Cayley    (Human Female Cleric of Prometheus)
Character Information   
Name: Cayley XP/Next lvl: 0 / 1501
Class: Cleric of Prometheus HP:curr/max 8 / 8
Alignment: NG AC:reg/rear/no shield 0 / 0 / 0
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 20 Height: 5' 6'
Weight: 115 Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement:
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarven, NWP
Ability Scores   
STR: 13 (To-Hit: Normal, Damage: Normal, Encumbrance: +100, Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6, Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4)
INT: 13 (Additional Languages: 3 )
WIS: 15 (Magic Attack Adj: +1, Bonus Spells: 1st: 2, 2nd: 1, Spell Failure: 0)
DEX: 11 (Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: 0, Defensive Adj/AC: 0)
CON: 7 (HP Bonus: 0, System Shock: 55, Resurrection: 60)
CHR: 14 (Max Henchmen: 6 Loyalty Adj: +5 Reaction Adj: +10)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
10 13 14 16 15

Notes: Without Wisdom bonus (if applicable)

Description and Background   
Cayley is 20 years old, 5.5 feet tall and fairly thin. She had green eyes and red hair which never seems to stay were is suppose to.

Cayley is from the city of Caer Arial where her family runs an inn, the Blue Gryphon. She has three siblings, her sister is the oldest, followed by her twin brothers, with her being the youngest. Not being terribly interested in running an inn, a few years back she traveled to Caer Arlais to study to become a priestess. She recently graduated and had returned home to visit when the notice of 'Uncle' Gildas death. He was not a true uncle but would often stay at the Blue Gryphon and before settling down her father had adventured Gildas. Though she had not seen him in a number of years, she was saddened to learn of his death. [This assumes Gildas was at least at one time an adventurer, if not well something along these line]

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Footman's Flail 1/1 4' 7 2-7/2-8 n n 20
Footman's Mace 1/1 2.5' 7 2-7/1-6 n n 20 Not Proficient, so -3 to hit
Sling Bullet 1/1 5 2-5/2-7 n n 20 20 S 5/M 10/L 20
Qty Item Location
1 Lg Helmet Worn
1 Lg Shield Held
1 Pair of Boots Worn
1 Silver Holy Symbol (Torch) Worn-Necklace
1 Footman's Flail Carried
1 Sling Belt
1 Waterskin (Water) Shoulder
1 Lg Belt Pouch Belt
32 Sling Bullets Lg Belt Pouch
1 Backpack (decorated w/ flowers) Back
1 Blanket Backpack
6 Days of Standard Rations Backpack
6 Flasks of oil Backpack
6 Torches Backpack
1 Tinder Box Backpack
3 Lg Sacks Backpack
1 Lantern (Hooded) Shoulder
1 Sm Belt Pouch Belt
1 Belt (decorated w/ flowers) Waist
1 Simple Black Dress Backpack
1 Lantern (Hooded) Mule
6 Flasks of oil Mule
10 Torches Mule
10 Days of Iron Rations Mule
1 Wool Winter Cloak Back

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 30 0 15 34
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Scale Mail (Thorns of the Martyr) Worn

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
1 Ring made from Iron Chain set with a granite stone Rgt Ring Finger
Memorized Spells

Level 1
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Magic

Spell Book

Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Healing: Wisdom -2 (13)
Religion: Wisdom 0 (15)
Cooking: Intelligence 0 (13)
Magic Items
Scale mail (Thorns of the Martyr)-If the wearer had a healing spell memorized and is knocked to 0 hit points or less the spell will be automatically cast (only works one time a day).