Daemon Bliss    (Drow Male Psionicist/Thief)
Character Information   
Name: Daemon Bliss XP/Next lvl: 2765/4400 / 2765/5000
Class: Psionicist/Thief HP:curr/max 20 / 20
Alignment: Neutral Evil AC:reg/rear/no shield -1 / -1 / -1
Race: Drow Level: 2/3
Age: 100 Height: 66'/5.5ft.
Weight: 90 lbs. Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 31 Movement: 16
Languages: drow, elf, gray dwarf, illithid, undercommon, svifnerblin, bugbear, sign language, orcish, common
Ability Scores   
STR: 12 (10/14: 40 wt. allow, 170 max press, 8 open doors, 7 bend bars/lift gates)
INT: 15 (13/17: 6 bonus prof.)
WIS: 17 (15/19: +4 mag. adj., Immunity to: cause fear, charm person or mammal, command, friends, hypnotism spells.)
DEX: 19 (17/21: +2 miss. adj., +4 react. adj., -5 def. adj)
CON: 15 (14/16: 88 system shock, +2 hp, 96 resurrect)
CHR: 12 (10/14: 4 henchmen, +2 reaction adj.)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 12 14 16 15

Notes: Immunity to: cause fear, charm person or mammal, command, friends, hypnotism spells. 90 percent resistant to sleep and charm-related spells.

Description and Background   

Though born into an upper class family, Briz NaLor's mistake was being born a male into a family that highly priced females and disdain the other sex. Tired of the acrimonious, matriarchal Underdark society and dishearten by his dismal future as a pawn under the heels of some moronic drow priestess, Briz Nalor was spurred on by the success of dissenters such as Drizzt Do'Urden and Jarlaxle to go to the surface world and carve his own destiny, free to live out his dream ... and beds as many fair maidens (and/or wenches - whichever is available that night) as he can. Comfort, pleasure, wealth and power, these are what drive Briz NaLor as he pursues his goals in the surface world where possibilities seems endless - and so he proceeded upward to the surface to charm, con, swindle, hoax, steal and (if he had to) work his way to his ultimate goal of power, comfort and vast fortune. His surface name is Daemon Bliss, Bliss from the pronunciation of his name and Daemon from what a lot of surface dwellers yelled out when they first saw him ... before running away. Briz NaLor's plan is to establish an information house where he can gather intel and sell them at a price (monetary or favor). Knowing some parts of the realm is in chaos with the vast orc hordes laying waste to the majority of elven and human settlements, he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to employ his skills and offer his services (to whomever pays better). He mostly used his dimension walk talent to travel to the surface world with little knowledge of his final destination (he just know he has to go 'up'). and so begins Briz 'Daemon' NaLor's exploit in the surface world ~

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Short sword +1 3/2 P 5 1d6/1d8 y n 19 additional +1 to hit, +2 damage
Dagger 1/1 P 2 1d4/1d3 n n 19 have 2: 1 sheath, 1 wrist sheath
Qty Item Location
1 cloak of resistance +1 about body (outer)
1 hat on head
1 darksuit, 5lbs about body (inner)
1 belt waist
1 blade boots, 3lbs feet
1 Silenced Armor Elven Chain (5 AC), 25lbs about body (armor)
1 backpack, 2lbs about body (back)
1 belt pouch belt
1 flint & steel backpack
1 ration backpack
1 waterskin, 1lb about body
1 wrist sheath left forearm
2 caltrops (20), 1lb x 2 backpack
4 healing salve, 1lb x 4 backpack
1 thieves pick, backpack
1 glass cutter backpack
2 catstink backpack
1 death knife (flute) backpack
6 trail ration backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 24 100 193 50
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Bracers of Armor +1, 1lb wrist
3 potions: cure light wound backpack

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Dancing lights
Faeri fire

Level 2

Spell Book

Abilities, Traits, Disadvantages
Wild talent
- Control light, mac 8, 6/2, 25yrd range, 400 sq ft. area of effect
- Dimension walk, mac 8, 5/2

- Ambidexterity
- Lucky

- Powerful enemy
Thieving Skills 3rd level
THAC0 = 19 (-1/2 lvl)

Backstab x2 (5x3, 9x4, 13x5)

Skill No armor bonus
Climb walls 80 +10
Escaping bonds 30 +5
Find/remove traps 15
Hide in shadows 80 +5
Move silently 85 +10
Open locks 25
Pick pockets 25 +5
Thieves' cant
Tunneling n/a +10
Character Game effects
Dark Elves
Infravision, 120'

Spell abilities
Once per day, spells: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness.
4th-level: levitate, know alignment, and detect magic.

90 percent resistant to sleep and charm-related spells.

When the elf is alone and is not wearing metal armor,
he gains a bonus to surprise opponents.
The opponent suffers –4 penalty, –2 if has to open a door.

Secret doors
Quick to spot concealed doors and hidden entranceways.
Merely passing within 10' of a concealed door allows:
- one-in-six chance (a 1 on 1d6) to notice it.

If actively searching:
- a two-in-six chance (1, 2 on 1d6) find secret doors,
- a three-in-six (1,2,3 on 1d6) to notice a concealed door.

50 magic resistant, +2 per level (maximum of 80).
Multiclassed drow use the higher level to determine this bonus.

+2 bonus on all saves involving magic.
Includes devices that emit magical effects/powered by magic.

Dark elves suffer a –1 penalty on all rolls when
- exposed to bright sunlight
- continual light spells. Lesser light sources do not bother them.
Other elves hate drow; initial reaction roll penalty of –2.
- contact
- mental armor/defense [5]
- rejuvenation
- weapon use [5]
- psychic adept [10]
- armor use [10]
- HP bonus [10]
- guarded mind [10] (+2 vs enchantment/charm school)

- reading and writing
- defense bonus (+2 AC when unarmored & unencumbered)

- dagger (proficient)
- short sword (proficient, specialized)
- Weapon Specialization: short sword
- armor proficiency [chain, elven chain]

Fighting Style
-two weapons
Psionicist, 2nd level
+2 bonus on all saving throws vs. enchantment/charm spells
in addition to magical defense adjustments for Wisdom score (+4).

Attack/Defense = 1/1
- ego whip

- intellect fortress

MAC 4 (+2 mental defense bonus incl.)
PSP = 04/33
MTHAC0 = 18 (-1/level, -1 int adj)

Discipline - Psychoportive
(s) Teleport, mac 9, 10/5
(d) Dimensional Door, mac 7, 3/1
(d) Phase, mac 10, 6/2

Discipline - Clairsentient
(s) Clairvoyance, mac 7, 5/2
(d) Danger sense, mac 8, 3/1
(d) Combat mind, mac 6, 4/2

Discipline - Psychometabolic
(d) Body weaponry, mac 6, 6/3
(d) Chameleon power, mac 7, 4/1
Game notes
+4 wisdom
+2 dark elves race
+2 psionicist (vs charm/enchantment)
+2 guarded mind (vs charm/enchantmen)
+1 cloak

Ambidexterity + two weapons style = 0 penalty when using two weapons

suffers only half the normal encumbrance load of his armor.

REJUVENATION: recover PSPs more quickly than usual by entering
a rejuvenating trance. Requires a successful proficiency check.
For every hour he regains PSPs at twice the usual rate (1/4).
He can’t expend PSPs while in this trance, state is much like deep sleep.

WEAPON SPECIALIZATION: +1 bonus to attack rolls and +2 to damage rolls.
One extra attack every two rounds.

TUMBLING: improve AC by 4 on a given round if,
- avoiding attacks directed against them, win initiative,
- not elect to attack that round.
Can move up to 20 feet, or remain in one place, during the course of evasion.
In unarmed combat, improves attack rolls by +2.

Thief (1)
Psionicist (1)

1 non weapon prof. every 4
1 weapon prof. every 4

receives one new weapon slot at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
receives one new nonweapon slot at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18.

Characters recover expended PSPs by resting for specific lengths
of time (minimum of one full hour).
Only states of rest that allow PSP recovery are sleep or meditation.
During each hour of rest, characters recover one-eighth
(1/4-rejuvenation) of their total PSPs

Death knife (flute) = regular dagger damage, +1 initial dmg
Backstab damage if undetected and unexpected, up close

SILENCED ARMOR, elven chain mail
pickpocket -25
open lock -5
find/remove traps -5
hide in shadows -10
climb walls -25
back story - items
back story to magical items:
Silenced Armor +1, short sword +1, bracer of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1

during NaLor's early life in the Underdark he befriended the Svirfneblin slaves
working in around his estate - this unusual friendship formed more out of
curiosity and spite to his family's beliefs than kindness toward the Svirfneblin,
but he also sympathetizes with them as he can see his own plight thru them
by the way his mother and sisters treated them.
Regardless, a bond was form and he eventually earned their trust and became
known in the Svirfneblin circle as NaLor the Symphatizer (a title he secretly
mocked as he had no compunction to turn on them if he gains to benefit).

One night, NaLor learned of his oldest sister's plot to kill a few Svirfneblin
in order to brag to the other cleric-in-training of her prowess.
Again, more out of spite than charity, NaLor secretly sabotage
his sister's plot and saved the Svirfneblins lives,
thus shaming his sister in the process, which was his ultimate goal.

His heroic action was not lost in the Svirfneblin community, nor, eventually,
the ears of his sister who was livid to learn of her brother's perceived treason.
The Svirfneblin learned of the sister's vengeful plot and now it is their turn
to warn NaLor of his impending doom.

That night NaLor decided to run away not wanting to face his family's wrath.
With the help of the Svirfneblins NaLor successfully escaped his family's compound
and the wrath of his sister, he also managed to steal a magical bracer and
a magical cloak belonging to his sister.

NaLor then hid in the Svirfneblin village for some time and it is there that he began
to hone his psionic ability, a talent he never revealed to his family
for doing so would either mean instant death or becoming entangled as a pawn
in his family's treacherous plot.

Knowing he could not stay there long and enamored by stories of the surface world
told by the Svirfneblin he then decided to head for the surface to escape his past
and find his fortune ... more so to find his fortune ... and better looking women,
the Svirfneblin women we'rent much to look at after a while, he had his fun,
but now it is time to move on.

Out of gratitude for his heroic act in saving their kinsmen earlier, the Svirfneblin
awarded NaLor a magical armor, a rare elven chain mail that was further customized
by a master craftsman to silence its chains.

Touched by their hospitality and by such a wondrous parting gift, NaLor vowed to
return the favor some day (at his convenience) as he bid farewell.

On the way to the surface. NaLor often uses his Dimensional Walk power to travel.
Using the Svirfneblin's map - which he can't really understand, and his direction sense -
which is practically non-existent (he just know it's 'up') NaLor slowly, but surely
began heading to the surface.

On his way to the surface he also found a short sword ... which turned out to be
pretty crappy, may even be cursed, but he managed to trade it for another fine
looking short sword from a drunk duergar at a seedy underground tavern.

Once at the surface, NaLor adopted the name Daemon as that was the word many
surfacer yelled out when they saw him, before running away.
Now he looks for a nearby town to begin his adventure and his stamp on the world ~

Adventure Journal
Adventuring notes goes here --------------------------------------------------