Shade Silverstride    (Half-Elf Male Cleric Ranger)
Character Information   
Name: Shade Silverstride XP/Next lvl: 2500 (3000) / 2500 (4500)
Class: Cleric Ranger HP:curr/max 17 / 17
Alignment: CG AC:reg/rear/no shield 4 / 7 / 4
Race: Half-Elf Level: C2 / R2
Age: 142 Height: 5'6'
Weight: 135 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 76 lbs Movement: 12
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling
Ability Scores   
STR: 17 (+1 +1 85 220 10 13)
INT: 10 (+2 Languages)
WIS: 17 (+3 2-1st / 2-2nd / 1-3rd (Bonus spells))
DEX: 17 (+2 +2 -3)
CON: 14 (0 88 92)
CHR: 7 (3 -2 -1 )

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
10 14 13 15 16


Description and Background   
Shade Silverstride is your typical half elf. He has strong elven features and his looks favor that side of his heritage. But in crowds and cities he becomes nervous has develops a stuttering problem. That and the large scar across his left eye makes for a bad impression. He is loyal to a fault and will work with anyone for the better good of all. Uses his spells to the best of his abilities and is unswayed in his faith.

Shade Silverstride was born to a human woman in the remote farmland near the ruins of Myth Drannor. Having grown up in the forests and country sides of the realm Shade was always playing in the forests. He once saw a band of elves defeated by a brutal band of Orcs. To this day he hates them and kills them without remorse.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
C. Long Bowof Strength +1 (17) 2 40/80/170 4 1d8/1d8 n n 16 40 Sheaf arrows +3 hit/ +1 dam
Bastard Sword- One handed 1 6 1d8/1d12 n n 18 +1 hit/ +1 dam
Dagger 2 10/20/30 2 1d4/1d3 n n 16 8 +3 hit/ +1 dam thr - +1 / +1 h2h
Short Sword 1 2 1d6/1d8 n n 18 2 +1 hit/ +1 dam
Bastard Sword- Two handed 1 6 2d4/2d8 n n 18 +1 hit / +1 dam
Qty Item Location
1 Bastard sword W. Harness-back
8 Daggers W. Harness-front
1 C. Long Bow of Strength (17) +1 Left hand
2 Quiver w/ 40 sheaf arrows Both side of pack
2 Short Sword Small of Back
1 Studded Leather Body
2 Green hooded Cloak Back
1 Backpack Back
2 Large Belt pouches belt
1 Silver Holy Symbol Neck
1 Long sword with Light blue aura Pack
1 Long Bpw Back
1 Long Sword Back

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 282 0 6 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
4 Arrows +1 Quiver
1 Potions of Extra Healing Belt pouch
1 C. Long Bow of Strength (17) +1 Left Hand

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 0
Bonus Spells for Wisdom-2/1st, 2/2nd, 1/3rd

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Magic

Spell Book

Level 1
Animal Friendship
Create Water
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Evil
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Detect Snares and Pits
Endure heat and cold
Faire Fire
Invisibility to animals
Invisibility to Undead
Locate animals and plants
Magic Stone
Pass without trace
Protection from Evil
Purify Food and drink
Remove fear

2nd Skill=Fisher (swimming, nets, and small boat handling)
1-Hunting (1) Wis -1
2-Bowyer/Fletcher (1) Dex -1
3-Healing (2) Wis -2
4-Tracking (free) Wis 0
Special Abilities
Hide in Shadows-25
Move Silently- 26
Detect Secret and Concealed Doors 33
30 resistance to sleep and charm spells
Infravision to 60 feet
Hated Enemy (Orcs) +4 To Hit
Skill with Trained and Untrained animals
Fight 2 handed when in leather armor
Animal Affinity
Followers at 10th level
Surprise enemies 50 (1-3 on d6)
Only surprised 16 of the time (1 on d6)
Turn Undead
Skeleton or 1HD- 7
Zombie- 10
Ghoul or 2 HD- 13
Shadow or 3-4 HD- 16
Wight or 5 HD- 19
Ghast- 20
Wraith or 6 HD-
Mummy or 7 HD-
Spectre or 8 HD-
Vampire or 9 HD
Ghost or 10 HD-
Lich or 11 HD-
Backpack Contents= 28 lbs
Dry Rations-1 Week 5 lbs
Candles- 10 0 lbs
Flint and Steel 0 lbs
Hooded Lantern 7 lbs
Lamp Oil x 3 3 lbs
Surcoat of Ehlonna 0 lbs
Bone scroll tubes x 3 1 lbs
Large sacks x 2 1 lbs
Wine skin 1 lbs
Extra Bow strings x 3 0 lbs
Black Hooded Cloak 1 lbs
Hand ax 5 lbs
Javelin x 2 4 lbs
Weapons and Armor Weights= 48 lbs
Composite Long Bow- 3 lbs
Bastard Sword- 10 lbs
Short Sword x 2 - 6 lbs
Throwing Daggers x 8- 4 lbs
Studded Leather- 25 lbs