Craw    (Human Male Fighter)
Character Information   
Name: Craw XP/Next lvl: 0 / 300
Class: Fighter HP:curr/max 13 / 13
Alignment: Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 17 / 17 / 15
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 26 Height: 5.77
Weight: 202 lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 30ft
Languages: Common, Halfling
Ability Scores   
STR: 17 (+3)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 15 (+2)
DEX: 9 (-1)
CON: 16 (+3)
CHR: 9 (-1)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:

Notes: *Strength +5*, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Dexterity -1, *Constitution +5*, Charisma -1

Description and Background   
Craw is a slightly short human in his middle twenties, with a strong but also definitely chubby body. He has a pale complexion and a round face somehow hidden by his unshaved beard and goatee and topped with dark, slightly curled hair shoulder-height cut. Two greyish-blue eyes are inlaid somewhere in the middle of his rotund face, often looking around cautiously, at least when he is not squinting in the sunlight. He has a strong, although a bit sagging, posture and a fast gait. He does not stand out for his cheerfulness and good-humour, often walking or camping in silence and never minding it, although he can be caught in an eventual wide laughter, especially when enjoying (good) food and wine.

Craw's parents were poor and had quite a few children beside, and before, him. And that's how the decision of 'letting him go' with the mercenaries of the Legion went almost unopposed. Soldiers bearing the stitched purple, blue and red banners of the Legion became his new family and home. He grew up amongst them as a porter, a cook, a gambler, a fighter, and almost a corpse the day the Legion met its doom in the battle of the Deep Hills. Now he treads on land and water looking for another opportunity to sell his sword, another home, or perhaps just a tavern to comfort his rumbling stomach. Personality trait: I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make new ones Ideal: I’m loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care. Bond: The shield I carry is not mine. Maybe one day I'll come upon its rightful owner, or its rightful owner's grave. Flaw: Hunger and thirst never leave me alone, and I can't resist them, no matter how hard I try. Do you happen to have some wine, by the way?

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Longsword 1 -- 1d8+3/1d10+3 (2h) y n +5 Versatile weapon
Handaxe 1 20/60 1d6+3/ y n +5 2 Light, thrown
Dagger 1 20/60 1d4+3/ y n +5 Finesse, light, thrown
Qty Item Location
1 Ring Mail
1 Notched shield of the Legion
1 Longsword
2 Handaxes
1 bedroll
1 mess kit
1 tinderbox
9 torches
7 rations (days)
1 waterskin
1 rope (44 ft)
1 set of dark clothes with hood
1 crowbar
1 dagger
1 battleaxe of dwarven origin (?)

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 291 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Acrobatics (Dex) -1
*Animal Handling (Wis) +4*
Arcana (Int) +1
Athletics (Str) +3
Deception (Cha) -1
History (Int) +1
*Insight (Wis) +4*
*Intimidation (Cha) +1*
Investigation (Int) +1
Medicine (Wis) +2
Nature (Int) +1
*Perception (Wis) +4*
Performance (Cha) -1
Persuasion (Cha) -1
Religion (Int) +1
Sleight of Hand (Dex) -1
Stealth (Dex) -1
Survival (Wis) +2
Features & Traits
Second Wind:
you have a limited well of stamina you can draw on to
protect yourself from harm. You can use a bonus action
to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
long rest before you can use it again.

Fighting Style (Defense):
while you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC
All armor and shields
simple weapons and martial weapons
playing dice
vehicles (land)

Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative & passives
Initiative: -1

Pass. Perception: 14
Pass. Insight: 14

Hit dice: 1d10