Gorthak    (Minotaur Male Knight)
Character Information   
Name: Gorthak XP/Next lvl: 1050 / 3200
Class: Knight HP:curr/max 2 / 10
Alignment: CG AC:reg/rear/no shield 16 / 15 / 16
Race: Minotaur Level: 0
Age: 180 Height: 7' 5
Weight: 325 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 60'
Languages: Ogre, Common
Ability Scores   
STR: 18 (+3)
INT: 10 (-1)
WIS: 13 (0)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 16 (+2)
CHR: 10 (-1)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Fur covered human body with about 10' horns on a bull head, with a long mane fur is reddish brown. Blue tattoo/tribal style markings on his body and face. Very muscular looking.

Gorthak once a man called Gorth. Cursed by a warlock and turned into a Minotaur. Refusing to become the monster Minotaurs are known for Gorthak does his best to fight evil, protect innocents where he can doing good along the way. Gorthak is bound and determined to become the first Minotaur knight proving that not all of his kind are inherently evil. Groth decided after being cursed and changed into a minotaur to add ack to his name nobody really knows why maybe it is his new form he resembles a yak. He's never really told anyone why. Gorthak like most minotaurs takes pride in his strength and shows appreciation to others of great strength. During the earlier stages of his trials trying to defy the stereotype of minotaurs and refusing to turn to violence and evil ways He saw a savage man captured by a tribe of goblins and they looked to eat the man. Gorthak rushed in and gored and killed the goblins with his strength the goblins were overcome and Gorthak saved the man. He didn't know what the mans name was but it appears the man not only was grateful for his life being saved but he was definitely befriended by the kindness of Gorthak now the man goes by Gort and follows around Gorthak. Gorthak tries to help keep Gort in check and teaches him the ways of good and how to manage. In return Gorthak has a travelling companion that is loyal to the bitter end to Gorthak a friend he would not ever wish to abandon or leave. There is a bit of an unspoken brother hood type bond with the two. Though anyone spending long enough with the two might say it is more like a father and son type relation ship between Gorthak and Gort.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Lucern Hammer 1 9 2d6/1d6 n n 20
Axes of Swiftness 1 2d4/2d4 n n 20 +1 to Hit +1 to DMG 2attks per round 1 per axe
Qty Item Location
1 Backpack, Small Back
1 Bedroll Backpack
1 Belt Pouch, Small Belt
1 Blanket, Light Backpack
1 Chalk, Piece Belt Pouch
1 Flint & Steel Backpack
1 Sack, Small Backpack
2 Torch Backpack
1 Waterskin Belt
1 Net Backpack
1 Lucern Hammer Stored
1 Studded Leather Stored
1 Small silver coin, 2” in diameter, with the head of a dragon in base relief on one side and a tail on the other. (Key to living quarters in Dragons Belch) Carried
1 Suit of Chanimail Equipped

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 71 0 15 30
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Set of Bracers of Truth Equipped
2 Axe of Swiftness Belt

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Racial Bonuses/Traits
Age: 160 to 240 yrs
Height: 7’ – 9’
Weight: 250 – 350 lbs.
Hair: Reddish-Brown to Black
Eyes: Brown to Black
Skin: Covered in Fur
Speed: 60’

Languages Known: Common, Ogre
Weapon Proficiencies: Large Only, (Dual-Wield Medium Weapons)
Armor Allowance: Any
Vision: Darkvision 60’

Two-Handed Fighting – Dual-wield 2 Medium sized weapons granting 2 attacks per round.

Gore Attack – This attack grants the character a +2 to driving attacks with their horns. Character must be a minimum of 15’ from opponent. Deals 1d8 points of damage and displaces small to medium sized creates 3’ to 6’.

Thick Hide – Thick hide grants the Minotaur a +3 to AC

Enhanced Smell – Ability to sense the slightest scent up to 5 miles away.

Rage Attack – Due to their historical hatred of Humans, Minotaurs gain a +3 to attacks against Humans.
Magic Items
Bracers of Truth: When worn these simple steel bracers turn the wearer into their true form; i.e. that of their spirit form. Character assumes the physical size and attributes of their spirit form. 2 hours at 1st level + 1 additional hour every level thereafter.

Axes of Swiftness: These paired, simple looking medium sized masterwork axes grant the user +1 to attacks and damage. In addition they have been magically enhanced to grant the wielder first strike regardless of any single or combined initiative or condition, magical or otherwise.
+1 to attacks and damage
First attack
2 Attacks per round total (each axe swings once)
2d4 damage (each axe)