Random Task    (Grey Elf Male Ench./Charm Wizard (Acrobat Kit))
Character Information   
Name: Random Task XP/Next lvl: 5352 / 10000
Class: Ench./Charm Wizard (Acrobat Kit) HP:curr/max 8 / 8
Alignment: AC:reg/rear/no shield 5 / 5 / 5
Race: Grey Elf Level: 3
Age: 116 Height: 165cm
Weight: 85 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: Elf, Common, Dwarf, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc
Ability Scores   
STR: 11 (Stamina 12 Weight 45 | Muscle 10 Adj 0/0, Press 115, OD 6, BB/LG 2)
INT: 20 (Reason 20 LvL 9th, Max All, Immun 2 | Knowledge 20 Profs 9 Learn 96)
WIS: 10 (Intuition 8, Willpower 12)
DEX: 19 (Aim 17 +2 MA | Balance 21 Reac +4, Def -5)
CON: 11 (Health 11 SS 75 | Fitness 11 HP 0, Res 80)
CHR: 17 (Leadership 15 Loyal +3 henchmen 7| Appearance 19 React +8)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
14 11 13 15 12

Notes: Immune to 1st and 2nd level illusion spells

Description and Background   

Traveled with a performing group at a young age doing random tasks (which was an early nick name that stuck) to explore the world away from Elves. It was not long before he started to perform as an acrobat... but soon started to study with the performing wizard in the arcane arts, though still acting the acrobat. Once his mentor could provide nothing more, he killed him and ran off with all the wizard tools and books he could carry to adventure and learn more.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Dart 3/1 10/20/40 2 1d3/1d2 n n 20 12
Dagger 1 2 1d4/1d3 n n 20
Qty Item Location

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 1450 50 100 25
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Cloak of Elvin Kind worn

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Detect Magic (Skill)
Free Majick
Free Majick
Sleep (PHB)
Sleep (PHB)

Level 2
Forget (PHB)
Free Majick

Level 3
Free Majick

Spell Book

Level 1
Cantrip (PHB)
Charm Person (PHB)
Comprehend Languages/Confuse Languages (PHB)
Detect Magic (PHB)
Detect Magic (Skill)
Free Majick
Hold Portal (PHB)
Hypnotism (PHB)
Identify (PHB)
Read Magic (PHB)
Sleep (PHB)
Taunt (PHB)
Wizard Mark (PHB)

Level 2
Bind (PHB)
Deeppockets (PHB)
Forget (PHB)
Free Majick
Insatiable Thirst (TOM)
Knock/Lock (PHB)
Laughter (PHB)
Ray of Enfeeblement (PHB)
Scare (PHB)
Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter (PHB)
Wizard Lock (PHB)

Level 3
Delay Death (CWH)
Dispel Magic (PHB)
Free Majick
Hold Person (PHB)
Suggestion (PHB)

Gray Elves
Character point cost: 45

Gray elves are considered the most noble and reclusive of elvenkind, devoting time to improving their minds. Also known as the faerie, this race has withdrawn from the world around them, stepping forth only to combat great evils. To some—even other elves—this retiring nature makes gray elves seem aloof and uncaring. Indeed, the faerie can be haughty, disdaining contact with their cousins and considering themselves to be the highest, purest, most noble form of elf.

Tall and slender, gray elves have amber or violet eyes and silver or pale golden hair. They prefer to dress in white, silver, or golden yellow with cloaks of dark tones such as deep blue or purple.
Most gray elves are chaotic good, though player characters can be any alignment.

Languages: Gray elves begin with six languages of their choice. The languages are subject to the DM’s approval.

Gray Elves’ Special Abilities
Bow bonus (5): + 1 on attacks with long or short bows.
Secret doors (5): because of their acute senses, elves are quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entrance ways. Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows an elf a one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1 d6) to notice it If actively searching, an elf's chances improve to a two-in-six chance (1 or 2 on 1 d6) to find secret doors, and a three-in-six (1, 2, or 3 on 1 d6) to notice a concealed door.
lnfravision (10): 60' infravision range.
Stealth (10): When the elf is alone and is not wearing metal armor, he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. The opponent suffers a -4 penalty, a -2 if the elf has to open a door.
Resistance (10): 90 percent resistant to sleep and chum-related spells.
Sword bonus (5): +1 on attack rolls using a short sword or a long sword.
Reason bonus (10): +1 to the Reason subability, due to gray elves' devotion to developing their intellects.

Gray Elf Racial Penalties
Due to their reclusive and often haughty ways, gray elf characters suffer a –1 reaction roll penalty when dealing with other elves, and a –2 penalty when encountering other races.

Disadvantages and Traits:

Cowardice: This is a hefty disadvantage for an adventuring character. The character might want to be brave and to fight heroically, but an inner voice of caution constantly suggests the merits of flight or concealment. Halflings receive 1 extra character point when they choose this disadvantage. When a violent encounter begins, the character must pass a Wisdom/Willpower check to overcome his cowardice. The roll is 1/2 the character's Wisdom/Willpower if this is a severe disadvantage. If the check is successful, the character can behave in any fashion for the duration of the encounter. If the check fails, however the character will seek to leave, to hide behind friends, or to otherwise cravenly attempt to avoid the fight. The character is allowed to make another Wisdom/Willpower check each subsequent round during the encounter. He flees or hides as long as he fails, but as soon as he passes the check he can perform normally - and is exempt from any further checks. (Of course, if he tried to hide behind his friends, a second violent encounter might occur immediately after the first is resolved!)

Lazy: A lazy character will never do any more work than is absolutely necessary. He will rely on his companions to do things such as build campfires, cook, and keep watch through the night The character will generally neglect details of preparedness in favor of catching a few minutes more sleep. However, if he really wants to do something that does not have a clear and urgent need (digging a trench around a camp in case an attack is made against them, for example) the character can roll a Wisdom/Willpower check, A -4 modifier applies to the character's Willpower score, however, and failure of the check means that the character decides the time could be better used by catching a little shut-eye-or at least by lying in the shade somewhere.

Phobias (Kobald): A character who is consistently afraid of one particular thing (or category of things) can have a real problem while adventuring. The phobia disadvantages are worth varying degrees of character points, based on the frequency of encountering that which the character fears, and whether the player chooses a disadvantage that is moderate or severe. The effects are generally the same. If the character is threatened by a violent encounter with the object of the phobia, he must roll a Wisdom/Willpower check (1/2 Wisdom/Willpower, if the phobia is severe). If successful, the character can function normally, but if the check fails he must flee or otherwise seek to avoid the encounter for 1-6 rounds. After this time, check again, and continue to do so each 1-6 rounds until a check succeeds.
The DM can modify the Willpower checks for phobic characters. Someone who hates enclosed places but is being pursued by a dragon, for example, might overc
45 Elf
30 Specialist wizard Ench./Charm (acrobat kit)
9 Int
3 WP for Wizard
8 NWP for Wizard
4 Phobia - Kobalds
7 Lazy
7 Cowardice
4 Lvl 2
4 Lvl 3

-45 Gray Elf
-10 No components
-10 Bonus spells
-10 Detect magic
-4 Obscure Knowledge
-3 Dart (WP)
-3 Dagger
-2 Riding , Land
-2 Rope Use
-3 Juggling
-3 Tumbling
-2 Reading/Writing
-3 Spellcraft
-3 Ancient History
-4 Ancient Lang
-4 Signature Spell
-5 Scrolls
-5 Potions