Hanarl    (Human Male Cleric (Acolyte))
Character Information   
Name: Hanarl XP/Next lvl: 0 / 1500
Class: Cleric (Acolyte) HP:curr/max 5 / 5
Alignment: Lawful AC:reg/rear/no shield 4 / 5 / 5
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 20 Height: 5'11'
Weight: 190 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 610 Movement: 60'/20'
Languages: Common/Trade, Lawful
Ability Scores   
STR: 17 (+2 Hit/Damage/Doors)
INT: 6 (Limited Writing)
WIS: 17 (+2 Saving Throw, =10 Prime Req Bonus)
DEX: 8 (Missiles -1, AC +1, Initiative -1)
CON: 13 (+1 HP per die)
CHR: 17 (+1 Reaction/ 7 retainers/ Retainer Morale 10)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
11 14 12 16 15

Notes: 11 Poison/Death Ray, 14 Turn to Stone/Paralysis

Description and Background   
Moderately tall, strong, and good looking, with brown hair cut short and brown eyes, Hanarl is often mistaken for a Warrior (and he follows a God of Battle Rage, so.....) rather than the son of one of the ruling merchant families from a City in the 100 kingdoms.

Hanarl is a son of the Krishna Hassain, patriarch of one of the 10 ruling merchant houses of Raja Hanari, with a large portion of the slave trade. Well liked by the people and nobles alike, and respected for his religious knowledge and fervor. It is believed that he was afflicted by a desert spirit upon his birth, making him incapable of the learning that would be expected of this noble house. Unless his mother, but no… that would not be conceivable…. Regardless, His father found him incapable of mastering the intricacies of a major merchant family. Despite eloquence in speech, his failure to learn any other language than common/trade, or even to read and write that as well as a junior scribe, convinced dear old dad that he could have no place where he could move the levers of trade. Therefore, he was encouraged to follow his clerical inclinations, being fierce in his zeal in service of Tantor, bull elephant god of battle of the 100 kingdoms. Even so, he was deemed to be too close, as people would occasionally trick him into sharing confidential family plans. With the recent unrest and mechanations taking place, on his 20th birthday, Hanarl was made a gift of a learned but sickly slave from the The House of Unveiled Truth, which his father had picked up on a slave trading mission to Raja Kupu and bid to represent the glory of Tantor throughout the purple lands. Krishna charged the slave with making sure that Hanarl's low intelligence is not preyed upon as he journeys.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
War Hammer 1 0 1d6/1d6 n n 20
Qty Item Location
1 Chain Mail Armor Worn
1 Shield Arm
1 War Hammer Carried
1 Holy Symbol Neck
1 Backpack Back/worn
1 wk Standard Rations Backpack
3 Water Skins (2 in pack) Carried
1 Tinder box Backpack
1 50' Rope Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 3 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Turn Undead
Skeleton 7
Zombie 9
Ghoul 11
Wight -
Wraith -
Mummy -
Spectre -
Vampire -