Traesta Malviere    (Human Female Cleric)
Character Information   
Name: Traesta Malviere XP/Next lvl: 4869 / 6001
Class: Cleric HP:curr/max 14 / 16
Alignment: Lawful Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 5 / 7 / 6
Race: Human Level: 2 (ready for 3)
Age: 17 Height: 5'5
Weight: 115 Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement: 6
Languages: Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 11 (Weight Allow: 40, Max Press: 115, Open Doors: 6, Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 2)
INT: 15 (Languages: 4)
WIS: 17 (Mag. Defense +3, Bonus Spells: 2-1st, 2-2nd, 1-3rd)
DEX: 15 (Defensive Adj.: -1)
CON: 15 (Hit Point Adj. +1, System Shock: 90, Resurrection Survival: 94)
CHR: 16 (Max. Henchmen: 8, Loyalty Base: +4, Reaction Adj. +5)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
10 13 14 16 15


Description and Background   
Slight of stature and build, the young woman before you has a delicate grace about her. She seems rather reserved, but with an easy smile when amused.

Traesta's Mother (Orchidea) & Father (Alano) both worked in a tavern (The Giant Duck Tavern) in Stomanell. Alano was a cook and Orchidea was a serving girl. The two fell in love and eloped to Millhaven because Orchidea was pregnant. They didn’t want to disgrace their familes, and relations in Stomanell would have been difficult. Traesta had always been told her birth was difficult, and mother died shortly after, but the truth is she has no memory of her mother. In Millhaven, Alano could not get a job as a cook and was forced to work in a community field, and was unable to care for Traesta, so he brought her to the convent of Paldon in Millhaven. Alano stayed close to Traesta for the first ten years of her life. Alano would come to the convent once or twice a week and help in the kitchen. This is how Traesta gained an interest for cooking. After Traesta had her tenth birthday, the convent mother would no longer permit Alano to cook for the convent or see Traesta in an capacity when she decided to dedicate her life to the good works of the Paldon faith. After about 18 months of trying Alano finally admits to himself that everything he loved, Orchidea and Traesta are both forever gone to him, he attempts to travel back to Stomanell to start a new life as Liberatore, the liberated soul. There she was raised and decided to dedicate her life to the good works of the Paldon faith.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Footman's Mace 1 7 2-7/1-6 n n
Sling 1 2-5/2-7 n n 30
Qty Item Location
1 Studded Leather armor worn
1 Leather boots, gloves, pants, hooded cloak worn
1 Medium Shield (painted) Back
1 Footman's Mace Belt
1 Backpack worn
1 Hooded Lantern Belt
1 Waterskin Backpack
1 Flint & Steel Backpack
3 Candles Backpack
1 Iron Holy Symbol worn
1 Winter Blanket Backpack
1 Soap Backpack
1 Sewing Needle Backpack
1 Sling Left Hip
1 Belt pouch, large (Healers Bag) Backpack
5 Days of Rations backpack
1 bedroll Backpack
1 Belt pouch, small worn
1 Writing ink (per vial) Backpack
12 Sling Bullets pouch
2 Holy Water Backpack
2 Silver Royal Galleons (PARTY TREASURE)
6 Kairosh Copper Standard (CP) (Party Treasure)
2 Kairosh Royal Drake (GP) (PARTY TREASURE)
1 Vail of Perfume

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 4 0 4 10
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds (Healing)
Cure Light Wounds (Healing)
Cure Light Wounds (Healing)
Cure Light Wounds (Healing)

Spell Book

Level 1
Bless (All)
Combine (All)
Command (Charm)
Cure Light Wounds (Healing)
Detect Evil (All)
Detect Magic (Divination)
Detect Poison (Divination)
Detect Snares and Pits (Divination)
Endure Cold/Endure Heat (Protection)
Faerie Fire (Weather)
Invisibility To Undead (Necromantic)
Light (Sun)
Locate Animals or Plants (Divination)
Pass Without a Trace (Plant)
Protection from Evil (Protection)
Purify Food and Drink (All)
Remove Fear (Charm)
Sanctuary (Protection)
Shillelegh (Combat)

Weapons Proficiencies:
Footman's Mace, Sling
Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Cooking, Etiquette, Healing, Herbalism, Read/Write, Religion
God: Paldon
Goal/Purpose of Faith: This god is a god of the sun, healing, inspiration, and life. He is an enemy of dark creatures, especially the undead.
The priesthood of this god exists to promote all those traits among the flock, and to celebrate the daily blessing that the sun-god shines down upon the world.

Symbols: Sun with rays, or a dot with lines coming from the center, a star with a number of points that are a factor of 32.

Animal Symbols: Roc/Eagle
Spheres of Influence:
Major Access to All, Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Sun.

Minor Access to Charm, Elemental (the priest can only use spells with the words fire, flame, heat, and pyrotechnics in the names), Plant, Protection..
This game uses material components
Bless - Holy Water
Detect Evil - Holy Symbol
Detect Magic - Holy Symbol
Detect Poison - Strip of specially blessed vellum
Detect Snare & Pits - Holy Symbol
Faerie Fire - Small piece of foxfire
Invisibility to Undead - Holy Symbol
Locate Animals or Plants - Holy Symbol
Pass w/o Trace - Sprig of pine or evergreen
Protection from Evil - Holy water or burning incense
Sanctuary - Holy symbol and a small silver mirror
Shillelagh - Shamrock leaf and Holy symbol.

Heard ChapGPT does it "better"

Bless - Great Paldon, we call on you! May your holy light shine on your humble servants now! Light our way through the darkness of our enemies as we do your will this day.

CLW - "Beleg Paldon, mín nall- bo cin! Lothron cín aer galad mend i wounds i mín gar- taken. Cín uireb galad will mír- bo ammen hi aur"
[spoiler]Great Paldon, we call on you! May your holy light mend the wounds that we have taken. Your eternal light will shine on us this day[/spoiler]

Turning Undead - "Beleg Paldon, mín nall- bo cin! Sui i aen -o i anor a cuil - cast awaui hin dúr creatures." [spoiler]Great Paldon, we call on you! As the god of the sun and life - cast away these dark creatures.[/spoiler]

General Prayer NO SPELL - "Oh beleg Paldon - beri- cín servants in hi near -o fuin!"[spoiler]Oh Great Paldon - Protect your servants in this place of darkness![/spoiler]
100 - Meeting the other players
25 - Combat1
Moved to 1500 EXP on 4/3/22
21 - Zomby kill:
95 - Fish-Thing battle
250 - "Rescuing" the 'kidnap victim
455 - Turning 7 skeletons
260 - Turning 4 zombies
1050 - Turning 6 ghouls
15 - Jan1 2023
524 - Goals and 1 Skeleton
175 - scaring off fish, and bleeding all over the floor
459 - overpowered ghouls
65 - Skeletons (4,869 total)
Magic Mask
Exactly Where is the Source of Evil in these catacombs'?"

After a moment the mask responds in a clear voice that sounds like the bronze itself.

"Within this labyrinth of darkness untold,
No origin can I find for the evil's hold.
The catacombs echo with eerie fear,
Yet the Peace Fields' soil corrupts all that's near.

The shadows dance, concealing their true face,
As whispers of malevolence fill this space.
But in this realm devoid of lasting peace,
The tainted earth spreads its poisonous lease.

Oh, take heed and listen, dear wanderer mine,
For in these verses, a warning shall intertwine.
Beware the depths where wickedness is sown,
As the Peace Fields' touch upon them does bemoan.

I've answered one, now go away. I will not speak again today."

How to get rid of the curse

The mask remains motionless for a moment. Longer than you expect, as if it was searching for some lost forgotten memory. Finally the bronze plates it is composed of reanimate. "The dead here are cursed to lie in ground that thirsts for holy blessings like a parched desert. Water the Peace Fields with Paldons blessings not less than ten times. This will dispel the blasphemy of Lord Ghoulha Dhor for ever more, and the dead will have their repose in the Peace Fields once more."