficiency. -4 to hit from non-proficiency penalty. Gain additional proficiency 1/5 levels.

Spears (including javelins)
Staves (including staff-sling)
Scimitars (including Khopesh designed short swords).