Saul Falla    (Human male Thief)
Character Information   
Name: Saul Falla XP/Next lvl: 8447 / 9600
Class: Thief HP:curr/max 12 / 12
Alignment: Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 6 / 8 / 6
Race: Human Level: 4
Age: 28 Height: 1.65
Weight: 65 Gender: male
Encumbrance: Movement:
Ability Scores   
STR: 11 (+0)
INT: 9 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+1 (+1 to initiative mod))
CON: 11 (+0)
CHR: 12 (+0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
12 12 13 15 14


Description and Background   
Never the sharpest tool in the shed, Saul did have a knack for getting where he wasn't meant to get into. A small wiry young man with a mess of brown hair and a matching beard on his face.

He doesn't know much about his family. An older brother raised him and all he knows about his parents is that one was Thyatian and the other Traladaran. His brother taught him his parents' languages before he was killed trying to defend their home from robbers during a famine. Forced to head out and steal to survive he never killed in cold blood or stole from the poor although he has been often accused of all sorts of crimes whenever people started to suspect him. He has managed to escape imprisonment, brandings, amputation and execution. Unfortunately, as of late, he finds himself using violence and intimidation as his first choice when dealing with helpless prisoners, something he isn't proud of and wants to atone for. He secretly fears he is committing the crimes he has been accused of over time. All he wants in life is not to starve to death but he doesn't mind risking his life in adventure or for those he considers as friends.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Hedfan (Elvish Dagger): 1d20+3 (melee), 1d20+4 (thrown - 20/30/45), 1d4+1 damage - Basic Proficiency (+2 base attack bonus, +1 magic dagger bonus, +1 dexterity bonus for thrown weapons) 1 20/30/45 1d4+1/ n n
Saul's Bow: 1d20+4, 50/100/150, 1d6 damage - Basic Proficiency (+2 base attack bonus, +1 dexterity bonus, and +1 displacer beast bow bonus) 1 50/100/150 1d6/ n n
Qty Item Location
1 Saul's Bow: 1d20+4, 50/100/150, 1d6 damage - Basic Proficiency (+2 base attack bonus, +1 dexterity bonus, and +1 displacer beast bow bonus) - 30cn Back
1 Backpack (holds 400cn) - 20cn Back
1 Thieves' Tools - 50cn Backpack
1 50 feet of rope - 50cn Backpack
1 Tinderbox - 5cn Backpack
1 Mirror - 5cn Backpack
24 Arrows - 10cn Backpack
1 Belt - 5cn Waist
1 Purse (holds 50gp) - 2cn Belt (when in town)
1 Boots (Plain) - 10cn Feet
1 Horse (carries 4500) - "Castanha" Under my legs
1 Saddle and tack (carries 200) - 300cn Horse's back
1 Left saddle bag (carries 800) - 100cn Horse's back
1 Right saddle bag (carries 800) - 100cn Horse's back
2 Rations (1 week’s, dried) - 70cn Left saddle bag
10 Oil flask - 100cn Left saddle bag
1 Long Cloak - 15cn Left saddle bag
1 Leather Armor - 6/8/6 (8/10/8 with no armor) Body
140 Backpack weight (including the pack itself) Saul's back or Castanha's saddle and tack (if on her back he'll put away the bow as well unless stated otherwise - add +30 cn to her weight if so)
302 Saul's carried weight without backpack Saul
765 Castanha's carried weight without Saul and his backpack Castanha
1 Rations (1 week’s, dried) - 70cn Left saddle bag
2 pieces of amber (100GP each) - 2cn in in each boot
25 GP Purse

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 7131 0 -18 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Perpetual Lantern - 30cn Backpack
1 Goggles - 15cn (I assume, remind me to ask) Brow
1 Hedfan (Elvish Dagger): 1d20+3 (melee), 1d20+4 (thrown - 20/30/45), 1d4+1 damage - Basic Proficiency (+2 base attack bonus, +1 magic dagger bonus, +1 dexterity bonus for thrown weapons) - 10cn Belt

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Thief Abilities
*Sneak Attack: +4 and double damage if enemy is unaware, I have to be hidden and the target unaware of me.

*Open locks: needs lock picks or tools. 30

*Find Traps: must state so. 25

*Remove traps: if aware of them. 25

*Climb Walls: Spider Saul, Spider Saul, does whatever Spider Saul does. 90

*Move Silently: sneaky bastard. 25

*Hide in Shadows: can hide in shadows or cover. 24

*Pick Pockets: can steal small items. 35

*Hear noise: everything around must be silent and not during a fight.

*Read languages: 80 chance of understanding what is written, not what was heard.
*Balance: +1 to DEX to keep footing.

*Bluff: +1 to CHAR to convince NPCs.

*Escape Artist: +1 to DEX to escape from bonds and ties.

*Disguise: +1 to CHAR to to disguise as someone else.

Thyatian and Traladaran (both human)