Lyaera Arabana    (Dark Elf Female Animal Trainer/Circus performer)
Character Information   
Name: Lyaera Arabana XP/Next lvl: 1350 /
Class: Animal Trainer/Circus performer HP:curr/max 17 / 20
Alignment: NG AC:reg/rear/no shield 12 / 12 / 12
Race: Dark Elf Level: 1
Age: 138 Height: 4'9'
Weight: 115 Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement: 60'
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
Ability Scores   
STR: 16 (+1)
INT: 13 (+3)
WIS: 11 ()
DEX: 16 (+2)
CON: 18 (+2)
CHR: 13 (+5)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Lyaera has long Midnight Black hair, Green Eyes. Scar next to left eye. She wears dark armor with many dagger slots. html

Lyaera was found outside a orphanage. She was always a outcast as a dark elf. She stayed in the orphanage till was she was 13 years old when she ran off with gypsy traveling circus. Lyaera worked with the animals for many years. The animals seemed to relax when Lyaera was tending to them. She was nicknamed 'Ravinae ' (Lion Whisperer) by the gypsies. She also worked for a 1/2 elf named One Eyed Jax as a knife thrower. He taught her how to be a expert knife thrower. Lyaera was always after coin but not at the risk of her life. She believes that running and coming back to fight another day is more beneficial to living long prosperous life. Stealing and pickpocketing the fairgoers made her a lot of extra money. One eyed Jax took most her profit. When Jax was killed by a jealous husband she left the fair trying her hand at adventuring. Socially she will stay in the background and watch and observe the people around her as she trusts very few. In a group that she trusts Lyaera will work as a team player. Some would consider her a hoarder as she keeps everything. Her backpack is full, most people would call it junk. But if it there is a real threat of danger she move into the shadows and wait for it to be safe or attack if the opportunity is in her favor. Around others of her race or a orphan she will protect them and offer them any help she can.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Throwing Knives x4 1 1d4/ n n
Rusty S. sword 1 1d4/1d6 n n
2 throwing axes 1 1d6/1d4 n n
Silver Dagger 1 1d4/1d6 y n
L. Bow 1 1d8/1d6 y n 10 metal tipped arrows
Qty Item Location
1 Backpack, Small
1 Bedroll
1 Belt Pouch, Small
1 Flint & Steel
1 Torch
1 Waterskin
1 Hemp Rope [25’]
1 Light Leather (+1 AC)
2 rusty cups BP
3 Bent spoons BP
1 frying pan (no handle) BP
3 Sm Sacks (2 with holes) BP
1 Ball of string BP
3 Pieces of glass BP
3 Pieces of glass BP
1 Set of eye glasses(No lenses) BP
3 1" candles BP
4 Empty potion bottles BP
1 cup on a string with a crystal Attached to BP
1 Black Leather cloak worn
1 Dented pot Bp
1 Md Warhorse / Barding chain Rode

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 10 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Dark Elf traits
Languages Known: Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
Weapon Proficiencies: Light, medium
Armor Allowance: Light, medium
Vision: Low-light vision

• Sleep & Charm – Immune to all sleep and Charm based attacks/spells
• Weapon Specialization - +2 bonus to attacks with all bows, rapier, and longsword.
• Listen, Search, Spot – +5 to all Listen, Search, and Spot checks