Elanriel Elharan    (Elf Female Fighter)
Character Information   
Name: Elanriel Elharan XP/Next lvl: 4088 / 8000
Class: Fighter HP:curr/max 18 / 18
Alignment: Neutral Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 3 / 4 / 3
Race: Elf Level: 3
Age: 68 Height: 5' 9'
Weight: 89 lbs Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: Elf and Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 13 (Hit Prob: Normal, Dmg Adj: None, Weight Allow: 45, Max Press: 140, Open Doors: 7, Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4)
INT: 9 (Lang: 2)
WIS: 13 (Magic Defense Adj: 0)
DEX: 15 (Reaction Adj: 0, Missile Attack Adj: 0, Defensive Adj: -1)
CON: 14 (HP Adj: 0, System Shock: 88, Resurrect Survive: 92, Poison Save: 0, Regeneration: Nil)
CHR: 9 (Max Henchmen: 4, Loyalty Base: 0, Reaction Adj: 0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
14 15 16 17 17

Notes: -1 Defensive Adj from Dex for things that can be dodged + Elven racial resistance to sleep or charm spells

Description and Background   

Elanriel is some way off being a typical elf. Nobody knows where she came from, who her parents were or what happened to them. Elves took her in after finding her as a juvenile, living wild in the forest, having survived there on her own for fifty years or more; hunting, foraging, and evading or killing goblins. The Elves brought the wild, blonde-haired elf-girl back to their clan and tried to educate her in their ways but she remained stubbornly wild and rebellious, and never really fitted in. Though she slowly learned to talk, she has always spoken oddly, with a strange nasal lisp, as though she suffers from some defect that prevents her pronouncing certain sounds. Being different, she has never made friends easily and there were those among her peers, the other adolescent elves, who singled her out because of her strangeness, mocking and bullying her for being stupid and an outsider. But, this made her all the tougher and she remained fiercely defiant and never backed down to them, getting into fights when her temper got the better of her (which was often) and taking quite a few beatings. Woodcraft and martial skills were the only aspects of the education the elves gave her in which she showed some real proficiency. She already had many years of practical experience of using woodcraft for survival, and in martial training her ferocity and determination proved an asset. An aged tutor, who accepted her for who she was rather than trying to mold her into something different, took her under their wing and helped her hone her abilities until she felt ready to leave and make her own way. By elf standards, she is still very young to be out in the world seeking adventure but, to her mind, she has been lost without purpose for far too long. It is past time she seeks her own destiny.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Long sword (1h) 3/2 5 1d8+2/1d12+2 y n 19 n/a +2 to attack from Elf & Specialization
Short sword (1h) 3/2 3 1d6/1d8 n n 19 n/a +1 to attack from Elf
Long sword (2w main) 1 5 1d8/1d12 n n 19 n/a +0 = -1 (2w-adj) +1 from Elf
Short sword (2w off) 1 3 1d6/1d8 n n 19 n/a -2 = -3 (2w-adj) +1 from Elf
Short bow 1 / n n 19 20 +1 to attack from Elf
Qty Item Location
1 +1 Chainmail, Light Fortification Worn
1 Long sword Held/Scabbard
1 Short sword Held/Scabbard
1 Dagger Scabbard
1 Backpack Back
1 Rations (1 week) Backpack
1 50' Rope Backpack
1 Small sack Backpack
12 Iron spikes Backpack
1 Small hammer Backpack
1 Waterskin Slung
1 Wineskin w 1 quart of red wine Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
8 273 20 104 5
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Racial Abilities
Elven infravision enables them to see up to 60 feet in darkness.

Sleep and Charm Spell Resistance: 90 resistance to sleep and all charm-related spells. (See Chapter 9: Combat for an explanation of magic resistance.) This is in addition to the normal saving throw allowed against a charm spell.

+1 to attack rolls with any sort of bow (other than a crossbow) and short or long swords.

Surprise bonus if not in metal armor. Even then, the elf must either be alone, or with a party comprised only of elves or halflings (also not in metal armor), or 90 feet or more away from his party (the group of characters he is with) to gain this bonus. If he fulfills these conditions, he moves so silently that opponents suffer a –4 penalty to their surprise
die rolls. If the elf must open a door or screen to attack, this penalty is reduced to –2.

Secret doors (those constructed so as to be hard to notice) and concealed doors (those hidden from sight by screens, curtains, or the like) are difficult to hide from elves. Merely passing within 10 feet of a concealed door gives an elven character a one-in-six chance (roll a 1 on 1d6) to notice it. If actively searching for such doors, elven characters have a one-in-three chance (roll a 1 or 2 on 1d6) to find a secret door and a one-in-two chance (roll a 1, 2, or 3 on 1d6) to discover a concealed portal.
Weapon Proficiencies (4)
Long sword Specialization (2)
Short sword Proficiency (1)
Short bow Proficiency (1)
Non-Weapon Proficiencies (3)
Woodland Survival (2)

Others to probably add when I have enough slots: Animal Lore (1), Running (1), Tracking (2), Set Snares (1), Herbalism (3), Healing (3)
+1 Dwarven Chainmail adjusted to fit Elanriel by the Dwarven smith, Dalmarek of Stallanford.

Properties include Light Fortification, which means it has a 25 chance that critical hits and back attacks against the wearer do normal damage only.