Alexa Fairenguard    (High Elven Female Mage / Thief )
Character Information   
Name: Alexa Fairenguard XP/Next lvl: 0 (2501) 17th / 0 (1251) 14th
Class: Mage / Thief HP:curr/max 5 / 5
Alignment: CN AC:reg/rear/no shield 5 / 8 / 5
Race: High Elven Level: 1 / 1
Age: 134 Height: 5' 4'
Weight: 112 Gender: Female
Encumbrance: 66 lbs Movement: 12
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling, Kobold, Orc, Goblin, Thieves Cant
Ability Scores   
STR: 17 (+1 / +1 / 85 / 220 / 10 / 13)
INT: 17 ( 6 / 8th / 75 / 14)
WIS: 13 ( 0 / 1st / 0)
DEX: 17 ( +2 / +2 -3 (16)Add +1 elf)
CON: 14 ( 0 / 88 / 92 (15)Sub -1 elf)
CHR: 7 ( 3 / -2 / -1 Scar across Left eye and cheek)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 12 11 15 12


Description and Background   
Alexa is a soft spoken elven woman that enjoys nature and reading lost tomes and lore. She has a long scar on her left eye socket down her cheek. She is very quiet and sticks to herself. Spending little time with others. Most of her free time is spent in her spell books.

Alexa grew up in a small village on the out skirts of the Wild Lands. She was raised by her mother until she died of old age. Alexa has wondered most of her adult life looking for ways to add spells to her books and increase her power. She believes that by collecting more spells she can become more powerful and better suited to live her life to an old age. Gathering spells is her hobby and love.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Throwing Dagger 1 1/2/3 2 1d4/1d3 n n 17 8 +1/+1, thr +3/+1
Long Sword 1 5' 3 1d8/1d12 n n 18 0 +2 / +1
Orc Short Bow 2 3 1d6/1d6 n n 20 7 +3 / +0
Qty Item Location
2 Thigh Sheaths (4 throwing daggers slots each) lt & Rt thigh
1 Wilderness Harness (sword & 8 Dagger slots) cross body
1 Set Thieves Tools belt pouch
3 belt pouches-1 ea. components, gold, tools waist
1 Leather Armor body
8 throwing daggers thighs
2 Broad bladed Daggers small of back
1 Long Sword Wilderness Harness
1 backpack back
1 Black Hooded Cloak Body
1 Nuts 1 lb pack
1 Raisins 1 lb Pack
1 flint and steel pack
1 Hooded Lantern pack
3 Flasks of Lamp oil pack
2 Large Sacks pack
2 wine skin pack
10 Tallow Candles pack
20 Parchment Sheets pack
5 Writing Quills pack
2 Vials of Black Ink Pack
1 spellbook pack
3 Bone Scroll tubes Pack
1 Papyrus sheet Pack
4 Days Iron Rations Pack
1 Javelin (for Fishing) Pack
1 Mortar and Pestal Pack
1 Orc Short Bow back
1 Orc Quiver with 5 arrows back

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 23 0 6 12
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1

Spell Book

Level 1
Color Spray
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Spider Climb
Unseen Servant

Non-Weapon Proficiencies (4)+6
2nd- Fisher (Swimming, Nets, Small boat handling)
Leatherworking-(1) Int 0 (Make leather goods)
Research-(1) Int 0 (+5 learn new spells)
Rope Use-(1) Dex 0 (+10 CW/ Slip bonds)
Tumbling-(1) Dex 0 (+2 Unarmed/ 1/2 Falls)
Herbalism-(2) Int -2 (Identify Plants)
Scribe-(1) Dex +1 (+5 transcribe spells/scroll)
Appraising-(1) Int 0 (Value Items)
Bookbinding-(1) Int 0 (Bind Books)
Papermaking- (1) Int 0 (Make Paper)
Weapon Proficiencies (2)
Long Sword
Thieving skills
Pick Pockets-30
Open Locks- 30
F/R Traps- 25
Move Silently- 40
Hide In Shadows- 35
Detect Noise- 20
Climb Walls- 75
Read Languages- 0
BackStab x 2
Elven Abilities
+1 with long and short swords
+1 with long and short bows
60 foot infra-vision
90 immune to sleep & charm
Surprise opponents when not in metal armor
Find Secret and Concealed Doors
Languages (+6)
Common- (R&W)
Elven- (R&W)
Spell Components

Vial of Sand - 20 pinches
Rose Pedals - 20 pedals
Crystal Prism- 2
Spiders - 20

Copper Wire- 10 inches

Travelling spellbook 50 pages.
Pages Used 28 / 50
Read Magic - 2
Detect Magic- 2
Message- 4
Spider Climb- 6
Copy- 1
Sleep- 5
Color Spray-3
Unseen Servant-3
Encumberance with Item and Quantity
2 Broad Bladed Dagger=2 lbs
8 Throwing daggers=4 lbs
1 Long Sword=4 lbs
3 Small belt pouches= 2 lbs
1 Backpack= 2lbs
1 Black Hooded Cloak=2 lbs
1 Thieves Tool Sets= 3 lbs
1 Leather Armor Suit = 15
4 Days Iron Rations = 3 lbs
1 Pair of Soft boots=2 lbs
1 Pound of Mixed Nuts = 1 lbs
1 Pound of Dried Raisins= 1 lbs
1 Flint and Steel=1 lbs
1 Hooded Lantern=3 lbs
3 Flasks of Lamp Oil=3 lbs
2 Large Sacks= 1 lb
1 Wineskin=2 lbs
20 Parchment sheets=0
10 Quills=0
2 Vials of black ink=1 lbs
1 Bedroll=3 lbs
1 Spellbook=10
1 Javelin (for fishing)= 2 lbs
1 Mortar and Pestal Set= 2 lbs
1 Orc Short bow= 2lbs
1 Orc Quiver w/ 5 arrows= 1lb

Spells I couldn't learn at first level.
Charm Person - 1st Level Fail.
2nd Skill- Fisherman
Fishing: The character is skilled in the art of fishing, be it
with hook and line, net, or spear. Each hour the character
spends fishing, roll a proficiency check. If the roll is failed, no
fish are caught that hour. Otherwise, a hook and line or a
spear will land fish equal to the difference between the die
roll and the character’s Wisdom score. A net will catch three
times this amount. Of course, no fish can be caught where
no fish are found. On the other hand, some areas teem
with fish, such as a river or pool during spawning season.
The DM may modify the results according to the situation.

Swimming: A character with swimming proficiency knows
how to swim and can move according to the rules given in
the Swimming section (Chapter 14: Time and Movement).
Those without this proficiency cannot swim. They can hold
their breath and float, but they cannot move themselves
about in the water.

This proficiency allows the character to pilot
any small boat, such as a kayak or canoe, operating
it at maximum speed. It also allows make
minor repairs and improvements in these boats,
such as waterproofing them and patching holes. A
successful proficiency check enables the character
to handle the craft in treacherous situations; for
instance, maneuvering the boat though choppy
water without capsizing it, or avoiding collisions
when guiding it through a narrow channel choked
with rocks or ice. Note that while the navigation
and seamanship proficiencies deal with ships in
oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water, the
boating proficiency is confined to small craft on
rivers, lakes, on oceans close to shore, and over
similar terrain, usually on relatively calm waters.
Crossover Groups: General
Leatherworking: This proficiency enables a character to tan and treat leather and to make clothing and other leather
objects. The character can make leather armor, as well as backpacks, saddlebags, saddles, and all sorts of harnesses.
Research: A wizard with this skill is well-versed in the theory and application of spell research. He is familiar with the use of libraries, laboratories, and other resources, and also has a good grasp of the fundamental processes of experimentation and problem-solving. With a successful proficiency check, the character gains a +5 bonus to his success roll when researching a new spell and only requires one-half the usual amount of time to perform spell research or determine the process necessary to manufacture a particular magical item. However, the amount of money spent on research remains the same because the wizard is still expending the same amount of books and supplies.
Rope Use
Rope Use: This proficiency enables a character to accomplish amazing feats with rope. A character with rope use proficiency is familiar with all sorts of knots and can tie knots that slip, hold tightly, slide slowly, or loosen with a quick tug. If the character’s hands are bound and held with a knot, he can roll a proficiency check (with a –6 penalty) to escape the bonds. This character gains a +2 bonus to all attacks made with a lasso. The character also receives a +10 bonus to all climbing checks made while he is using a rope, including attempts to belay (secure the end of a climbing rope to) companions
Tumbling: The character is practiced in all manner of acrobatics - dives, rolls, somersaults, handstands, flips, etc. Tumbling can only be performed while burdened with light encumbrance or less. Aside from entertaining, the character with tumbling proficiency can improve his Armor Class by 4 against attacks directed solely at him in any round of combat, provided he has the initiative and foregoes all attacks that round. When in unarmed combat he can improve his attack roll by 2. On a successful proficiency check, he suffers only one-half the normal damage from falls of 60 feet or less and none from falls of 10 feet or less. Falls from greater heights result in normal damage.
Herbalism: Those with herbalist knowledge can identify plants and fungus and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, powders, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for medical and pseudo-medical purposes. They can also prepare natural plant poisons and purgatives. The DM must decide the exact strength of such poisons based on the poison rules in the DMG. A character with both herbalism and healing proficiencies gains bonuses when using his healing talent (see the Healing proficiency).
Scribe: Before printing came into common use, professional scribes created books by copying manuscripts. Even after printing presses were in widespread use, scribes were in demand for their calligraphy and the quality of their illuminated (or illustrated) pages. A character with this proficiency is familiar with a scribe's techniques for preparing pages and working both swiftly and accurately. This is an invaluable skill for a wizard; with a successful proficiency check, the character gains a +5 bonus to any rolls he must make in order to copy or transcribe a spell into his spell book or onto a scroll.
Appraising: This proficiency is highly useful for thieves, as
it allows characters to estimate the value and authenticity of
antiques, art objects, jewelry, cut gemstones, or other crafted
items they find (although the DM can exclude those items
too exotic or rare to be well known). The character must
have the item in hand to examine. A successful proficiency
check (rolled by the DM) enables the character to estimate
the value of the item to the nearest 100 or 1,000 gp and to
identify fakes. On a failed check, the character cannot estimate
a price at all. On a roll of 20, the character wildly misreads
the value of the item, always to the detriment of the
Bookbinding: A wizard with this skill is familiar with the process of assembling a book. Bookbinding is a demanding task; the pages must be glued or sewn to a common backing of some kind, protected by various kinds of varnishes or treatments, and then fastened to a strong and durable cover. Additional chemicals or compounds to ward off mildew and deter moths and bookworms are a necessary precaution. Bookbinding is especially helpful for a wizard assembling a spell book. Normally, a wizard must pay a bookbinder 50 gp per page for a standard spell book, or 100 gp per page for a traveling spell book—see Chapter 7 of the DMG. A wizard who does this work himself reduces these costs by 50, although the process takes at least two weeks, plus one day per five pages. If the character passes
a proficiency check, his spell book gains a +2 bonus to item saving throws due to the quality and craftsmanship of the work. In addition, the wizard must succeed in a proficiency check if he is dealing with unusual or unsuitable materials, such as metal sheets for pages or dragon scales for a cover.
Papermaking: A character with this skill knows how to manufacture paper. This can be an invaluable skill for a wizard, since paper may be fairly rare in many campaign settings. Rag pulp, bark, linen, hemp, and wood were all used to make paper in medieval times. The material is pounded or pressed flat and treated with various chemical compounds to bind and strengthen it. At the DM's option, the character may also be familiar with the manufacture of parchment and vellum. Parchment is finely-scraped animal skin, treated with lime and other chemicals; vellum is unusually supple and smooth parchment taken from very young animals. A wizard who makes his own paper can reduce the costs of manufacturing a spell book by 50, although this requires one to two weeks of time and a suitable work area. Normally, a traveling spell book costs 100 gp per page, and a standard spell book costs 50 gp per page. If the wizard also knows the bookbinding nonweapon proficiency and binds the volume himself, the cost of the spell book is reduced by 75 altogether
Unencumbered- 0 to 85
Light- 86 to 121
Moderate- 122 to 157
Heavy- 158 to 193
Severe-194 to 220
Max weight is 220.