Elusev Coldharbor    (Elven Male Fighter)
Character Information   
Name: Elusev Coldharbor XP/Next lvl: 0 / 1900
Class: Fighter HP:curr/max 10 / 10
Alignment: Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 4 / 6 / 4
Race: Elven Level: 1
Age: 316 Height: 6'3
Weight: 178 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 120
Languages: Common, elven, gnoll, gnomish, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orcish, Dwarven, Dragonic, Lizard-Folk
Ability Scores   
STR: 16 (Bonus to Dam:+1, Encumbrance:+35, Minor Tests(D6):1-3, Major Tests(D):10)
INT: 13 (Additional Languages: 3)
WIS: 13 ()
DEX: 17 (Surprise Bonus:+2, Missle Bonus To-Hit:+2, AC Adj: -3)
CON: 15 (Hit Point Bonus: +1, Survive Resurrection(D): 94, Survive System Shock(D): 91)
CHR: 11 (Maximum Henchmen: 4)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 14 15 16 16


Description and Background   
Long black hair, either in a ponytail or loose. Muscular frame, bigger than the average Elf. Prominent facial features. Has a very noble quality when he walks or speaks.


Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Long Bow 1 70ft 2 1D6/1D6 n n 24 Specialized
Sword, Two-handed 1 N/A 1D10/3D6 n n
Qty Item Location
1 Studded Leather Armor Wearing
1 Backpack Wearing
1 Belt with Pouches Wearing
1 Heavy Boots Wearing
1 Leather Bracer Wearing
1 Cloak w/ Pin Wearing
1 Quiver x24 Wearing
2 Caltrops Belt Pouch
3 Chalk Belt Pouch
1 Flint & Steel Backpack
1 Lamp Backpack
2 Oil Backpack
4 Piton Backpack
3 Rations Backpack
1 Rope,Hemp 50' Backpack
4 Torch Backpack
1 Waterskin, 3 pints (filled) Belt

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 55 0 13 8
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Elven Abilities
+1 dexterity, -1 constitution

90 resistance to sleep and charm spells

any pulled bow: +1 to hit

Longsword and short sword: +1 to hit

Infravision: 60 ft

detect secret doors: 1 in 6 chance to notice secret doors when passing within 10 ft, 2 in 6 chance to discover secret doors when searching, and 3 in 6 chance to discover concealed doors when searching.

Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when travelling in non-metal armour and alone, or more than 90 ft in advance of others, or with a party entirely consisting of elves and/or halflings. If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the chance of surprise drops to 2 in 6.
Fighter Abilities
Weapons/Shield Permitted: Any

Weapon Proficiencies: 4+1 every 2 levels

Bonus Attacks(melee): Fighters with melee weapons attack once per round at 1st to 6th levels (1/1 attacks); at 7th to 12th levels, they attack thrice every two rounds (3/2 attacks); and at 13th or higher levels they attack twice per round (2/1 attacks). A partial additional attack (e.g. 3/2 attacks) means that the extra attack is taken on odd-numbered rounds in the combat sequence, hence two attacks on the first round, one on the second, two on the third and one on the fourth, if applicable.

Unskilled Opponents: When the fighter is attacking creatures with less than a full hit die (i.e. less than 1d8 hit points), the fighter receives one attack for each of his or her levels of experience, e.g. a 4th-level fighter attacking goblins would receive 4 attacks per round.

NB: A fighter exercising multiple attacks departs from the normal initiative procedure. The fighter will automatically attack first in the round unless fighting an opponent with multiple attacks of its own (in which case initiative should be rolled as normal). The fighter’s second attack in any given melee round will come last in the sequence.
Weapon Proficiencies/Specialization
Long Bow: 30' Point Blank range of +2 to hit, +2 to damage, and double damage. Any remaining short range beyond 30' is at +1 to hit, +1 to damage. The character gets 2 attacks per round. If arrow is nocked, drawn, and aimed in advance, may fire it prior to an initiative determination.

Long Sword
Two-Handed Sword
Short Sword
Gold Conversion
1 platinum piece = 5 gold pieces
1 gold piece = 2 electrum pieces
1 gold piece = 10 silver pieces
1 gold piece = 100 copper pieces
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Slots: 3 (+3 every three levels)

Mountaineering Non-Weapon Proficiency
Slot: 1

A character with this proficiency is skilled in the use of hammer and pitons (spikes) to secure a route up a mountainside. He also knows how to use the rope and brackets that can link a party of climbers. A proficient character can make a route across a steep section of rocks, and by the use of ropes allow other, non-proficient characters to follow.
No proficiency check is required unless the DM declares that a route is very perilous and steeply pitched, with few hand and foot-holds, and those that exist are tiny or loose. If a character connected to the mountaineer by rope falls, the mountaineering character can make a proficiency check; success means that the other’s fall has been arrested. Failure means that the other character continues to fall, and failure by a roll of 20 means that the mountaineer is pulled down, too.
Characters with the mountaineering proficiency can add their proficiency rating to their percentage chance of climbing any surface; this includes thieves using the climb walls special ability.
Fine Balance Non-Weapon Prificiency
Slot: 2

Characters with this talent are blessed with an innate sense of balance and have an uncanny knack for keeping their feet under them. With a successful proficiency check, the character gains a +2 bonus on any climbing checks, saving throws, or ability checks to avoid slipping or falling.
In addition, the character reduces any penalties for fighting in off-balance or awkward situations by 2 points. The fine balance talent is also very useful for tightrope walking, tumbling, and climbing walls.
If the DM determines that a particular feat would be influenced by the character's exceptional balance, the character gains a +2 (on d20 rolls) or +10 (on d100 rolls) bonus to his rolls to resolve the action.