Procyon    (Human Male Bard)
Character Information   
Name: Procyon XP/Next lvl: 0 / 2001
Class: Bard HP:curr/max 7 / 7
Alignment: Neutral Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 8 / 0 / 0
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 20 Height: 5’8”
Weight: 140 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement:
Languages: Common, Neutral Good, Thieve's Cant, Elvish, Orcish, Trollish
Ability Scores   
STR: 15 (20 Weight Allowance: 20 lbs Open Doors: 1-2d6 Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 7)
INT: 12 (Additional Languages: 3)
WIS: 13 (Magical Attack Adj: None)
DEX: 15 (Reaction/Attacking Adj: 0 Defensive Adj: -1)
CON: 11 (Hit Point Adj: 0 System Shock Survival: 75 Resurrection Survival: 80)
CHR: 17 (Max of Henchmen: 10 Loyalty Base: +30 Reaction Adj: +30)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
14 15 16 17 17


Description and Background   
With black skinny trousers, with a black button up shirt with black leather jacket, black boots, with his Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses for sunny days, equipped with his Hohner Big River Harmonica - he is a person to watch out for.


Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Javelin 1 1-6d6/1-6d6 n n weight: 2 lbs length: 3 feet
Spear 1 1-6d6/1-8d8 n n weight: 6 lbs length: 6 1/2 feet
Half-Spear x16 1 / n n
Qty Item Location
1 Blue Tunic Backpack
1 Breeches Backpack
1 Belt Backpack
1 Boots (3 lbs) Backpack
1 Grey Wool Cloak (2 lbs) Backpack
1 Large Belt Pouch 1 Front
1 Small Belt Pouch 1 Back
1 Harmonica and case (.25 lbs) Pocket
1 Leather Backpack (10 lbs) Back
1 Javelin (2 lbs) Backpack
1 Spear (5 lbs) Backpack
1 Emissary's Cloak Backpack
1 Wool winter cloak Backpack
1 Waterskin Backpack
3 50 feet of Silk Rope Saddle Bag
1 Grappling hook Saddle Bag
1 Climbing gear Saddle Bag
9 Days of iron rations Saddle Bag

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 110 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 Potion of Healing Bag

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

CLASS: Fighter
XP: 0 (2,001)
CLASS: Thief
XP: 0 (1,251)
Pick Pockets: 30
Open Locks: 25
Find/Remove Traps: 20
Move Silently: 15
Hide In Shadows: 10
Hear Noise: 10
Climb Walls: 85
Read Languages:
Druid Abilities:
If WIS & CHR are both greater than 15 Druid
earns a 10 Bonus on XP
Can only use Leather Armor & or Wooden Shields
If Druid observes any creature destroying their
charges it is probably they will seek retribution &
revenge at a later date as opportunity presents itself.
At 3rd level will gain ability to Identify plant, animal
types & pure water. Also the power to pass through
overgrown areas (undergrowth of tangled thorns,
briar patches, etc) without leaving a discernible
trail & at Normal movement rate.
Other Abilities gained at 7th level.
On reaching 3rd level Druids gain an additional
language per level of choice from a list.
+2 on saving throws against fire & lightning (electrical)
based attacks
Can use any magic item & those for regular clerics
which are not written (i.e. books & scrolls)
Non-Weapon Proficiencies: 4 Initial slots then 3
more every 3 levels
Herbalism (takes 2 slots) Intelligence (-2)
Animal Handling Wisdom (-1)
Veterinary Healing Wisdom (-3)
SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components
Casting Time Saving Throw
Speak with Animals
Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-6: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 4 weapons: also Short Sword,
& Sling
Non-proficiency penalty: -2 To Hit, Gains
another Profic. at level 4

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class:
(No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20
20 19 18 19 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Total Encumbrance: 41 lbs
[≈ Medium-sized dog]
without armor, 56 lbs with armor
on Maxium weight character can
carry without
penalty to movement rate: 170 lbs
[≈ Large dog]

College: Probationer
Additional Languages Known: gains 1 at 4th level

Charm Percentage: 15

Legend, Lore & Item Knowledge percentage: 0

Poetic Ability: Raise Morale by 10, & inspire
ferocity in attack at +1 “to hit”. Requires 2
rounds of poetics to inspire the desired effect.
The effect will last 1 Turn.

Bard’s Singing & Playing Negates the song effects
of Harpies & prevents similar attacks which rely
on song. It will likewise still the noise of Shriekers,
for these creatures are soothed by the vibrations
of the bard’s instrument.

Charming: Bard’s Singing & Playing can charm
Creatures within 40ft. Creatures must save versus
magic or be charmed & sit entranced while the
bard sings. Those not Charmed will listen to the
bard for 1 full round. Charmed Creatures are subject
to ‘Suggestion’, if the bard utilizes it, the charmed
creatures must save vs magic at -2 on their die rolls
or be subject to the suggestion. Loud noise or
physical attack will negate charm but not suggestion.
Leather Backpack (10 lbs) Back
1 Flask of Oil (1 lbs) Backpack
1 Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel Backpack
1 Map Case, Bone (.5 lbs) Backpack
3 Vellum Backpack
1 Quill & Ink Backpack
1 Writing Charcoal Backpack
1 Chalk Backpack
1 Soap (.5 lbs) Backpack
2 Candle, Beeswax Backpack
5 Torch (5 lbs) Backpack
1 Dice, Bone Backpack
1 Mirror, Small Silver (.5 lbs) Backpack
1 Garlic Backpack
1 Bottle of Spirits (Bourbon) (1 lbs) Backpack
1 Whetstone (.5 lbs) Backpack
1 Dry Rations (7 Days) Backpack
1 Thieve’s Tools box (1 lbs) Backpack
Rope, Hemp 50ft (10 lbs) Backpack
1 Grappling Hook (4 lbs) Backpack
1 Tent (20 pounds) Back
12 Spikes (5 lbs) Back
1 Hammer (2 lbs) Backpack
1 Wool Bedroll & Pillow Back
2 Wool Blanket Back