Uther The Vile    (Human Male Invoker)
Character Information   
Name: Uther The Vile XP/Next lvl: 5,270 / 10,000
Class: Invoker HP:curr/max 18 / 18
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 10 / 10 / 10
Race: Human Level: 3
Age: 23 Height: 5'9
Weight: 170 lbs. Gender: Male
Encumbrance: no Movement: 12
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish, Gnoll, Gnomish, Naga
Ability Scores   
STR: 12 (Hit Prob +0, Dmg Adj +0 Wgt Allow 45 Max Press 140 Op Doors 7 BB/LG 4%)
INT: 18 (Bonus Prof 7 Spell Lvl 9th Lrn Sp 85% Spells/Level 18 Spell Immun -)
WIS: 12 (Mag Def Adjus +0 Bonus Spells 0 Spell Fail 5% Spell Immun -)
DEX: 13 (Rctn Adj +0 Missile Att Adj +0 Def Adj -0)
CON: 16 (HP Adj +2 Sys Shk 95% Res Sur 96% Pois Save +0 Regen Nil )
CHR: 7 ( Max No Hench 3 Loy Base -2 Rctn Adj -1)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
14 13 11 15 12

Notes: Has a +1 bonus to saving throws made against an evocation spell cast by another wizard.

Description and Background   
Coming soon!

Uther was captured in a raid as a child and enslaved by an aggressive band of gnolls. He managed to escape the mining camp and made his way into an inland desert human settlement. Life was hard for him, but eventually a traveling wizard took an interest in the youth and offered him a position as his apprentice. Once the mentor had no more to teach him, he encouraged Uther to return to the world and allow the fates to guide him where they may. Now he travels the known lands in search of wealth and items of power.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Dagger (melee) 1/1 - 2 1d4/1d3 n n 20 -
Dagger (ranged) 2/1 10,20,30 2 1d4/1d3 n n 20 1
Quarterstaff 1/1 - 4 1d6/1d6 n n 25 - non-proficient
Qty Item Location
1 shemagh (linen) head
1 cloak (wool) body
1 jerkin (soft leather) torso
1 shirt, long-sleeved (linen) torso
1 pants (linen) legs
1 stockings (cotton) feet
1 boots (soft leather) feet
1 backpack (oiled leather) shoulders
1 blanket (wool) backpack
3 candles (bees wax) backpack
1 flint & steel backpack
1 hooden lantern backpack
2 stick of chalk backpack
10 sheet of parchment scroll tube
3 scroll tube backpack
1 inkpen backpack
1 vial of ink backpack
4 vial of oil backpack
4 vial of holy water backpack
7 iron rations backpack
1 waterskin backpack
1 spellbook (40/100 pages used) backpack
1 scepter backpack
1 pin, ornamental backpack
1 diadem backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 354 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 dagger +1 (glows like a torch with command word) belt sheath
1 continual light gemstone opaque belt pouch
1 potion of healing (2d4+2) backpack
1 potion of extra healing (3d8+3) or (1d8 x3) backpack
1 scroll of Chromatic Orb scroll tube

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
3 gemstones (200 gp) backpack
1 citrine (unknown value) backpack
1 onyx (unknown value) backpack
1 garnet (unknown value) backpack
1 topaz (unknown value) backpack
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Magic Missile
Magic Missile

Level 2
Flaming Sphere

Spell Book

Level 1
Chromatic Orb
Detect Magic
Magic Missile
Read Magic
Tenser's Floating Disc
Wall of Fog

Level 2
Flaming Sphere
Ice Knife
Stinking Cloud

Weapon Proficiencies
Dagger 1 slot (proficient)
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Ancient History (no specialization) (Int-1)
Herbalism (Int-2)
Languages, Ancient (no specialization) (Int+0)
Mining (Wis-3)
Reading/Writing (Common) (Int+1)
Research (Int+0)
Sage Knowledge (Evocation) (Int+0)
Spellcraft (Int-2)
Thaumaturgy (Int-2)
Special Talents
Has a +3 bonus to identify evocation spells or effects when using the Spellcraft proficiency.

Imposes a -1 penalty on other characters/monsters when attempting to save against an evocation spell cast by him.