Joven Arle    (Half-Elf Male Ranger)
Character Information   
Name: Joven Arle XP/Next lvl: 250001 / 325000
Class: Ranger HP:curr/max 71 / 71
Alignment: NG AC:reg/rear/no shield 1 / 2 / 2
Race: Half-Elf Level: 8
Age: 34 Height: 6'2
Weight: 180lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: Common, Elvish, Gnoll, Orcish, Hobgoblin
Ability Scores   
STR: 15 (Wt. Allow +200|Open Doors 1-2|Bend-Lift 7)
INT: 13 (No. of Additional Lang. 3)
WIS: 14 (Spell Bonus: 1 Lvl 1 Spell|Spell Fail 0)
DEX: 11 ()
CON: 16 (HP Adj +2|Sys. Shock 95|Res. 96)
CHR: 6 (Max. Hench. 2|Morale -15|React. Adj. -10)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
9 10 11 11 12

Notes: 30 resistance to sleep and charm spells

Description and Background   

Background: just had to be orcs. Filthy vermin, killing whenever they feel like it, raiding villages, and homes just for sport. Killing children, women and men for their own enjoyment. I hate the filthy beasts. I make it my priority nay my mission in life to hunt down, and kill every full blooded orc I come across. They are like rats they need to be exterminated, eliminated and wiped out. Goblins and kobolds for that matter are the same. It's like these creatures are bred to be naturally evil. I suppose if I one day met one that wasn't killing, raping or pillaging perhaps just perhaps I'd let them live. But that day has yet to come to pass. So I'll cross that road when I get there, and see what happens in the moment such an oddity should come to pass in my presence. You see orcs killed my family, not just my family my entire village. I was out and about on a hunt and when my father and I returned nothing but the burned down homes and dead so many dead lay everywhere. Children, women and men all dead. Save for one old man perhaps one of the eldest in my village cleaver enough to have hidden in a secret cellar that the orcs neglected to check. He told us of the terrible event and it was orcs my the numbers that did this and I have made ever orc I've met since pay for that, along with anything close enough to kin to an orc. Granted the humans and other races that choose to come in my neck of the woods and seek to harm others or rob others don't expect me to ignore your wrong doings either. Granted my lifestyle has scored me a number of bodily scars from my various battle wounds but I keep myself well covered so you see not most of my scars. My personality maybe a little rough around the edges but after all I live in the forests primarily, and keep you all safe so this is my price for doing good. The only companion other than his horse is his dog Rex.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Heavy Crossbow of Speed 1/2 8|16|24 1d4+1/1d6+1 n n 30|40 Bolts +1|Regular Bolts
Broad Sword +1, +2 vs Orcs, Goblins & Kolbolds 3/2 5 2d4/2d4-1 n n +1 Regular, +2 vs Orcs
Dagger 3/2 1|2|3 2 1d4/1d3 n n
Axe, hand or throwing 3/2 1|2|3 4 1d6/1d4 n n
Qty Item Location
1 Backpack Carried
1 Lantern, hooded Backpack
1 Tinder Box, with flint & steel Backpack
10 Oil, flask of Backpack
1 Pouch, belt, large Belt
1 Pair of Boots, high, soft Equipped
1 Belt Equipped
1 Cloak Equipped
2 Quiver, 2 score bolts cap. Carried
2 Dagger and scabbard Belt
2 Score Bolts Quiver
2 Rope 50' Saddle Bags
1 Skin for water or wine Belt
2 Rations, iron, 1 week Backpack
2 Axe, hand or throwing Saddle Bags
1 Saddle Horse
1 Saddle Blanket Horse
1 Saddle Bags Large Horse
1 Bit and Bridle Horse

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 1897 0 11 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Crossbow of speed Carried
30 Crossbow bolts +1 Carried
1 Chain-mail +1 Equipped
1 Shield +2 Equipped
1 Dust of sneezing and choking (5 pinches) Backpack
2 potion of extra healing Backpack
1 Broad Sword +1, +2 vs Orcs, Goblins & Kolbolds Sheath/Belt
1 potion of healing Backpack

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Pass Without Trace

Spell Book

Level 1
Animal Friendship
Detect Snares & Pits
Pass Without Trace
Speak With Animals

Racial Abilities
Half-elven characters have a 30 resistance to sleep and charm spells (if
the spells are cast upon them, a percentile dice roll of 31 or better is
required to allow the magic any chance of having an effect, and even then
the saving throw against spells is allowed versus the charm spell).
All half-elven characters are able to speak the 'common tongue' of men,
their alignment language (q.v.), and the following: elvish, gnome,
halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, and gnoll. Half-elven characters of
above 16 intelligence are able to learn one additional language for every
point of intelligence above 16, so that a 17 intelligence indicates the
character can learn one additional language, and an 18 intelligence
indicates two languages can be learned in addition to those listed above.
Half-elves have the ability to see into the infra-red spectrum, so they are
able to see up to 60' in darkness, noting varying degrees of heat radiation.
Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide from half-elves, just as they
are noticeable by elves. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door
gives the half-elven character a 1 in 6 chance (16 213) chance of spotting
it. If the character is actively seeking to discover such doors, he or she has
a 2 in 6 chance (33 1/3) of spotting a secret door and o 3 in 6 chance
(So) of locating a concealed door.
Hunting Dog: Rex

Draft Horse: Spitfire
Tracking is possible both outdoors and underground in
dungeons and like settings:
a. Underground the ranger must have observed the
creature to be tracked within 3 turns (30 minutes) of the
commencement of tracking, and the ranger must begin
tracking at a place where the creature was observed:
Creature's Action Chance to Track
going along normal passage or room 65
passes through normal door or uses stairs 55
goes through a trap door 45
goes up or down a chimney or through
concealed door 35
passes through a secret door 25
Outdoors there is a base 90 chance of a ranger being
able to follow a creature, modified as follows:
-for each creature above 1 in the party
-for every 24 hours which have elapsed
being tracked + 02
between making the track and tracking -1 0
-for each hour of precipitation -25
Ranger Abilities
When fighting humanoid-type creatures of the 'giant class',
listed hereafter, rangers add 1 hit point for each level of
experience they have attained to the points of damage scored
when they hit in melee combat. Giant classcreatures are:
bugbears, ettins, giants, gnolls, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds,
ogres, ogre magi, orcs, and trolls. Example: a 5th level ranger
hits a bugbear in melee combat, and the damage done to the
opponent will be according to the ranger's weapon type,
modified by strength, and +5 (for his or her experience level)
because the opponent is a bugbear - a 'giant class'
Rangers surprise (q.v.) opponents 50 of the time (d6, scare
1 through 3) and are themselves surprised only 161/3 of the
time (d6, score 1).
At 8th level, rangers gain limited druidic spell ability, and
additional spells are added through 17th level.