Crow - Dragons Belch    (Human Male Assassin)
Character Information   
Name: Crow - Dragons Belch XP/Next lvl: 1008 / 1500
Class: Assassin HP:curr/max 15 / 15
Alignment: ?? AC:reg/rear/no shield 13 / 13 / 13
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 21 Height: 5'11
Weight: 196 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 60
Languages: Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 13 (+0)
INT: 15 (+1)
WIS: 15 (+1)
DEX: 17 (+2)
CON: 10 (-1)
CHR: 9 (-2)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:

Notes: Roll 3D6

Description and Background   
Short black hair with dark brown eyes. He has a scar running down his face over his right eye.


Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Bow, Long 1 75 -/- n n
Longbow Arrows, Metal Tip 1 1D6/1D8 n n 20
Sword, long 1 15 1D8/1D10 n n
Whip 1 1D3/1D4 n n
Dagger 1 10 1D4/1D6 n n +1 Dagger
Qty Item Location
1 Studded Leather Armor Wearing
1 Flint & Steel Backpack
1 Knife Wearing
1 Hemp, Rope 50' Backpack
1 Backpack Wearing
1 Chalk Backpack
1 Torch Backpack
4 Pitons Backpack
1 Crowbar Backpack
3 Caltrops Backpack
2 Flask (Empty) Backpack
1 Grappling Hook Backpack
1 Waterskin Backpack
1 Thieves Tools Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 344 0 1 5
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Healing Potion Wearing
1 +1 Dagger Wearing
1 +2 Shortsword Backpack
1 Ring of Transperency Wearing

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Assassin Base Skills
1. Open locks
2. Move silently
3. Hide in shadows
4. Climb walls
5. Read Languages (+1 Language per 2 levels)
6. Backstab (x2 multiplier, levels 1-4), (+1 multiplier / 4 levels thereafter)
7. Poison use
8. Blade Venom
9. Belladonna poison
Backstab Description
Assassins are masters of the backstab skill, and very few, barring other assassins, can beat them in this area. On a successful DEX check an assassin can maneuver into position and successfully strike their intended victim with ease. To attempt a backstab maneuver the player simply rolls a DEX-DC (as below). Upon a successful attempt (as determined by the DM), the player then rolls for damage (as detailed below). The backstab skill can be performed once per encounter.
DEX-DC: 3d6 + DEX Bonus + ½ Level
Damage: Result x 2 (levels 1-4), (+1 multiplier / 4 levels thereafter)
Assassin Class Allowances
Hit Points per level: 5
Weapon Allowance: Any
Armor Allowance: Light armor* & small shields
Poison Use
The assassin, at various times, may employ the use of poisons, either via ingestion or weapon. Poisons must be purchased by the assassin or harvested from encounters. See the “Items” Section of the core rules for additional information on poisons. The assassin can also craft blade venom and belladonna poison form purchased materials.
Blade Venom
Blade venom is a combination of poisons mixed together in a specific fashion and reduced to a viscous oily substance, which is stored in a small vial. One batch creates three applications, which can be used on weapons or traps that inflict bodily injury. The ingredients for brewing blade venom cost 300 gp. The level of the poison is equal to the level of the assassin. If the level of the poison is equal to or greater than the level of the victim, the victim dies within 3 rounds. If the victim’s level is greater than that of the poison, the victim makes a CON-DC at +2 for every level of poison below theirs. (ie a victim of level 5 poisoned by a level 2 poison their CON-DC = 3d6 + Ability bonus + 3). If they fail the CON-DC (DC 18) they will die within 5 rounds if not given an antidote or cured in some other fashion, magically or otherwise.
Belladonna is a green plant with bell-shaped flowers and dark bluish-purple berries. Oil can be distilled from the plant and its flowers and used as a poison. The administration of belladonna oil must be made carefully as it has a pungent taste. One vial of belladonna oil can be distilled at any one time. Each vial contains one three doses. Upon ingestion, the victim suffers 1d10+2 points of poison damage the first round. On subsequent rounds the victim suffers an additional 1d6 points of poison damage until they successful complete a CON-DC check (DC 15).