Zirus    (Lizard Man Male Cleric)
Character Information   
Name: Zirus XP/Next lvl: 2574 / 2700
Class: Cleric HP:curr/max 27 / 27
Alignment: AC:reg/rear/no shield 19 / 19 / 19
Race: Lizard Man Level: 2
Age: 22 Height: 6' 5'
Weight: 210 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 60 /120 water
Languages: Draconic, Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 12 ()
INT: 11 (-1)
WIS: 17 (+2)
DEX: 13 ()
CON: 13 ()
CHR: 11 (-1)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Age: 22 Height: 6’ 5” Weight: 210 Hair: none Eyes: Amber Skin: Green Goddess: Shekinester Holy Symbol: Mirror

HISTORY Zirus hails from a nearby territory which is controlled by his people – Marsh Haven. His folk tend to keep to themselves, but any who pass near to or through their territory are subject to the often harsh sovereignty of the Lizard Tribe. Zirus is an aspirant to the tribe’s Priest Class and has served in rituals for blessing of food and personal objects. He aspires to join the main circle at which point he will be awarded with true power. In order to foster true wisdom and prepare for this next stage in his ascension, Zirus has elected to travel into the wider world as a way to learn more about its people, its customs, and devour them. PERSONALITY Zirus is not especially talkative, but will often engage with others and with his environment nonverbally. Zirus has been known to disengage from his surroundings – delving into his own personal space from time to time as if suddenly in deep contemplation or meditation. Zirus has an intensely spiritual outlook on the world – but has limited respect for or understanding of non-reptilian religious orders. ATTITUDE TOWARD PARTY Zirus views fellow party members as curiosities. Warm-blooded ways of relating are foreign to Zirus. However, he has learned how to emulate the sorts of niceties that are exchanged between humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings. His attempts at social behavior and small talk sometimes come off as forced which, to be fair, they are. Zirus does recognize the need to value the other members of his party – understanding quite well that their survival is tied to his own. This respect is strained, though, for a fallen party member – for then Zirus’s practical side would identify that person as food. ATTITUDE TOWARD SOCIETY/CIVILIZATION Any group larger than 100 is abstract to Zirus. He has a limited understanding of laws unless they have an apparent and immediate purpose. He does recognize the authority of the strong over the weak. Zirus sees the value of abiding by local customs – though what he does when he is not bein

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Bite 1 0 1d4/ n n
Claw 2 0 1d2/ n n
Smithy Hammer 1 10'/20' 1d4/ n n
Net 1 5'/10' 0/ n n [M] Damage is Special
Knife 1 10'/20' 1d4/ n n
Flame Mirror of Shekinester 1 50' 1d4+2/ n n Att Roll 3d6+DX flame must be present to use
Qty Item Location
1 Backpack, Small Back
1 Bedroll Above Backpack
1 Beltpouch, Small Hidden in Armor
1 Blanket, Light Secured on Backpack
1 Chalk (1 piece) In Backpack Pocket
1 Flint and Steel Inside Bedroll
1 Knife Hidden in Armor, Left Side
1 Small Sack Secured below Backpack
1 Torch Inside Bedroll
3 Waterskins (full) 2 In Backpack, 1 slung over R Shoulder
1 Studded Leather Armor Worn on Torso
1 Diary, Unknown Language Kept in Belt
2 Leather Gourds (full) In Backpack
7 Grey Candles In Backpack
1 Area Map In Backpack
1 Meal of Edible Fungus In Backpack
1 Gold Key from Lonely Tower Dungeon In Beltpouch
1 20' Length of Rope Over Shoulder
1 Diary of Calmert the Priest In Backpack
1 Medallion of Entry In Robe Pocket
2 Watertight Scroll Cases In Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 97 0 15 5
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Flame Mirror of Shekinester Neck, Inside Armor, Over Heart
1 Clerical Spell Scroll (Spirit Walk) In Watertight scrollcase, Backpack
1 Spellbook, Clerical In Watertight case, Backpack
1 Ungerd's Ring +3 AC On L Hand
1 Silver Ring ? (from Bartholomew) On R Hand
1 Snake Scepter In Left Hand
1 Amulet of Shekinester (+15 Human Weakness Checks) Around Neck

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Level 0
Cure Minor Wounds
Read Magic

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds
Inflict Light Wounds
Magic Stone
Summon Monster I

Level 2
Cure Moderate Wounds
Summon Monster II

The diary Zirus acquired from the podium in the theatre room is written in elf-tongue. The pages are crumbling and faded. It appears to be written by a wood elf from a long forgotten community. The first few pages tell that he was the eldest member of a council that resided in the Seamyst Forest; the forest you have no knowledge of. His name was Dinenor. Many of the pages describe council meetings that took place in a small theatre room, beneath a great oak tree of grand spirit. The final pages tell about a grim time for the wood Elves. War with a wizard named Damara and the loss of their forest to the humans from the city of Dragons Belch. The final entry depicts the last stand by Dinenor and his wife and small child. This is the last entry.

The journal/diary appears to be a combination of notes and loose letters penned by someone named Calmert, which you believe to be a priest from the letters he has written, addressed to a man named Lareth. The last page of the diary suggests that the people who resided here were leaving for a fortress in the Great Desert.

Zirus is able to determine the spells in the book and the scroll as follows, however he will not be able to fully use them just yet. He can attempt to use the 0-level spells with a 50 chance of failure/backfire/other effect, and 1st Level spells at 75 chance of failure, so on and so on (so at 1st level you may attempt to cast 2nd level spells at 50 failure rate and 3rd level spells at 75 failure rate).

Roll d100: Success = > failure

0 Level
Cure Minor Wounds
Read Magic

1st Level
Cure Light Wounds
Inflict Light Wounds
Summon Monster I

2nd Level
Cure Moderate wounds
Summon Monster II

1st level
Magic Stone

You can find the spell description here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/clericSpells.htm

Zirus considers these humans familiar. He is not subject to the Lizard Man Human Flesh Frenzy in their presence.

Netheril: Wizard, Dragons Belch
Gunther Wilmhest: Assistant to Netheril, Dragons Belch
Grognork Kettleforge: Fighter, Wood Elf Home
Gavin Moorehouse: Knight, Hommlet
Clyde: Hireling, Eddistone Point
Cullivan: Druid, Eddistone Point
Shaador: Ranger, Eddistone Point
Caiden Cross: Rogue, Satan's Crack
Clement, Cleric: Eddistone Point

Sceptre of Spiteful Love
This heavy, thick, three foot long rod is made of silver alloys, has three thin snakes intertwined along its shaft, the head of snake at the crown sporting two sharp fangs, and a sharkskin leather grip is lashed to the base of the handle with softened gut twine. When used as a weapon, normal attack vs AC, it does 2d4 hp in damage. On the first successful hit the scepter absorbs the life-force (hp) of the victim and then uses that life-force to inflict secondary damage on the next attack. The life-force is stored in the septre, after the first attack, indefinitely, until a second, subsequent attack is made.

i.e. First attack does 4 hp. The sceptre stores the 4 hp as a charge. On the second attack 2d4=5+4 hp. The 4 hp from the first attack is added to the second attack.

In addition, the scepter may also be used to heal a character. After the initial attack has been made and the sceptre has been charged, simply place the head of the scepter on the forehead of the intended recipient and utter the command “Sana.” The stored hp will then be transferred to the recipient.

Spell scroll: Spirit Walk
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Turn + 1d4 rounds per level
Area of Effect: Creature or object touched
Casting Time: 6 Segments
Reversible: Re-enter physical body
Saving Throw: N/A
Affected target is able to leave their body in spirit form and move around freely. The spirit can pass through all physical materials excluding magical or magically enhanced materials, and can take any form, visually, or remain nearly invisible (similar to the heat waves coming off of an object in the sun). Only magical weapons of +2 or better can physically damage an individual in spirit form. Characters must return to and re-enter their physical body prior to expiration of the spell or forever remain in spirit form.


Lizardfolk history goes back as far as the dinosaurs. Evolving from small, swamp creatures, this carnivorous species has had a varied and tumultuous history. There were times when they were regarded as pets to the Dragon Kings of old, and at other times they have been enslaved by various other races, including the once and mighty Dragons.

Today Lizardfolk have spread their kind throughout the world. Before the Age of Darkness Lizardfolk ruled a mighty kingdom that stood proudly among the other kingdoms. Their pride, like that of the other mighty kingdoms at the time, played a significant role in the nearly destroying Petrum.

Lizardfolk are humanoid creatures standing between 6’ to 7’ tall, with green, gray, or brown scales, and typically weigh between 2