Yagul the Dervish    (Half Orc Male Fighter (Gladiator))
Character Information   
Name: Yagul the Dervish XP/Next lvl: 5356 / 8000
Class: Fighter (Gladiator) HP:curr/max 22 / 22
Alignment: LN leans LG AC:reg/rear/no shield 4 / 4 / 4
Race: Half Orc Level: 3
Age: 25 Height: 5' 10'
Weight: 205 lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 18 (18/48, +1 to hit, +3 to dam, 135 wt all, OD 12, BBLG 20)
INT: 13 (+3 WP/NWP)
WIS: 10 ()
DEX: 13 ()
CON: 16 (+2 HP/HD, 95 sss, 96 rs)
CHR: 5 (max of 2 henchman, LB -4, RA -3)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 14 15 16 16

Notes: +2 to all Saving throws

Description and Background   
Yagul is of powerful build, with sun burnt skin and no hair on his body. He can nearly pass for a human except for his elongated canines and red orchish eyes. He tends to cover his head and face whenever possible.

Yagul was born to slavery, his fast growing size made it easy for his owner to sell him to a gladiator school. He trained hard and managed to win the wooden sword on his 21st birthday. Since then he has traveled continuously with nowhere to call home and always an outcast he tries to do what good he can. He has seen the worst of people and strives to help others less fortunate them himself since he knows what it is like to be considered the worst of the worst.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Scimitar 3/2(5/2 dual) 1d8+5/1d8+5 y n 18 2 +2 to hit, carries 2
Dagger 2 or 1 10/20/30 1d4+3/1d3+3 n n 18 2 +1 to hit when used in melee
Net 1 / n n 18 +1 to hit, Special
Lasso 1 / n n 18 +1 to hit, Special
Kopesh +1 1 2d4+4/1d6+4 n n 18 +2 to hit, magic
Scimitar +1 3/2(5/2 dual) 1d8+6/1d8+6 y n 18 +3 to hit, magical
Qty Item Location
1 Hide Armor, dyed black & red Worn
1 Wooden Short Sword Backpack
1 Leather Backpack Carried
1 Belt Pouch Large Worn
1 Tinderbox Belt Pouch Large
12 Candles Backpack
1 Waterskin Backpack
6 Rations, Iron, days Backpack
1 Candle Lantern, Brass Backpack
1 Silk Rope, 50' Backpack
1 Clothing Worn

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Dust of Disappearnce Belt Pouch Large
1 Cloak of Protection +2, Crimson Mantle/Shemag Worn
2 Potions of Healing (2d4+2) Belt Pouch Large

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
1 Gems (200 gp) hidden on person
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Half Orc Traits
60' Infravision
Easily recognized
Weapon Prof.
Scimitar (Specialized, 3/2, +1/+2, Gladiator kit)
Blades (Broad Group, 3 pts)
Net (1 pt)
Lasso (1 pt)
Trident (1 pt)
Two-Weapon Style Specialization (1 pt)
Non Weapon Prof.
Charioteering (Gladiator kit)
Tumbling (Gladiator kit)
Blind Fighting (2 pts)
Endurance (2 pts)
Ambidextrous (1 pt)

Tumbling: The character is practiced in all manner of acrobatics--dives, rolls, somersaults, handstands, flips, etc. Tumbling can only be performed while burdened with light encumbrance or less. Aside from entertaining, the character with tumbling proficiency can improve his Armor Class by 4 against attacks directed solely at him in any round of combat, provided he has the initiative and foregoes all attacks that round. When in unarmed combat he can improve his attack roll by 2.

On a successful proficiency check, he suffers only one-half the normal damage from falls of 60 feet or less and none from falls of 10 feet or less. Falls from greater heights result in normal damage.