Tahlasar    (Gruagach Male )
Character Information   
Name: Tahlasar XP/Next lvl: 0 / 1500
Class: HP:curr/max 10 / 0
Alignment: AC:reg/rear/no shield 11 / 11 / 11
Race: Gruagach Level: 0
Age: 17 Height: 4'6
Weight: 90 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 3.5
Languages: Elvish, Treant, Broken Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 18 (+3)
INT: 17 (+2)
WIS: 15 (+1)
DEX: 17 (+2)
CON: 18 (+3)
CHR: 12 (0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   

Tahlasar was an odd child, always shunned or seen as an outsider due to his exotic control of his innate magic ability. Strangely, plants seem to grow faster and bloom beautifully when they’re near him. Everyday was a constant battle to avoid all other tribe members as he had no interest in such interaction. Tahlasar was more concerned with the surrounding life of shrubbery and other seedlings. Other tribe members were disgusted by this discussing his ‘twisted morals’ and inability to entertain the thought of a conversation. The ultimate decision of the tribe elders was to banish him. Tahlasar’s mother a very quiet woman, was pressed with a very difficult decision leave with her son or abandon her son altogether, not being able to make the decision, Tahlasar was taken from her, and it was made for her. He was drugged and tossed in the river to drown. He awoke tangled in grass near the river unable to move, after sitting a wiggling for a few seconds the grass seemed to unroll and free him. Left to his own devices Tahlasar wandered in the forest looking for someone or something to guide him through this new life he has been forced into. After just a few minutes of looking, he found a very bright plant that seemed to be calling him, almost commanding him to consume it. Quickly, the urge became too great, and he ripped the flower from it’s stem and ate it whole. Several minutes passed when suddenly a sensation of incredible pain overtook him. his entire body felt as if it was on fire, and from somewhere deep within him, something was twisting in very dark ways.Convulsing, unable to control his own body, writhing from the pain, Tahlasar passed out. Once again Tahlasar woke up unable to move but this time when he opened his eyes the only thing he was met with was absolute darkness.This new strength felt as if it coarsed through his veins, he felt powerful. expecting to be freed just like last time he stays calm and wiggles slightly but nothing happens. Panic begins to set in and Tahlasar tries to rip hi

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Thorned Vine Whips 1 / n n
Qty Item Location
1 Belt Pouch, Medium
1 Flint & steel Belt Pouch
1 Torch Belt
1 Waterskin Belt
1 Knife, Simple Belt Pouch
1 Candle Belt Pouch

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 0 0 0 25
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book
