Ranjiit Adegboye    (Indian/Nigerian Male Psychic)
Character Information   
Name: Ranjiit Adegboye XP/Next lvl: 0 / 2005
Class: Psychic HP:curr/max 3 / 3
Alignment: AC:reg/rear/no shield 8 / 0 / 0
Race: Indian/Nigerian Level: 1
Age: 25 Height: 5'9'
Weight: 152 lbs. Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Unencumbered Movement: 20
Languages: English
Ability Scores   
STR: 10 ()
INT: 7 (-1)
WIS: 12 ()
DEX: 9 (+1 from CP)
CON: 14 (+1)
CHR: 13 ()

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:

Notes: Physical 13, Mental 12, Evasion 15, Tech 16, Luck 14

Description and Background   
Ranjiit is lean but otherwise nonathletic, with skinny limbs and a lack of noticeable muscle definition. He tends to dress in unassuming, common clothing - usually synth-denim jeans and ratty logo T-shirts. His most prized piece of clothing is a musty, heavily-patched brown leather bomber's jacket with furred collar, supposedly all made from authentic materials and passed down through several generations of his family. His head is a wild mop of tangled curls, haphazardly tied behind his head more often than not. His beard follows the same example - being largely untrimmed and uncared for. Generally, Ranjiit just looks like a scruffy, unkempt vagrant of evidently mixed Indian/African descent. The only aspect of his appearance that truly stands out are his eyes, which bear an cat-like shine when looked upon in darkness, evidence of some mutated genome within him.

A child born of a pair of AWOL psychic agents who once worked for some enterprising planetary government, Ranjiit (or just Ran for short) has been on the run for as long as he can remember. Though Ran himself never learned the full story of why his parents decided to turn their backs on their patron faction, through overhearing hushed conversations and picking up on cryptic clues throughout his early life, he's come to the conclusion that they were most likely traitors of some kind, perhaps caught selling secrets to an enemy faction. That would certainly explain the constant moving from place to place for the entire span of his childhood - the countless memories of stowing away in dark cargo containers or hidden compartments aboard smuggler ships. It was a tumultuous upbringing that left little room for traditional education, even without the psychic abilities that Ran began to develop early into his adolescence. His parents chose to focus what little time they had for teaching their son how to survive in the sector on making sure that he knew how to properly use his powers. For the most part, they succeeded, though Ran never had much finesse for psionics - even today he controls his powers more through sheer force of will than any kind of deeper understanding of how they work. Piercing migraines are a common accompaniment to any attempt to tap into his abilities, but it's better than torching, at least. Eventually, whoever was chasing Ran's parents for all those years caught up to them and he ended up losing both his mother and his father to a raid upon one of their hiding places in his late teens. Ran himself only survived because of a sudden precognitive spark that urged him to hide just before the door was blown open. Whoever had been chasing them for all those years seemed to give up the trail after the deaths of his parents, and Ran ended up wandering the spacelanes for several years after that, drifting from job to job and planet to planet on board whatever vessel would hire him. He's picked up a v

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Laser Pistol 1 100/300 1d6/ n n +2 10/70
Boot Knife 1 6/9 1d4/ n n +1
Qty Item Location

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Psychic Powers:
PP: 2

Precognition: (main discipline)
Level 1: 'Omen'

Level 1: 'Remote Manipulation'
Background: Transport Specialist
Class Training: Rogue Psychic

Combat/Gunnery: 0
Culture/Traveller: 0
Navigation: 0
Vehicle/Space: 0
Combat/Energy: 0
Culture/Criminal: 0
Persuade: 0
Stealth: 0
Credits: 75

Readied Items: 3/5
- Boot Knife
- Laser Pistol (1d6, +1 to hit, 100/300m range, 10 ammo)
- Power Cell, type A x6
- Commpad

Stowed Items: 3/10
- TL4 Backpack
- Rations, 2 days
- Atmofilter
(2 Cool Points Spent for Pure Benefit Roll)

Night Vision
1. Amass a fortune of 10,000 credits, and spend it all improving the non-essential qualities of my life - some swanky outfits, comfortable furniture for my living quarters, maybe a live-in whor-MAID. Ahem. A live-in maid...
2. Befriend or Create an Organization of Independent Psychics-for-Hire
3. ... pending