Xyl    (Gnome Male Rogue)
Character Information   
Name: Xyl XP/Next lvl: 0 / 1251
Class: Rogue HP:curr/max 6 / 6
Alignment: CN AC:reg/rear/no shield 14 / 12 / 14
Race: Gnome Level: 1
Age: 53 Height: 3'5'
Weight: 49 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 20
Languages: Gnome, Elven, Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Kobold
Ability Scores   
STR: 9 (0)
INT: 11 (0 Prime)
WIS: 13 (+1 )
DEX: 16 (+2 Prime)
CON: 12 (0)
CHR: 12 (0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Boldly dressed in greens and yellows with a shock of russet hair braided and going well past his shoulders and set off by his sparkling hazel eyes. His leathery face countered by a large grin, and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. Leaning on a well handled walking stick (club) his belt showing daggers and axe. His pack lies easily on his shoulders, and with the dust of the road covering him you know he is a wanderer seeking adventure.

Tired of life in the back woods of the Darkenfold Xyl is making his way towards the heart of the old empire where he is sure he can lay his hands on some of the many treasures that have been lost down the ages in Aenoch. Not content with the life of home and woods, he has set off to answer a lust for new places, more riches, and adventure.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Daggar 1 20 1-4/ n n
Hand Axe 1 20 1-6/ n n
Club 1 1-6/ n n
Sling 1 50 1-4/ n n
Qty Item Location
1 Rogues Tools Backpack
1 Backpack Body
1 Bed roll Backpack
1 Leather Armor Body
1 Belt Body
1 High Hard Boots Body
1 Cape Body
1 Waterskin Body
1 Flint/Steel/Tinderbox Backpack
10 Candles Backpack
10 Torches Backpack
1 Fishing Gear Backpack
50 Rope Backpack
1 Grappling Hook Backpack
5 Pitons Backpack
10 Bandages Backpack
2 Daggers Belt
1 Hand Axe Belt
1 Sling Belt
1 Club Carried

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Dancing Lights
Ghost Sound

Spell Book

Racial Traits and Abilities
ANIMAL EMPATHY: The gnomish relationship with nature
and its creatures allows them to communicate with burrowing
mammals (badger, fox, mole, rabbit, etc.). The communication is
more telepathic and empathic than it is conversational, though
posture and sounds can communicate emotions such as stress
and fear. The information communicated must be relatively
simple, taking place on the animal’s level of understanding and
comprehension, not the gnome’s.

COMBAT EXPERTISE (Goblins, Kobolds): Gnomes have
battled goblins and kobolds in the forests and mountains since
the dawn of their race. Because of these frequent and bloody
encounters, gnomes have developed special techniques for
fighting goblins and kobolds. Gnomes receive a +1 bonus to hit
kobolds and goblins using hand held weapons in melee combat.
Using missile weapons does not confer a bonus.

DARKVISION: In a similar manner to dwarves, gnomes can
see in complete darkness for up to 60 feet. Darkvision produces
images that are in shades of gray, but it is otherwise like normal
sight. Gnomes can function well with no light at all. Bright lights,
such as from a lantern or other light source, spoil darkvision. A
gnome requires one minute to adjust his or her eyes when a light
source is extinguished before gaining full use of darkvision.

ENHANCED HEARING: Gnomes have keen ears, often
likened to those of a fox. No one knows whether this is due
to gnome physiology, or if it is because gnomes are such close
observers of their environment. Gnomes receive a +3 bonus to
all listening checks.

SPELLS: Gnomes have an innate ability to cast the following
spells once per day as a 1st level caster: dancing lights, ghost
sound, and prestidigitation. These innate spells are in addition to
any spells available to gnomes of spellcasting character classes.

LANGUAGE: Common, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Kobold

SIZE: Small

MOVEMENT: 20 feet

ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS: +1 Intelligence, -1 Strength

Rogue Abilities
SPECIAL: Rogues favor light armor, as it allows them to better
ply their stealth abilities. Rogues may wear leather armor, a
leather coat, or padded armor, and can employ small shields
without any penalty to the use of their abilities. They may
also wear leather helmets. A rogue may wear any other type
of armor, but the character may suffer a penalty when using
class abilities and wearing these armors as noted in the ability
description. The penalty is equal to -1 for each point above
armor class 12 that the armor confers. Restricted helmets and
shields cause the rogue to suffer a -1 penalty to all abilities. All
penalties are cumulative.

For example, a rogue wearing chainmail, which confers a 15 armor
class, suffers a -3 penalty to all ability checks (15-12=3). The
same rogue using a large shield suffers a -4 penalty to all ability
checks. If the same rogue used a metal great helm as well, the
total penalty would be -5.

BACK ATTACK: A rogue normally avoids face-to-face
combat if possible, preferring instead to use stealth to catch
an opponent unaware. A rogue able to attack an opponent
from the rear, who is unaware of the rogue’s presence, gains a
bonus to hit and to damage. To catch an opponent unaware,
a rogue must make a successful move silently check to sneak
up behind the foe, or make a successful hide check while
behind the opponent. A rogue that succeeds in one or the
other of these can make a back attack at a +4 bonus to hit. A
successful hit inflicts double the normal damage.
When making a back attack, a rogue must use a close-quarters
melee weapon. This weapon must be shorter than the character’s
arm. A rogue can only use this attack on creatures with a
discernible back. The rogue must be able to see the target well
enough to pick out a vital spot, and then must be able to reach it.
As the rogue gains experience, the damage inflicted increases.
At 5th level, a back attack deals triple damage, and at 9th level a
back attack inflicts quadruple damage. A back attack cannot be
combined with the sneak attack ability.
Wearing armor not on the rogue armor list affects this ability.

CANT: Rogues often use a street language known only to those
in the trade, called cant. Code words, hand signals, demeanor,
and other signs comprise the cant. The cant can be used to
convey complex ideas. The language may vary to some degree

LISTEN (WISDOM): A rogue can use this ability to listen
intently and hear noises that others might not detect, even
through an obstacle such as a door. Success indicates the
rogue can hear soft sounds, like a whisper or cat stalking,
while outside or in the open and up to a range of 30 feet. It
also indicates success if the rogue is listening for sounds on
the other side of a door, but the rogue must be adjacent to
the door. However, exactly what is heard is up to the Castle
Keeper’s discretion as each case is unique. If listening through
a stone wall, the rogue suffers a -10 penalty to the check. For
other materials, vary the penalty as appropriate. A rogue can
retry this ability once a round.
This ability is affected by wearing a metal or large helmet.

MOVE SILENTLY (DEXTERITY): This ability allows
a rogue to move so silently that others cannot hear the
movement. The rogue can use this ability both indoors and
outdoors. A rogue can move up to one-half the character’s
normal speed at no penalty. At more than one-half and up to
the character’s full speed, the character suffers a -5 penalty.
It’s practically impossible (-20 penalty) to move silently while
running or charging.
To move silently and hide, see the hide ability.
Wearing armor not on the rogue armor list affects this ability.

OPEN LOCK (DEXTERITY): A rogue can use this ability to
open any sort of mechanical lock that would normally require
a key to open. A successful check indicates the lock has been
opened. This ability requires the use of a set of rogue’s tools,
including picks, blank keys, wires or other appropriate tools. A
rogue may only make one attempt per lock. If that attempt fails,
the rogue cannot try to open the same lock again until gaining
one more level as it is beyond the current ability of the rogue
to pick it.
This ability is affected by wearing metal or large gloves.

PICK POCKET (DEXTERITY): A rogue can use this ability,
on a successful dexterity check, to remove the contents of a
pocket or pouch (or otherwise take something from a person)
without being noticed. Success may require the rogue to cut the
purse or pouch from the target. A penalty to check is equal to
the level or hit dice of the targeted victim.
This ability also allows the rogue to perform “sleight of hand”
maneuvers. A successful dexterity check indicates the rogue has
hidden or moved an item in such a manner so that observers
are not aware of where the item has been hidden. Such
typical maneuvers are hiding a coin, sliding a card up a sleeve,
performing the shell game, and the like. A penalty to the check
may be applied if there is an observer pr