Harker    (Human M Paladin)
Character Information   
Name: Harker XP/Next lvl: 2250 / 4500
Class: Paladin HP:curr/max 14 / 14
Alignment: Lawful Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 4 / 5 / 5
Race: Human Level: 2
Age: 21 Height: 5'10
Weight: 178 Gender: M
Encumbrance: 94.30 Lbs Movement: 8
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Paldon Preistly Dialect (Deprecated High Elven)
Ability Scores   
STR: 16 (Weight Allowance: 70 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 10% Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +1 Max. Press: 195 lbs Open Doors: 9)
INT: 10 (Bonus Proficiencies: 2 Illusion Immunity: None)
WIS: 16 (Magic Defense Adjustment: +2 Spell Immunity: None)
DEX: 13 (Missile Adjustment: +0 Reaction Adjustment: +0 Armor Class: +0)
CON: 14 (System Shock: 88% Poison Save: +0 Hit Point Adjustment: +0 Resurrection Chance: 92%)
CHR: 17 (Loyalty Base: +6 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 10 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +6)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
12 13 14 15 15


Description and Background   
Description: Average height but muscular build. Square jawed with close cropped hair. Clean shaven. Wears a tabard depicting a red griffin upon a black background, an ancestral crest over his mail armor. Strapped to his back he carries a large sword and a spiked flail dangles from his hip.

Wannabe templar, recently graduated from knight school.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Flail, Horseman's 1 - 6 1d4+2/1d4+2 n n 19 Type: B, Size: M
Sword, Bastard (Silvered Edge) One Handed 3/2 rds - 6 1d8+3/1d12+3 n n 18 Type: S, Size: M
Long bow (un-equipped) / n n
Qty Item Location
1 Flail, Horseman's hung on the Belt
1 Backpack Worn
1 Bedroll In Backpack
1 Dry rations (1 week) In Backpack
1 Flint and steel In Backpack
1 Hooded Lantern In Backpack
5 Flasks of Lamp Oil In Backpack
1 Pants In Backpack
1 Wineskin (full) In Backpack
1 Sword Scabbard/Baldric/Bandoleer Worn
1 Bastard Sword (silvered edge) In scabbard
1 Belt Worn
1 Large Belt pouch On Belt
2 Belt Pouch Small On Belt
1 Set of Prayer Beads in small belt pouch
1 Scented incense Candle in small belt pouch
1 Groooming kit in small belt pouch
1 Riding Boots Worn
1 Full Armor, Chainmail Worn
1 Gipser (20 Royal galleons) Worn
1 Hooded cloak In Backpack
1 Pants/Trousers Worn
1 Shirt Worn
1 red Griffon Tabard Worn
1 Shield, Small hung from a strap on the backpack
1 Garnache (red cape) Worn
1 small fish-man shield on left arm
1 short fish-man spear tied in straps

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 0 0 17 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Ancient History (Military History) 9
Fire-Building 15
Religion (Sentinels of Paldon) 16
Riding, Land (Horse) 19
Stonemasonry 14
Native Languages
Common, Dwarf, Elf - high dialect
Weapon Proficiencies
Flail, horseman's
Lance, medium
Long bow
Sword, bastard (Specialist)
Kit: Myrmidon (CRE)
Description: The Myrmidon is the ultimate soldier. Soldiering is his life. He may be a high-ranking officer or a career sergeant; he may belong to one nation's armed forces or may be a mercenary. To the campaign and the adventuring party, he brings discipline and a useful understanding of military tactics; he's often rigid and contemptuous of rugged individualists or characters who don't like to take orders, so he can cause a lot of friction in an adventuring party, too.

When first created, the Myrmidon's player must decide whether his character is part of a standing army or a mercenary unit. If he's part of a standing army, he's employed as a soldier or officer in the army of a nation, large region, city guard, or even palace/castle guard. If he's part of a mercenary unit, he belongs to a group of freelance soldiers who hire themselves to just about anyone who can pay; or may be a personal bodyguard. The DM will have the deciding vote in what sort of force the Myrmidon belongs to; if, for instance, the DM doesn't want to have an all-military campaign, he'll probably insist that the Myrmidon be a mercenary, currently employed by a player-character or NPC important to the current story.

However, in the course of the campaign, the Myrmidon's employment can change, once or several times. He may start out as a mercenary bodyguard; later in the campaign, he may find himself commanding a small mercenary force in a border war; later still, he may accept a commission in the king's army and find himself a regular officer.

The choice of whether the character is of a non-commissioned rank (such as recruit, private, or sergeant) or an officer's rank (such as captain) is entirely up to the DM, who'll make his choice based on what works best in his campaign's current storyline.

To be a Myrmidon, the character must have scores of at least 12 in Strength and Constitution.

Role: In the campaign's culture, the Myrmidon is a career soldier. In times of war, they're heroes to the nation. In times of peace, the common folk often look on them as parasites, living off taxes but providing no useful service. Mercenaries are often looked on as bandits and predators. Regardless of the public's opinion, though, the Myrmidon and the standing army are necessary to the defense of the nation, and so there are always Myrmidons to be found.

Secondary Skills: If you're using the Secondary Skills rules, the Myrmidon may choose his Secondary Skill, but must choose it from the following list: Armorer, Bowyer/Fletcher, Forester, Groom, Hunter, Leather worker, Navigator, Sailor, Scribe, Teamster/Freighter, Weaponsmith.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Myrmidon may spend his Weapon Proficiency slots any way he chooses.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus Proficiencies: Ancient History (specifically Military History), Fire-Building. Recommended: (General) Animal Handling, Cooking, Heraldry, Riding (Land-based), Seamanship, Swimming, Weather Sense, (Priest, double slots unless Paladin) Reading/Writing, (Rogue, double slots) Disguise, (Warrior) Armorer, Blind-Fighting, Bowyer/Fletcher, Charioteering, Endurance, Navigation, Set Snares, Survival, Tracking, Weaponsmithing, (Wizard, double slots unless Ranger) Reading/Writing.

Equipment: The Myrmidon may spend his starting gold on whatever sort of arms, armor, and equipment he chooses. If, when he's first created, it is agreed that he'll be part of a specific military force with specific equipment requirements, he's required to buy that equipment, but the DM must give him extra gold in the amount of half that cost.

Special Benefits: The Myrmidon has two advantages of note:

First, he gets a free Weapon Specialization. He must choose it from the following group: Battle axe, Bow (composite long bow, composite short bow, or long bow), Crossbow (heavy crossbow or light crossbow), Lance (choice), Polearm (choice), Spear, Sword (choice).

Second, the Myrmidon is usually in the employ of some powerful patron. The DM will have to decide what immediate benefits this grants him; they vary with the type of employer he is working for.

For instance, if he's working for a wealthy nobleman, he won't have to spend any money for room and board and will enjoy an upper-class existence.

Or, if he's part of a standing army, he may be immune to prosecution by the civilian authorities (though he can certainly face court martial for misdeeds).

Special Hindrances: The Myrmidon is instantly recognizable by his military demeanor, erect posture, disciplined mannerisms, etc. (There are plenty of soldiers and mercenaries who aren't Myrmidons who aren't so distinctive.) Because he is distinctive, the Myrmidon is easily remembered and described by witnesses to his adventures; this makes it easier for the enemy to identify him and follow his trail if he's trying to escape or travel through dangerous territory.

A second hindrance is his employer. Naturally, his employer makes many demands on the Myrmidon. If the Myrmidon is a bodyguard, he must accompany his employer just about everywhere, regardless of any personal goals
Circle of power - If in possession of a holy sword, it will project a 10 foot diameter sphere which repels hostile magic.

Curative - Grants power to cure any natural disease once per week for every five experience levels. For example, a 10th level paladin can use his 'cure disease' ability two times a week (this ability is ineffective against lycanthropy.)

Detection - By concentrating, may detect evil creatures up to 60 feet away.

Faithful mount - May summon special steed at 4th level.

Healing - May heal two hit points per paladin's level to anyone once per day with a touch.

Health - Immune to all natural disease.

Aura of Protection - Radiate an aura 10 feet in diameter evil/summoned creatures suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls regardless whom they attack.

Saving throw bonus - +2 bonus to all saves.

Turn undead - Turn undead at two levels lower in ability.

Major Spheres of Magic - Combat, Divination, Healing, Protection
Weight carried: 107.8 lbs
Land movement rate 6