Sade the Wanderer    (Pallid Elf Female Monk (Spy))
Character Information   
Name: Sade the Wanderer XP/Next lvl: 0 /
Class: Monk (Spy) HP:curr/max 13 / 16
Alignment: Lawful Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 19 / 19 / 19
Race: Pallid Elf Level: 2
Age: 101 Height: 5' 2'
Weight: 108 lbs Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement: 45
Languages: Common & Elvish
Ability Scores   
STR: 11 (+0, Save +2, -2 to give +1 to Dex)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 18 (+4, +1 from Elf)
DEX: 20 (+5, Save +7, +1 from Str & +2 from Elf)
CON: 14 (+2)
CHR: 8 (-1)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Very pale skin Long Black hair Dark green eyes Slightly shorter than average for an Elf with an athletic build. Favors black clothing, accented with blue, silver or white.

Windrunner tribe from the Rothenian plains

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Staff, Quarter (1-handed) 1 1d6+5/ n n +7 to hit
Staff, Quarter (2-handed) 1 1d8+5/ n n +7 to hit
Unarmed Strike 1 1d4+5/ n n +7 to hit, gains free bonus UA attack
Qty Item Location
1 Backpack Carried
1 Bedroll Backpack
1 Clothing, common Worn
1 Mess Kit Backpack
10 Rations, day Backpack
1 Rope, Hemp, 50' Backpack
1 Tinderbox Backpack
1 Waterskin Backpack
1 Thieves Tools Hidden in clothing
1 Dragon Chess Set Backpack
1 Cartographers Tools Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 16 0 3 5
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 0

Spell Book

Level 0

Pallid Elf
Dark Vision 60'
Keen Senses (Pro. in Perception skill)
Fey Ancestry (Advantage on saves vs Charmed & Magic can't put me to Sleep)
Trance (only 4hrs rest needed)
Languages (Common & Elvish)
Incisive Sense (Advantage on Investigation & Insight checks)
Blessing of the Moon Weaver (Knows Light Cantrip, 3rd Sleep 1/LR & 5th Invisiblity 1/LR)
Spy Background
Spy Contact

You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of Spys. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.
Acrobatics +5
Animal Handling +4
Arcana -1
* Athletics +2
* Deception +1
History -1
Insight +4 (Advantage)
Intimidation -1
* Investigation +1 (Advantage)
Medicine +4
Nature -1
* Perception +6
Performance -1
Persuasion -1
Religion -1
Sleight of Hand +5
* Stealth +7
Survival +4
I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.
I don’t pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.
Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)
Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again.
I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.
Passive Skills
Passive Insight 19 (Advantage)
Passive Investigation 16 (Advantage)
Passive Perception (16)
Armor & Weapons
No Armor
Unarmored Defense (AC=10+Dex bonus+Wis Bonus)
Simple Weapons
Martial Arts
Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action
Tools Etc.
Cartographers Tools
Thieves Tools
Dragon Chess
Ki Points 2
Ki Save DC 14
Flurry of Blows (1 Ki) make 2 UA bonus attacks instead of 2
Patient Defense (1 Ki) make dodge as a bonus action
Step of the Wind (1 Ki) make dash or disengage action as a bounus action, Jump distance is doubled