Gustov    (Half-Elf Male Fighter / Thief)
Character Information   
Name: Gustov XP/Next lvl: 0 / 0
Class: Fighter / Thief HP:curr/max 25 / 25
Alignment: Chaotic Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 3 / 7 / 3
Race: Half-Elf Level: 4
Age: 33 Height: 5' 10'
Weight: 129 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement:
Ability Scores   
STR: 18 ((58) | to hit: +2 dmg: +3 | +125 lbs | doors 1-4 | BBLG 25)
INT: 7 (no additional languages)
WIS: 6 (-1 mental save adjustment)
DEX: 19 (Surprise: +3 | Missile: +3 | AC: -4)
CON: 10 (raise dead: 75 | system shock: 70)
CHR: 9 (henchmen: 4 )

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
12 11 12 12 13


Description and Background   
Tanned skin, dark brown hair, blue eyes. XP: 11437 |11586 - - - NEXT: 16000| 20000 Level: 4 / 5 Movement: 120' Languages: Common, thieves' cant, elven, gnoll, gnome, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orcish. 2/3 to 4/4 - need to roll 2d10/2 and 1d6/2

In his 33 years he has become an accomplished spendthrift, which is only encouraged by the usual ease with which he can manage to find his next meal or bed. While he grew up primarily in his father's elven clan, his half-human nature spurred his curiosity with the lands outside, particularly with humans. While he trained with his clan with swords and bows, his true martial pursuit was with his knives and fists, and he prefers to carry a sling since it is inconspicuous even though he is still working on 'figuring it out.' As his parents middle child, his adventurous spirit was tethered neither by obligation to continue the families station, nor by being overprotected. In recent years he left the home of his clan and took to some of the smaller cities close to woods where he worked on blending in among the human communities he loved to watch. He isn't certain what drew attention to him and a personal invitation from the king, especially since he was trying to not be noticed. He is pretty sure, however, that it was some 'competition' that wanted him out of the area.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
dagger, melee (+5 to hit) 3/2 1d4+6/1d3+6 n n 17
dagger, offhand (+4 to hit) 1 1d4+6/1d3+6 n n 17
dagger, thrown (+3 to hit) 2 10 | 20 | 30 1d4+3/1d3+3 n n 17
sling, bullet (+3 to hit, nonproficient) 1 35 | 70 | 105 1d4+1/1d6+1 n n 17
Qty Item Location
1 studded leather armor - lightened worn
1 thieve's tools - 1 lb.
5 dagger - 1 lb.
1 backpack - 10 lbs. worn
1 sling - 1/2 lb. in belt
12 sling bullets - 4 lbs.
1 belt worn
1 belt pouch, large - 2 lbs. worn
1 belt pouch, small - 1 lb. worn
1 boots, soft - 3 lbs. worn
4 candle small pouch
4 chalk small pouch
1 pair of bone dice small pouch
1 cloak - 2 lbs. worn
1 fish hook small pouch
1 flint & steel large pouch
1 - - needle & thread small pouch
1 large sack - 1 lb backpack
1 small sack - 1/2 lb. backpack
1 whistle large pouch
1 woolen tunic - 1 lb worn
1 waterskin - 1 lb. backpack
1 whetstone - 1/2 lb. large pouch
1 flask backpack
1 leather scrollcase - 1/2 lb. backpack
2 sheet of vellum scrollcase
2 quill small pouch
2 charcoal small pouch
1 caltrops - 2 lbs. backpack
2 days rations - 2 lb.s backpack
1 soap - 1 lb. backpack
1 linen twine, 100 ft. - 1/2 lb. backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 608 0 1 2
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 dagger, +1 (not magic)
5 ornamental gems (50 gp each)
4 semi-precious gemstones (250 gp each)

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Thief Abilities
88 - Climb Walls
56 - Find Traps
22 - Hear Noise
60 - Hide in Shadows
55 - Move Silently
66 - Open Locks
76 - Pick Pockets
20 - Read Languages
Weapon Proficiencies
Dagger (double specialized, +3, +3)
Hurled Weapons
(----------fighter choice----------)
(----------thief choice------------)

Non-proficiency penalty: -2
Racial Abilities
When searching, a half-elf character can detect
secret doors on a 2 in 6 and concealed doors on a 3 in 6. When
passing within 10ft of a concealed door, a half-elf will notice
it on a 1 in 6.

Infravision: 60 feet

30 resistant to sleep and charm spells
Current: 55 lbs. (w/ armor & clothing)

up to 160 lbs. - 120 ft/rd - +1 surprise
161 - 195 - 90 ft/rd
196 - 230 - 60 ft/rd
231 - 275 - 30 ft/rd