Eduardo the Fabulous    (Human Male Fighter)
Character Information   
Name: Eduardo the Fabulous XP/Next lvl: 600000 / 700001
Class: Fighter HP:curr/max 58 / 84
Alignment: Neutral Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 9 / 10 / 10
Race: Human Level: 10
Age: 33 Height: 5' 8
Weight: 210 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement:
Ability Scores   
STR: 17 (TH: +1, DAM: +1, Enc: +500 lbs, ODs 1-3, BB/LG 13)
INT: 10 (Languages: 2)
WIS: 14 ()
DEX: 14 ()
CON: 16 (HP: +2, sys shock: 95, res/raise: 97)
CHR: 10 (henchmen max.: 4)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
8 9 10 9 11


Description and Background   
Brown eyes, brown hair. Average looking. At 5' 8", Eduardo isn't an uncommonly large fellow, but he seem quite solid, and has an air of someone who knows his way around a fight. In his home village he was something of a ladies' man (the pickings were slim) and has been shocked to discover since venturing out into the wide world some while back to start the adventuring life, that he is nothing special, looks-wise. He's a bit insecure.

Eduardo grew up in an extreme backwoods river town. A tiny village, really. His fighting style is somewhat bizarre - he was trained by, Señor Pacito, a master of the spear, who it turns out, was self-taught. Eduardo is also self-conscious about his gangly-looking, unorthodox fighting style – he always seems to be off balance – but is nevertheless a very effective fighter.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
*Spear (+1) 2/1 6-8 1-6 (+4)/1-6 (+4) n n
Footman's Mace 3/2 7 2-7/2-8 n n
Crossbow, Light 1/1 6/12/18 1-4/1-4 n n
Short Sword 3/2 3 1-6/1-8 n n
Javelins of Lightning 1/1 9 1-6 +20/1-6 +20 n n
Qty Item Location
40 Bolts Quiver
1 Sm. Belt Pouch Belt
4 Torches Backpack
1 Tinderbox w Flint/Steel Belt Pouch
1 Large Sacks Backpack
1 Waterskin Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 536 0 4 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Spear (+1) Hand (R)
1 Small Shield (+1) Off Hand

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Common, Dwarvish, Ogreish
Spear (Specialized)
- deals twice damage indicated to any opponent when set to receive their charge.
Weapon Proficiencies
(-2 for non-proficient)
*Spear (Spec: +1 TH +2 Dam)
Footman's Mace
Light Crossbow
Long Sword
Long Bow