zz-Ewell D'Alton    (Human Male Cavalier)
Character Information   
Name: zz-Ewell D'Alton XP/Next lvl: 1288 / 2500
Class: Cavalier HP:curr/max 30 / 30
Alignment: NG AC:reg/rear/no shield 3 / 5 / 4
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 16 Height: 6' 1
Weight: 170lb Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement:
Ability Scores   
STR: 18 (+3HIT, +4DAM, 160lb at12' (63/100 exceptional str))
INT: 10 (Average)
WIS: 11 (Average)
DEX: 16 (+3Attackadj, -1AC(heavy))
CON: 17 (+3hp, conscious until -3hp.)
CHR: 11 (Average)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Ewell is a slim but incredibly stong lad; body fat doesnt seem to stick regardless of appetite at such a young and active age. He looks like most young men of the kingdom, nothing too remarkable one way or the other. Brown hair and eyes. One curiosity that has yet to catch his attention... he bears a strong resemblence to the bronze statue made of the patriarch of the castle. He uses his lance first in any battle, sword second. Pick, only when necessary. He will generally allow any opponent to surrender to him before, during or after battle.

As far as Ewell knows, he is the son of a widowed governess (Sarie), working for a benevolent noble family. His supposed father was a war hero who died (as Aide de Camp to patriarch) about the time he was born. What he doesnt know is that Sarie was the loyal friend who adopted him to protect the noble's teenage child from ridicule following a failed but fruitful romance. The patriarch shows much affection for Ewell, and treats him much more kindly than a normal employee's child. He was tutored and trained by some of the best horsemen in the kingdom. Recently, Ewell was gifted one of the family's lighter warhorses, fully equipped, along with nice set of chainmail and beautiful long sword. He recently finished equestrian training on behalf of his protector, but left the horse behind for a few months while he underwent weapons training. He has completed a few courses, and has become proficient with a lance. His swordfighting was better than average, and his pick skills admirable. But, he refused any training in archery, finding the sport more suited for weaker, timid cowards. He is on leave, looking for adventure to impress his tutors and his benofactor.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Lance (Currently broken) 1 6 1d6/unmounted n n
Long Sword 1 5 1d8/ n n
Footman's Pick 1 7 1d6+1/ n n
orcish lngswrd 1 / n n
Qty Item Location
1 Light Warhorse With gear Remote stable
1 chainmail on
1 medium shield on arm

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
11 7 6 5 3
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Cavalier Pros/Cons (based on scores)
-Can Function to -3 HP
-90 immune to Fear, and gives +2 to those 1' away.
-Honor Code must be followed, or severe penalties.(reduced XP, repentence, lose status, etc)--
-Must follow once knighted.
-Begins with light horse, lance, long sword, chain mail
-Proficient in lance, long sword, pick.
- Cannot use missile weapons per code.
- +1 damage with lance at level 1.
- 3rd level, +1 to hit with long sword.
-Training cost 1250xlevelx(1d4DM)
-Begins at -500 xp due to status.
- 1.5xXP human bonus.
-Can demand free room/board within reason. Must also give.
-Must acquire best armor available, ignoring magic.
-At 3rd level can attack 3 per 2 rounds using the 3 weapons of choice.
-Parrying reduces attacker's "to hit" by Cav's bonus.
-Saving throw as fighter. Exceptional strength like fighter.
-Failure to adhere to cav's restrictions reduces PC to fighter.
- Duty bound to hunt/kill evill cavs.
Honor Code- Chivalry
Noble service cheerfully rendered
Defense of any charge unto death
Courage and enterprise in obediences to rule
Respect for all peers and equals
Honor to all above your station
Obedience and respect from all beneath your station(This includes knightly limits on weapons/armor)
Military prowess exercised in service to your lord
Courtesy to all ladies
War is the flowering of chivalry
Battle is the test of manhood
Combat is glory
Personal glory above all in battle
Death to all who oppose the cause
Death before dishonor
Combat Honor Code Rules
Cavalier will expect to fight face to face, but will concede to other's range attack or magic when warranted.
Once in melee, will not surrender. Will engage enemy in following order as known:
1. Powerful monsters (dragons, demons, giants, etc.) serving enemy leader, then the leader.
2. Opponent cavaliers of great renown, enemy flags
3. Opponent cavalry of noble or elite status
4. Other opponent cavalry
5. Opponent elite footmen
6. Opponent camp and headquarters
7. Opponent melee troops
8. Levies or peasants
Honor Code-Virtues
Knightly virtues:
Good Faith