Shade Goldfinger    (High Elf Male Wizard / Thief)
Character Information   
Name: Shade Goldfinger XP/Next lvl: W-2648 / T-2648 / 5000 / 5000
Class: Wizard / Thief HP:curr/max 13 / 13
Alignment: CG AC:reg/rear/no shield 1 / 6 / 2
Race: High Elf Level: M-2 / T-3
Age: 58 Height: 5'11'
Weight: 155 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: Common(S,R,W), Elven(S,R,W), Dwarven(S,R,W), Halfling(S.R,W), Thieves Cant
Ability Scores   
STR: 13 ( 0 / 0 / 45 / 140 / 7 / 4 )
INT: 18 ( 7 / 9th / 85 / 18)
WIS: 10 ( 0 / 0 / 15)
DEX: 18 (+2 / +2 / -4)
CON: 10 ( 0 / 70 / 75 / 0 / Nil)
CHR: 9 ( 4 / 0 / 0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 11 12 15 12

Notes: 90 resist Sleep and Charm spells and effects

Description and Background   
Shade is a Street urchin that made it good. He wears all black most of the time but his air and demeanor are completely opposite of the man you see. He is well educated and speaks and reads and writes 3 different languages. He always take the time to analyze a situation before stumbling into it. He comes across as a well educated rogue but when the armor comes off things change to spell slinging. He fights at a distance with bow and dagger. Shade has a long scar from ear to mouth on the left side of his face. From a childhood injury.

Shade was orphaned at a young age but managed to get in with the Thieves guild when he was young and they taught him what he needed to survive. After stealing a spellbook from a dead mages body he caught the magic bug. He found a teacher and learned the ways of spell casting. So after a few years he joined the Mages Guild and has been an active member since. Questing and finding spells to increase his power. Sharing any secrets he learns with the guild.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Short Bow 1 1d6/1d6 n n 20 +3/0- NOT PROFICIENT
Dagger, Throwing 2 1/2/3 1 1d4/1d3 n n 8 +2/0 (No Handles-Only Blade)
Ironwood Staff +1 1 1d6/1d6 n n 1 +1 / +1
Qty Item Location
1 Hooded Black Cloak Body
1 Housebreaker Harness Pack
1 Back Pack Back
2 Climbing Daggers Small/Back
2 Thigh Sheaths Rt & Lt Thigh
8 Throwing Daggers (4 each thigh) Thigh Sheaths
1 Wilderness Harness with Quiver Cross-Body
2 Daggers (1 each boot) Boots
1 50 ft Rope with Grappling Hook pack-side
1 Hooded Lantern Pack
1 Waterskin Pack
1 Week Iron Rations Pack
10 Tallow Candles Pack
2 Vials Black Ink Pack
10 Quills Pack
3 Small Belt Pouches (Lt/Rt/Center-back) Belt
1 Flint & Steel Pack
2 Large Sacks Pack
2 Sets of Thieves Tools (Rt Beltpouch) Lt Boot
2 Vials Weapon Black Pack
1 Leather Scroll Case Pack
10 Sheets of Parchment Pack
1 Silver Dagger Rt Boot
1 Short Bow Back
1 Capped Quiver with 11 Flight arrows W. Harness
1 Capped Quiver with 10 Silver Arrows Back
1 Large Leather Saddle Bag Shoulder
1 Loaf of Fresh Bread Pack
1 Wheel of Swiss Cheese Pack
1 Spiked Buckler Lt arm
6 Towel size bandages. Pack
2 Mace and Khopesh from Bone Golem Pack
2 Short Swords Pack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 79 0 11 7
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Potion of Extra Healing Pack
1 Scroll of Protection-Undead Pack
1 Black Studded Leather +1 Body
1 Scroll- Chromatic Orb Pack
1 Ironwood Staff +1 Lt Hand
2 Potions of Healing Pack
1 Scroll- Protection from Evil 10' radius & Magic Missile Pack
1 Earring 3 Wolf Fangs (Mummy) Ear
1 Magical Hand Ax from Bone Golem Belt
1 Magical Scimitar from Bone Golems Back

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
2 White Pearls (100gp each) BP IN Pack
1 Found Pearl (Mummy) BP
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil
Spellfiltcher Ability- Detect Magic 1/Level/Day
Spellfiltcher Ability- Detect Magic 1/Level/Day

Spell Book

Level 1
Chromatic Orb
Color Spray
Comprehend Languages
Detect magic
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil
Read magic
Spellfiltcher Ability- Detect Magic 1/Level/Day

Weapon Proficiencies
Quarter Staff
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
2nd Skill-Fisher(Swimming,Nets,and Boat Handling)
Appraising-Free Kit
Spellcraft- Free Kit
Tight Rope Walking- Free Kit
Tumbling (1) Dex (0)
Rope Use (1) Dex (0)
Riding- Land Based (1) Wis (+3)
Bowyer/Fletcher (1) Dex (-1)
Read/Write Elven (1) Int (+1)
Leatherworking (1) Int (0)
Healing (2) Wis (-2)
Thief Skills
Pick Pocket=30
Open Locks=40
F/R Traps=30
Move Silently=55
Hide in Shadows=50
Detect Noise=20
Climb Walls=80
Read Languages=5
Back Stab= X2
Detect Magic= 1/ Level/Day
Spell-filcher Kit
This mage/thief is adept at breaking into wizard's domiciles to purloin
magical goods, particularly spellbooks and rare spell components.
Through a strange inner talent, the spellfilcher has an amazing ability.
· Role. When there is a magical trap to be disarmed or magical
treasure to be gotten, the Spellfilcher is the one to do it. Trained from
her early years, the Spellfilcher uses an innate magical ability to locate
and disarm traps that would victimize another.
· Secondary Skills. Jeweler, Scribe.
· Weapon Proficiencies. Bonus: None. Recommended: Short bow,
dagger, darts, short sword.
· Bonus Nonweapon Proficiencies. Appraising, Spellcraft, Tightrope
· Recommended Nonweapon Proficiencies. Disguise, Gaming, Gem
Cutting, Jumping, Rope Use, Tumbling.
· Equipment. The Spellfilcher always carries at least a minimal set
of lockpicks and usually a full house- breaker's harness.
· Distinctive Appearance. Spellfilchers, by their very nature, do not
want a distinctive appearance. They go out of their way to make
themselves look like average elves, deliberately ridding themselves
of any identifying habits.
· Special Benefits. The Spellfilcher is a special breed, selected from
birth to be a mage/thief because of an exceptional inborn talent.
This talent, which can only be nurtured by the Spellfilcher Guilds,
allows the Spellfilcher to detect magic once per day, per experience
level. Infant elves are tested for their latent sensitivity to magic,
something which only the masters of the Spellfilching Guilds can
determine. If the infant shows promise, she is taken from her
parents (with their permission) and the talent is nurtured into a
usable skill. The Spellfilcher learns to identify and circumvent
magical traps. Although they cannot remove these traps without a
dispel magic spell or similar item, they can often get around them
long enough to remove the items these wards were protecting.
Thus, Spellfilchers gain a +5 chance to Find/Remove Traps of a
magical nature. This chance increases by +5 every four levels.
They do not actually remove the traps but disarm them for 1d4
rounds, +1 round per three levels, which should be enough for
them to retrieve the item they seek.
· Special Hindrances. The Spellfilcher's first loyalty must always
be to her guild. The guild demands total compliance with its rules,
for it serves the elf race in its own way and demands that its
members do so as well. Unfortunately, this service occasionally
requires that the Spellfilcher be called away from whatever she
may wish to do. If the Spellfilcher fails to heed the call, the wrath
of the powerful guild descends upon her head.
The Spellfilcher's Guild will not, on the other hand, call a
Spellfilcher away from a mission of dire importance to the elf race
or a mission that the Spellfilcher claims is of extreme importance.
Since Spellfilchers operate on an honor system, they trust her. If,
however, too many excuses keep her from her duties, the Guild
has a right to demand cooperation and will not tolerate excuses.
To help keep discipline, the Spellfilcher must ask permission of the
guildmaster before leaving on adventures. Depending on the
Spellfilcher's past record and loyalty to the guild, the guildmaster
may agree or disagree.
The Spellfilcher character has a hard time dealing with non-elf
mages. Once they discover who she is and what she does for a
living, they simply do not trust her near their precious spellbooks
and valued items. Elf mages trust Spellfilchers, for they know that
the Spellfilcher does it for the good of the race and would not harm
an elf wizard. Other wizards, however, are not so sure of this. For
this reason, Spellfilchers take great pains to disguise themselves
and their intentions. Spellfilchers also take great pains to disguise
themselves because they are hunted by both vengeful wizards and
greedy thieves. The wizards desire the return of their property and
perhaps revenge on the one audacious enough to steal from them.
Conniving thieves wish to find a Spellfilcher to either recruit her into
their guild or to get her to work for them. Failing that, they want to
discover the secret to the Spellfilcher's success and to exploit that
secret. They will not accept the fact that hers is an inborn talent.
Thieves can make a Spellfilcher's life chaos if she is discovered by
their guild.
· Wealth Options. Spellfilchers receive 30 to 90 (2d4+1x10) gp,
which can be spent as the Spellfilcher desires. There are no limits,
but it is suggested that they purchase thieves' tools.
· Suggested Elven Subraces. Aquatic elf, drow, grey elf, high elf.
Elven Abilities
*90 Resist Sleep and Charm Spells
*+1 with Long and Short bows
*+1 with Long and Short sword
*Surprise opponents when not in metal armor
*Detect secret doors and concealed doors
Detect Magic-1
Read Magic-1
Chromatic Orb-1
Comprehend Languages-1
Color Spray-1
Magic Missile-1
Protection from Evil-1

Spells I can't learn
Affect Normal Fires
Divining Rod
Ironwood Staff +1
Kind of my own creation it's a magical staff similar to the Staff-Mace but it is made of a type of wood called Ironwood strong like iron, useable by wizard classes. Performs like a Staff +1 but can take 3 shapes as you will it.
1 Typical Walking Stick look (Staff +1)
2 QuarterStaff size/look (Quarterstaff +1)
3 Club (club +1) looks like a club