Saphrax Zylgwyn    (Elf Male Magic User)
Character Information   
Name: Saphrax Zylgwyn XP/Next lvl: 250001 (+10) / 375001
Class: Magic User HP:curr/max 59 / 59
Alignment: Chaotic Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 1 / 1 / 1
Race: Elf Level: 10
Age: 493 Height: 4' 10'
Weight: 105lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 30'
Languages: Common, Alignment, Elvish, Gnoll, Hobgoblin, Orc, Goblin, Troll
Ability Scores   
STR: 13 (+1 ToHit & Dmg.)
INT: 17 (Spell Learn 85 ~Spells/lvl: Min.=7, Max.=Unlimited / +2 Languages)
WIS: 9 ( -)
DEX: 13 (-1AC / +1 ToHit (missiles) / +1 Initiative (dex=12+1racial))
CON: 16 (+2HP/LVL ~Survive: Resurrection 92 / Shock 90 (con=17-1 racial))
CHR: 6 (Reaction Adj. +1 / Retainers=3 / Retainer Morale=6)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 11 9 13 10

Notes: The Fire Shield +2 bonus to Fire/Cold based spells ~ see pg.63 of AEC.

Description and Background   
Saphrax is a smaller Elf. He is friendly, but very introverted (low charisma) and comes across shy, or even anti-social. His companion, a Pseudo-dragon, named Zephixorventh (''Zephi'' for short) is often on the shoulder (or in Saphrax's large belt pouch) of his Elven keeper, but the dragon's chameleon like abilities render him virtually undetectable.

Saphrax comes from the mountain forest where his kin have great halls of rock and timber. He attended the arcane academy there and completed with top scores. He has been adventuring on his own, roaming, taking odd jobs, occasionally teaching magic, etc. for the past 300 or so years. He travels on his trained War Horse, Apricis, that wears heavy Elvish barding. In his free time he loves to fish and will release them unless he's fishing to eat. Saphrax studies all sorts of fish, and is fascinated by all aquatic life. Perhaps he was the Grandfather of Ichthyology; however, he does not value evil in any context or capacity.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Dagger +2 1/1 d4/d4 n n 17 +3 ToHit/Dmg. If thrown +4 ToHit / +3Dmg.
Dagger, Silver 1/1 d4/d4 n n +2 To Hit / +1 Dmg. (Waist/Belt)
Dagger, Silver 1/1 d4/d4 n n +2 To Hit / +1 Dmg. (Right Boot)
Dagger 1/1 d4/d4 n n +2 To Hit / +1 Dmg. (Waist/Belt)
Dagger 1/1 d4/d4 n n +2 To Hit / +1 Dmg. (Left Boot)
Qty Item Location
1 Shirt, cloth Worn
1 Trousers, cloth, light Worn
1 Cloak, cloth Worn
1 Belt Worn
1 Boots, low, soft, leather Worn
1 Pouch, Large Belt
3 Pouch, Small Belt
1 Mirror, small metal Small Pouch
1 Flint & Steel Small Pouch
1 Backpack Worn
1 Silk Rope, 50' Backpack
1 Bedroll Backpack
6 Trail Rations, 6 days Backpack
3 Oil (pint) Backpack
2 Sack, Large Backpack
3 Spike, Iron Backpack
3 Stakes, wooden Backpack
5 Candles Small Pouch
1 Spell Book Backpack
99 Spell Components Small Pouches
1 War Horse (Apricis) Horse/Ride
1 Horse Barding (heavy) Horse
1 Saddle Horse
2 Large Saddle Bags Horse

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
3 48 0 2 8
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Bracers of AC4 Worn
1 Ring of Protection +3 Worn
1 Ring of Spell Storing (4) Worn
1 Bag of Holding (1000gp capacity) Backpack
3 Potion of Extra-Healing (3d6+3) Small Pouch
2 Potion of Healing (d6) Small Pouch
1 Dagger +2 Belt
2 Other daggers Waist/Boot
2 Silver daggers Waist/Boot

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
3 Gem = 25gp ea. Small Pouch
5 Gem = 50gp ea. Small Pouch
Memorized Spells

Level 0

Level 1
Magic Missile (R150', d6+1ea. ~ 5 missiles)
Magic Missile (R150', d6+1ea. ~ 5 missiles)
Magic Missile (R150', d6+1ea. ~ 5 missiles)
Magic Missile (R150', d6+1ea. ~ 5 missiles)

Level 2
Stinking Cloud (R30', A20'cu, helpless nausea d4+1rnds after exiting ~ Save negates)
Stinking Cloud (R30', A20'cu, helpless nausea d4+1rnds after exiting ~ Save negates)
Web (=/<18STR 2d4Turns, >18STR 4Rounds, Fire=d6@2Rnds) *scribed
Web (=/<18STR 2d4Turns, >18STR 4Rounds, Fire=d6@2Rnds) *scribed

Level 3
Fire Ball (d6/lvl, 20'Radius, 240'Range, Save@Half)
Lightning Bolt (60'L x 5'W, d6/lvl) *scribed
Lightning Bolt (60'L x 5'W, d6/lvl) *scribed

Level 4
Fire Shield (2rnd+1/lvl, melee attacker takes dbl their dmg. Warm/Chill Shield +2 save bonus for spell type)
Mnemonic Enhancer (=/<3lvls of spells. Prep/Retain, Retain: cast Mnemonic-then spell-then spell again)
Mnemonic Enhancer (=/<3lvls of spells. Prep/Retain, Retain: cast Mnemonic-then spell-then spell again)
Polymorph Others (R60' If desired ''poly'' HD is Dbl target's HD=failure ~ Save negates/Ally needs no save)

Level 5
Cone of Cold (R5'/lvl, d4+1/lvl)
Hold Monster (R120', 6turns+1turn/lvl, d4 targets. Save negates, but -2 if one target)

Level 88
MNEMONIC: Haste (R240' 3Turns. 24targets in 60'dia. Dbl Attacks & Speed. Dispels Slow)
MNEMONIC: Invisibility 10' Radius

Level 99
IN RING: Confusion (R120' 12rnd. 3d6targets:1-4att,5-6babble,7-10att selves. Roll ea rnd)
IN RING: Dispel Magic (20'cu, failure @ 5%/lvl above caster)
IN RING: Passwall (10' deep x 5' wide) *not through metal
IN RING: Wall of Iron (thickness=1/4''Lvl, area=15'Lvl)

Spell Book

Level 0

Level 1
Burning Hands (1dmg/lvl ~ no saving throw)
Detect Magic
Magic Missile (R150', d6+1ea. ~ 5 missiles)
Read Magic
Shocking Grasp (d8+1/lvl)
Spider Climb
Summon Familiar
Unseen Servant

Level 2
Continual Light
Mirror Image
Rope Trick
Stinking Cloud (R30', A20'cu, helpless nausea d4+1rnds after exiting ~ Save negates)
Web (=/<18STR 2d4Turns, >18STR 4Rounds, Fire=d6@2Rnds) *scribed

Level 3
Dispel Magic (20'cu, failure @ 5%/lvl above caster)
Explosive Runes
Fire Ball (d6/lvl, 20'Radius, 240'Range, Save@Half)
Haste (R240' 3Turns. 24targets in 60'dia. Dbl Attacks & Speed. Dispels Slow)
Invisibility 10' Radius
Lightning Bolt (60'L x 5'W, d6/lvl) *scribed

Level 4
Charm Monster
Confusion (R120' 12rnd. 3d6targets:1-4att,5-6babble,7-10att selves. Roll ea rnd)
Fire Shield (2rnd+1/lvl, melee attacker takes dbl their dmg. Warm/Chill Shield +2 save bonus for spell type)
Mnemonic Enhancer (=/<3lvls of spells. Prep/Retain, Retain: cast Mnemonic-then spell-then spell again)
Polymorph Others (R60' If desired ''poly'' HD is Dbl target's HD=failure ~ Save negates/Ally needs no save)

Level 5
Animate Dead
Cone of Cold (R5'/lvl, d4+1/lvl)
Hold Monster (R120', 6turns+1turn/lvl, d4 targets. Save negates, but -2 if one target)
Passwall (10' deep x 5' wide) *not through metal
Teleport (without Error *scroll from DM* scribed)
Wall of Iron (thickness=1/4''Lvl, area=15'Lvl)

Elven Racial Abilities
+ Elves have Infravision of 60'.
+ Detect Secret/Hidden Doors when actively searching on a roll of 1-2 on d6.
+ Completely unaffected by Ghoul Paralysis.
+ Level 11 is the maximum level for Elven Magic Users.
Spells per Level
8 Zero (cantrips)
4 First
4 Second
3 Third
2 Fourth
2 Fifth
Familiar ~ 'Zephi' Zephixorventh ~ Pseudo Dragon
+ These intelligent dragon-like creatures are at most 2' long.
+ They have the ability to blend into their surroundings, rendering them undetectable 80 of the time.
+ They may attack with a bite, but prefer to use their whiplike tails that attack with +4 to hit.
+ Victims take no damage, but must save versus poison or fall into a state like feign death (but unaware) for 1d6 days.
+ There is a 25 chance that when the duration is up the victim dies.
+ Psuedo-dragons are able to see invisible creatures or objects.
+ They receive +4 to all saving throws versus magic, and can confer this bonus to another creature if they are touching.
+ Pseudo-dragons are telepathic, and able to grant clairaudience & clairvoyance to another being within 240' (centered on the dragon).
12'' Long, snout to tail.
Movement: 60' (20')
Fly: 240' (80')
AC: 2
HP: 11
Att: 1 (bite or tail)
Dmg: 1d3 or poison
Save: F2
Apricis, Heavy War Horse
HD3 (18hps)
Att: 2 (hooves)
Dmg: 1d6/1d6
Save: F2
Morale: 9
Items: Heavy Barding, Saddle, Saddle Blanket & Bit Bridle, and two large Saddle Bags.