Celionas Galanodel    (High Elf Male Wizard)
Character Information   
Name: Celionas Galanodel XP/Next lvl: 5000 / 10000
Class: Wizard HP:curr/max 11 / 11
Alignment: Chaotic Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 6 / 10 / 6
Race: High Elf Level: 3
Age: Height:
Weight: Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement:
Languages: Common, Elven | Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Hobgoblin, Orc
Ability Scores   
STR: 10 (Hit Probability: --, Damage Adjustment: --, Weight Allowance: 40, Maximum Press: 115, Open Doors: 6, Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 2)
INT: 16 (XP Bonus: 10, Number of Languages: 5, Spell Level: 8th, Chance to Learn Spell: 70, Maximum Number of Spells per Level: 11, Illusion Immunity: --)
WIS: 10 (Magical Defense Adjustment: 0)
DEX: 18 (Reaction Adjustment: +2, Missile Attack Adjustment: +2, Defensive Adjustment: -4 | Elf: +1)
CON: 12 (Hit Point Adjustment: 0, System Shock: 80, Resurrection Survival: 85, Poison Save: 0, Regeneration: Nil | Elf: -1)
CHR: 14 (Maximum Number of Henchmen: 6, Loyalty Base: +1, Reaction Adjustment: +2)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
14 13 11 15 12

Notes: Elf: 90 resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells.

Description and Background   


Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Staff 1 -- 4 1d6/1d6 n n 20 -- Weight: 4 lbs, Size: Large, Type: Bludgeoning
Sling (Stone) 1 40/80/160 6 1d4/1d4 n n 20 * Weight: *, Size: Small, Type: Bludgeoning | Medium: -2, Long: -5
Sling (Bullet) 1 50/100/200 6 1d4+1/1d6+1 n n 20 20 Weight: *, Size: Small, Type: Bludgeoning | Medium: -2, Long: -5
Knife 2 10/20/30 2 1d3/1d2 n n 20 2 Weight: 0.5, Size: Small, Type: Piercing/Slashing
Qty Item Location
1 Staff (4#) Right Hand
1 Sling (--) Robe Pocket
20 Sling Stones (2#) Ammunition Pouch
20 Sling Bullets (2#) Ammunition Pouch
2 Knife (1#) Forearm Sheath (Left, Right)
1 Backpack (2#) Back
1 Ammunition Pouch (Sling Stones) (0.5#) Belt
1 Ammunition Pouch (Sling Bullets) (0.5#) Belt
10 Chalk (1#) Belt Pouch
2 Glass Bottle (--) Backpack
4 Scroll Case (2#) Backpack
1 Mirror, Small Metal (--) Backpack
40 Paper, Sheets (--) Scroll Case
2 Sack, Large (1#) Backpack
5 Sack, Small (0.5#) Backpack
5 Sack, Small (0.5#) Robes
1 Whistle, Signal (--) Neck
1 Ring, Signet (--) Right Index Finger
1 Wax, Sealing (1#) Belt Pouch
1 Whetstone (1#) Belt Pouch
2 Wineskin (2#) Belt
2 Ink Vial, Writing (--) Belt Pouch
1 Belt (--) Waist
1 Boots, Soft (--) Feet
2 Knife Sheath (--) Forearm (Left, Right)
1 Robe, Blue with Gold Accents (--) Worn
1 Healer's Bag (1#) Belt
7 Dry Rations (Day) (??) Backpack
1 Sand (1#) Glass Bottle

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 381 0 28 13
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Potion of Extra Healing (3d8+3) (1d8)x3 Belt Pouch
1 Potion of Extra Healing (3d8+3) (1d8)x3 Belt Pouch
1 Potion of Sweet Water Belt Pouch
1 Potion of Invisibility Robe Pocket
1 Potion of Invisibility Robe Pocket

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Hold Portal

Level 2

Spell Book

Level 1
Detect Magic
Hold Portal
Read Magic

Level 2

Elf Notes (PHB, 28-29)
* Elven characters have 90 resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells. This is in addition to the normal saving throw allowed against a charm spell.
* When employing a bow of any sort other than a crossbow, or when using a short or long sword, elves gain a bonus of +1 to their attack rolls.
* An elf can gain a bonus to surprise opponents, but only if the elf is not in metal armor. Even then, the elf must either be alone, or with a party comprised only of elves or halflings (also not in metal armor), or 90 feet or more away from his party (the group of characters he is with) to gain this bonus. If he fulfills these conditions, he moves so silently that opponents suffer a –4 penalty to their surprise die rolls. If the elf must open a door or screen to attack, this penalty is reduced to –2.
* Elven infravision enables them to see up to 60 feet in darkness.
* Secret doors (those constructed so as to be hard to notice) and concealed doors (those hidden from sight by screens, curtains, or the like) are difficult to hide from elves. Merely passing within 10 feet of a concealed door gives an elven character a one-in-six chance (roll a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching for such doors, elven characters have a one-in-three chance (roll a 1 or 2 on 1d6) to find a secret door and a one-in-two chance (roll a 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to discover a concealed portal.
Wizard Notes (PHB, 42-45)
* Wizards cannot wear any armor.
* For similar reasons, wizards are severely restricted in the weapons they can use. Hence, a wizard can use a dagger or a staff, items that are traditionally useful in magical studies. Other weapons allowed are darts, knives, and slings (weapons that require little skill, little strength, or both).
* Wizards can use more magical items than any other characters. These include potions, rings, wands, rods, scrolls, and most miscellaneous magical items. A wizard can use a magical version of any weapon allowed to his class but cannot use magical armor, because no armor is allowed.
* Whenever a wizard discovers instructions for a spell he doesn’t know, he can try to read and understand the instructions. The player must roll percentile dice. If the result is equal to or less than the percentage chance to learn a new spell, the character understands the spell and how to cast it. He can enter the spell in his spell book (unless he
has already learned the maximum number of spells allowed for that level).
* Before a wizard can actually cast a spell, he must memorize its arcane formula. This locks an energy pattern for that particular spell into his mind. Once he has the spell memorized, it remains in his memory until he uses the exact combination of gestures, words, and materials that triggers the release of this energy pattern. Upon casting, the energy of the spell is spent, wiped clean from the wizard’s mind.
Learning Spells (PHB, 108)
* Your character begins play with a spellbook containing up to a few 1st-level spells. Your DM will tell you the exact number of spells and which spells they are.
* When your character attains a new level, he may or may not receive new spells. This is up to your DM. He may allow your character to return to his mentor (provided he departed on good terms!) and add a few spells to his book.
* It may be possible for your character to copy spells from the spell book of another player character (with his permission, of course). Or he may have to wait until he can find a spell book with new spells.
* In all cases, before he can add a new spell to his spell book, you have to check to see if your character learns that
spell. The chance of learning a spell depends on your wizard’s Intelligence.
Elves in particular carry a mixture of nuts, corn, seeds, dried fruit, and small candies. This is sometimes carried as a loose mix, and is sometimes carried in small patties held together by brown sugar, honey, molasses, or lard. Either variation requires the consumption of extra water. -- Page 116, Arms & Equipment Guide