'Seeker' Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye    (Irda Male Occultist)
Character Information   
Name: 'Seeker' Jyrbian Talanador of the Bleeding Eye XP/Next lvl: 1205 / 1500
Class: Occultist HP:curr/max 10 / 10
Alignment: ???? AC:reg/rear/no shield 11 / 11 / 11
Race: Irda Level: 0
Age: Unknown Height: 6'5
Weight: 175 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 60
Languages: High Ogre, All Languages
Ability Scores   
STR: 12 (Modifier: 0)
INT: 18 (Modifier: +3)
WIS: 14 (Modifier: +1)
DEX: 12 (Modifier: 0)
CON: 16 (Modifier: +2)
CHR: 13 (Modifier: 0)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:

Notes: 3d6 ability checks

Description and Background   
True Irda Form: Deep Midnight Blue skin, silver hair, and shining golden eyes. Has no facial hair, extremely beautiful facial features. On the taller side, even for Irda, body is not lanky however and seems fit. Human Form: Tanned Caucasian skin, short and messy black hair, brown eyes with gold showing within his Iris. Stands around 6' tall and has a goatee.


Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Quarterstaff 1 NA 1D6/1D6 n n Weird runes carved all throughout the staff
Silver Dagger 1 NA 1D4/1D6 n n Silver
Staff of Souls 1 NA 1D6/1D6 n n See Notes
Mimic Spike 1 NA 1D4/1D4 n n See Notes
Qty Item Location
1 Traveling Clothes Wearing
1 Backpack, Small Wearing
1 Bleeding Eye Cultist Robes Backpack
1 Bedroll Backpack
1 Belt Wearing
2 Pouch, Small Belt
1 Blanket, Light Backpack
1 Chalk Pouch
1 Flint & Steel Backpack
1 Sack, Small Wearing
1 Torch Backpack
1 Waterskin Belt
2 Bleeding Eye Cloaks Home
1 Silver Dagger Wearing
1 150’ Liana rope ¼” thick Backpack
1 3' x 5' fine silk tapestry showing a green field with two acorns above a sheaf of grain Home
1 Large Belt Pouch Belt

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 25 0 0 58
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Magic +2 AC Ring Wearing
1 Vial of dark liquid - Unknown Home
2 Elven Long Knives - Excellent condition Home
1 Staff of Souls Wearing
1 Mimic Spike Wearing

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 0
Spells Require HP, Total Spells = Total HP

Level 1
Animate Dead Animal - 1 HP
Metamorphose Liquids - 1HP

Level 2
Ghoul Touch -2HP
Undead Mount - 2HP

Level 5
Ghoul Gauntlet - 5HP

Spell Book

Level 0
Current Total Spells: 11 HP / 15 HP

Alignment: Knowledge
Deity: Hates Them
Holy Symbol: Doesn't approve of 'Holy' symbols
Money Conversion
10 cp = 1 sp / 20 sp = 1 gp
Irda Abilities
Languages Known: All
Weapon Proficiencies: Light, Medium
Armor Allowance: Light, Medium
Vision: Normal
Speed: 60’
Polymorph Self - Change height by as much as two feet and attain the features of any humanoid race. +4 to attacks & 2 attacks per round when outnumbered and surrounded (more than twice the number in the party). As a magic user they advance more quickly in spell use.

Supernatural Class – Irda who choose from the Supernatural Class perform their skill set at the twice the normal rate.
Wild Talent - Regeneration
Able to regenerate two hit points per round. This ability continues to operate regardless of circumstances. Severed limbs continue to twitch and move under the Occultist's direction, and they immediately reattach if brought into contact with the body. The Occultist's body continues to regenerate after death, even if the remains were destroyed and reduced by fire or acid. If the body is dismembered and the parts buried separately, it will take the Occultist one month to regenerate completely for every 100 feet distance of separation between the various parts. Alternatively, if the body is burned or dissolved in acid, the remains may be scattered over a wide area, delaying the regeneration time by one month for every 10-foot-square region of disposal area.
Physical Deformity
4 Inch Demonic Horns protruding from forehead
Staff of Souls
This long wood staff, crafted from the hardened limb of a Bois D’arc tree, and has an ugly old man’s face carved at the upper end. The staff comes to life when wielded and grants them power over the dead. The staff has in innate intelligence of 18 and a rather nasty attitude with a mind of its own. In fact it talks a great deal, all the time, never shuts up, curses the wielder, curses pretty much anyone in sight. An attempt could, probably should, be made to silence the thing: A gag to the mouth, casting a silence spell on it, etc. The danger of using this staff is that it will give your position away, especially if the party is trying to be quiet.

The staff acts as life force reservoir. When the command phrase “anima mea” is invoked a crimson ray shoots forth from the staff’s mouth to the intended target and extracts and stores HP at the rate of 1d6 per round (a successful attack roll must be made).

Once enough life force has been extracted the staff can be used to reanimate dead creatures by invoking the phrase “anima mea.” A green ray of light shoots forth and animates the creature desired. Each animated creature requires 1 hp per round per HD (So a 1 HD creature would require 1 hp for 1 round; a 2HD creature would require 2 hp for 1 rounds of animation). The creature will obey any and all commands from the wielder. If the staff is released the animated creature immediately falls prone (back to its dead state).
Mimic Spike
This seemingly unremarkable common looking spike, typically gnarled and twisted, has been impregnated with a powerful ability. It is crafted from the branch of a Bloodwood tree, cut to 6” in length, hardened slowly in a smithy kiln, stripped of its outer bark, ribbed on one end, and sharpened to a fine point on the other, and wrapped in simple hide.

To activate the Stick of Command the wielder must stab himself, inflicting 1 hp of damage, and then impale their intended victim. As long as the stick remains embedded the wielder can control their physical actions, as a puppet. Once impaled the victim is paralyzed until the wielder invokes the command phrase: “si diis placet.” Once the command phrase has been issued the victim will act out every move the wielder makes, effectively mimicking the wielder until the stop command of “cessabis” is given. The victim remains paralyzed and can be turned off or on until the spike is removed or they have been reduced to zero hp through combat or other injury.