Abe (Absalom)    (Human M Stalker)
Character Information   
Name: Abe (Absalom) XP/Next lvl: /
Class: Stalker HP:curr/max 9 / 9
Alignment: CN AC:reg/rear/no shield 16 / /
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 30's Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 Gender: M
Encumbrance: Movement: 30
Languages: Common, Draconic
Ability Scores   
STR: -1 (8)
INT: +0 (11)
WIS: +2 (14)
DEX: +3 (17 (15 base + human bonus))
CON: +1 (12)
CHR: -2 (6)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:

Notes: Fortitude +1 (0 base, +1 Con); Reflex +3 (0 base, +3 Dex) Will +4 (2 base, +2 Wis)

Description and Background   


Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Shortsword / n n 1d6, 19-20/x2
Dagger (2 count) 10 / n n 1d4, 19-20/x2
Qty Item Location
0 Wooden Armor (AC +3, Max Dex +3, Penalty -1)
0 Backpack
0 Bedroll
0 Silk Rope (50ft)
0 Mirror, steel
0 String
0 Whetstone
0 Lamp
3 pnts Oil
2 Wine, common
6 Rations, trail
0 Flint & Steel
0 Thieves' Tools
0 Dice

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 28 0 9 7
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 0
SCARLET EINHANDER [Stance] +2 shield bonus to AC and +1d6 damage on attacks when fighting with one weapon.
SPIRIT SENSING STANCE [Stance] The disciple in this stance gains the scent special ability and can use it to sense incorporeal creatures that are hiding on the Ethereal plane nearby.

Level 1
DIMENTIONAL STRIKE [Strike]: For a brief moment, the disciple becomes difficult to perceive; resolving the attack against the target as if they were flat-footed.
DISTURBING BLOW [Strike] Make an attack against a target; successful strike inflicts a -4 penalty to the target’s next d20 roll.
MINUTE HAND [Boost] You make an attack as a swift action with a –2 penalty
SCYTHING STRIKE [Strike]: Make a melee attack on two adjacent enemies as a single attack.

Spell Book

Level 0
SCARLET EINHANDER [Stance] +2 shield bonus to AC and +1d6 damage on attacks when fighting with one weapon.
SPIRIT SENSING STANCE [Stance] The disciple in this stance gains the scent special ability and can use it to sense incorporeal creatures that are hiding on the Ethereal plane nearby.

Level 1
DIMENTIONAL STRIKE [Strike]: For a brief moment, the disciple becomes difficult to perceive; resolving the attack against the target as if they were flat-footed.
DISTURBING BLOW [Strike] Make an attack against a target; successful strike inflicts a -4 penalty to the target’s next d20 roll.
MINUTE HAND [Boost] You make an attack as a swift action with a –2 penalty
PRINCE'S ATTITUDE [Boost] +4 AC against attacks of opportunity while moving, +2 bonus to Reflex and Will saves until next turn.
RED ZEPHYR'S STRIKE [Strike] Make a melee attack, then make an immediate 10-ft. movement.
SCYTHING STRIKE [Strike]: Make a melee attack on two adjacent enemies as a single attack.

Ki Pool [Class Feature]
(2) points [Wis mod]

Spend for +4 insight bonus on Perception or Sense Motive

Refreshes w/ 8 hours rest/meditation
Deadly Strike [Class Feature]
On crit, target takes extra 1d6 from stalkers attacks for 2 [Wis mod] rounds

Extra damage not multiplied by crits

Additional Crits during duration extends effect by 1 round
Lord of War [Stalker Art]
Access to Scarlet Throne Discipline

+2 competence bonus to Sense Motive
Weapon Finesse -> Deadly Agility [Feats]
Use Dex in place of strength on attack and damage with light weapons, elven curve blades, rapier, whips, & spiked chains.
Skill List
Acrobatics +7 (1+dex+class)
Climb +3 (1+str+class)
Disable Device +7 (1+dex+class)
Escape Artist +7 (1+dex+class)
Perception +6 (1+wis+class)
Sense Motive +8 (1+wis+class+Lord of War)
Stealth +7 (1+dex+class)
Knowledge Religion +4 (1+int+class)