Bugs Donato    (Gnome M T)
Character Information   
Name: Bugs Donato XP/Next lvl: 2350 / 2500
Class: T HP:curr/max 16 / 16
Alignment: CN AC:reg/rear/no shield 3 / 7 / 3
Race: Gnome Level: 2
Age: 85 Height: 3'4
Weight: 80 Gender: M
Encumbrance: Movement:
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Kobold, burrowing
Ability Scores   
STR: 11 (OD 1-2 BB 2%)
INT: 8 (1 additional lang)
WIS: 4 (Mag attack -2)
DEX: 18 (+3 Reaction -4 DA)
CON: 16 (+2 HP 95%SS 96%Res)
CHR: 15 (7 Henchmen 15%Loyalty 15%Reaction)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 12 14(10) 16 15(11)

Notes: +2 for mental attacks, -4 for dodging AOE spells, -4 from Gnome

Description and Background   
The Flame-haired Bugs moves with a feline grace. But much like a cat, his curiosity always gets him in trouble or a tight situation. A faint smell of singed hair and numerous bodily scars mark Bugs as a bit accident-prone, most likely due to his abysmal judgment. Full of life and gregarious, Bugs is no wallflower.

He spent some of his childhood at the Keep. His father trained Magpies to speak and convince gullible adventures to not stray far from the Keep because business always went up when adventurers came by to check out the nearby caves. The Plan was for Bugs to take over, but of course, he knew better and went out to find his treasure in Longspear. Thirty years later, Bugs received word from his father and set out to revisit the Keep.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Dagger 2 1/2/3 2 d4/d3 n n 20 +3 to hit
Long Sword 1 5 d8/d12 n n 20
Qty Item Location
1 Studded Leather 20lb worn
1 Longsword 6lb hip
6 Daggers and sheaths 1lb worn
1 Backpack 2lb worn
1 Belt worn
1 Boots, soft worn
1 Gloves, cloth worn
1 Robe with hood, black worn
1 Leather scroll case pack
4 Pouch, Belt belt
2 Sack pack
1 Rope 50' tied on goblins
2 Waterskin pack
10 Spike sack 1
1 Thieves Tools pouch 1
1 Tinder Box sack 1
1 Torch sack 1
1 Ale Mug on pack
7 Iron Rations sack 2
1 Holy Symbol, Wooden pouch 2
1 Candle tinder box
1 Cord, sinew pouch 3
10 Chalk pouch 2
2 Charcoal pouch 3
1 Bell pack pouch
2 Pouch, in pack pack
1 Hammer pack
1 Weaponblack pouch 3
10 Caltrops pouch 4
1 Marbles, bag (30) belt
0 glass blowing rod and paints pouch 4

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 17 0 8 5
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
1 large coppery scaled egg from kobolds sack 2
1 handful of fake glass gems coin purse
1 bone wand? not in pants
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Class Abilities
Pick Pockets 35+10 (45)
Open Locks 29+5+15 (49)
Find and Remove Traps 25+10+5 (40)
Move Silently 21+5+10 (36)
Hide in Shadows 15+5+10 (30)
Hear Noise 10+10 (20)
Climb Walls 86-15 (71)
Read Languages 0

Backstabbing damage: attack at +4 with surprise, Double damage
Gnome Racial Abilities
Infravision 60'

Detect grade or slope in passage upwards or downwards:
80% probability(d10, score 1-8)

Detect unsafe walls, ceilings, or floors
70% probability (d10, score 1-7)

Determine approximate depth underground
60% probability (d10, score 1-6)

Determine the direction of travel underground
50% probability

+1 to hit Kobolds and Goblins
-4 AC bonus against gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, and/or titans
Up to date as of 5/22/24
finding peppy mission