Tobias    (Grimalkin )
Character Information   
Name: Tobias XP/Next lvl: 3675 / 4500
Class: HP:curr/max 32 / 0
Alignment: AC:reg/rear/no shield 10 / 10 / 10
Race: Grimalkin Level: 4
Age: Height:
Weight: Gender:
Encumbrance: Movement: 4
Ability Scores   
STR: 10 (-1)
INT: 10 (-1)
WIS: 14 (+1)
DEX: 13 (0)
CON: 12 (0)
CHR: 12 (0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Tobias is a grayish black, slightly larger than normal, housecat that can shapechange.

Tobias was once the pet of a Cleric named Lareth the Beautiful. Lareth kept Tobias caged deep beneath the earth in an abandoned dungeon within an old crumbled tower in the Underdark beneath the the Seamyst Plains, north of Dragons Belch where him and several others were experimenting with strange gasses and plotting nefarious deeds. Tobias was rescued by Zirus and has now pledged to follow him dutifully into the ashes of whatever fire he chooses. Tobias’ dialog with Zirus at the time of their meeting in the Lonely Tower in the Underdark: 'I cannot tell you much, I was never allowed out of that tiny crypt where you found me. My former master was a very unkind man. He left me here to dye when they left. I only know they were planning something big called the Elemental Temple. He used this facility to experiment on humanoids-s-s. He has some grand vision or something. I chose not to listen mostly.' 'I was more a s-s-slave than anything else. A wizard trapped me when I was but a wee kitten. He sold me to this-s-s master who has a wizard of hiss own. I feared for my life and therefore bided my time in this hell. I do not know their full plan, only that it involves something called the Elemental Temple.' “Lareth the Stupid, a self appointed cleric of some order or other, don’t care from where, my former master, takes his orders from a man named Calmert, a priest, or so he calls himself, never met him, has some grand scheme to take over this world and turn it into his private hell, or rather ours I should think. I heard tidbits here and there. Black pearls from the Groo, not sure what or who they are, I believe we saw some of their handy work in the dungeon, that smoke I should think, the living turned to grotesque forms of the non-living,. The Elemental Temple, some place out west, is where they were headed. The village most likely their handiwork. I think this is just the beginning of their traitorous plans, foreplay if you will. I believe nothing good will come from their deeds, nothing at all.â€

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Claws 2 1d4-1/ n n
Bite 1 1d6-1/ n n
Qty Item Location

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Climb +6
Hide +3
Jump +6
Listen +3
Move Silently +8
Spot +3

Darkvision 60 ft.

A grimalkin can detect the surface emotions of any creature within 50 feet that it can see. It can sense basic needs, drives, and emotions, but not thoughts. A successful Will save (DC 13) allows a target to avoid being sensed in this way by that grimalkin for 24 hours thereafter.

As a free action, a grimalkin can produce an effect like that of a polymorph self spell, except as follows. The creature may take the form of any Medium-size or smaller animal, beast, or vermin, but it does not regain hit points when changing forms.

Prized pets and dedicated guard animals, the shape shifting grimalkins are found among many civilized societies. Most of these unusual creatures are domesticated, so it is rare to see one in the wild.

The mutable nature of the grimalkin allows it to take on a wide variety of animal forms, though its preferred form is its natural one—that of an oversized, blue-gray housecat. When it is feeling playful, a grimalkin performs for its master by changing into amusing or beguiling forms. It adopts a more threatening form when defending itself from an attack.

A grimalkin bonds with one master and remains his or her loyal companion for life. Its personality is extremely malleable, and over time the grimalkin takes on a disposition similar to that of its owner.

Grimalkins speak Common. They are chatty creatures that never know when to keep quiet.