Durgan Lightwater    (Human M Druid)
Character Information   
Name: Durgan Lightwater XP/Next lvl: 0 / 2000
Class: Druid HP:curr/max 8 / 8
Alignment: Neutral - Good AC:reg/rear/no shield 8 / 8 / 8
Race: Human Level: 1
Age: 24 Height: 6' 1
Weight: 193 Gender: M
Encumbrance: Movement:
Ability Scores   
STR: 13 (Hit Prob: Norm, DMG ADJ:None, WGHT: 45, Max: 140, OP D: 7, BB/LG: 4)
INT: 15 ( of Lang:4, Spell lvl:7th, chnc to lrn spell:65, Max of spell/lvl: 11, Spell Immun: none)
WIS: 17 (magic Def:+3, Bonus Spell:3rd, chnc spell fail: 0, spell immun: none)
DEX: 15 (Reac Adj:0, Misle attk adj:0, Def adj:-1)
CON: 13 (HP adj:0, sys shck:85, rez surv:90, pois sav:0, reg:Nil)
CHR: 17 (Max hench:10, Loyal base:+6, React adj:+6)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
10 14 13 16 15


Description and Background   

I lived with a Druid coven that called a vast and ancient forest Sanctuary, we lived off the land in harmony, protecting the forest from outsiders and threats. I had just begun my apprenticeship into a full druid when a fire crept through the forest at night, we were all caught unaware and scrambled with our tools and magic to quell the raging firestorm that was destroying all life around us, rapidly making its way towards our camp. No matter how hard we fought the fire would not be destroyed and quickly set everything ablaze, I remember scrambling for safety with the others, all trying desperately to save what little life they could and escape the fires clutches. As I was running with a young wolf pup in my arms, the last of his pack after the fires devastation hit their den, I fell deep into a hole and as I hit the ground my vision blurred and I soon succumbed to the darkness. When I awoke and found the pup gone I crawled out of the hole I had fallen into and saw the whole forest burned to ash, I searched for hours trying to find any others that made it out but it seemed everyone was either dead or gone. I wandered for years after that, going from forest to forest, searching every town I was allowed into for any information on what could have done such horrific devastation. I still do not know if anyone survived or where they are but when I find the hell spawn that caused such death I will claim vengeance for everyone.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Spear 1 N/A 6 1D6/1D8 n n
Dart x 6 3/1 1/2/4 2 1D3/1D2 n n
Qty Item Location
6 Darts Wearing
1 Spear Wearing
1 Backpack Wearing
1 Leather Armor Wearing
3 Torch Backpack
1 Belt Pouch (Small) Wearing
1 Flint & Steel Backpack
3 Fish Hook Belt Pouch

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 110 0 1 7
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Level 1

Spell Book

Level 1

Weapon Proficiency
2 Weapon Proficiencies
-1/4 lvls
Secret Druid Language
Non-Weapon Proficiency
4 non-weapon Proficiencies
-Weather Sense
1/3 lvls
(1st) Entangle
R: 80 yds
Dur: 1 turn
CT: 4
AoE: 40 ft-cube
save: 1/2
effects: Sprouts plants that attach to target and immobilizes it. Save allows target to leave area at 10 feet per round
Non-Weapon Proficiency - Herbalism
knoweldge of plants/herbs - able to make nonmagical potions, salves, powders, ointments, balms, infusions, and plasters. Also able to prepare natural plant poisons and purgatives.
Check Mod: -2 Int
Requires 2 NW-prof slots
Non-Weapon Proficiency - Fishing
Roll a proficiency check, if successful then a hook, line, or spear will catch fish equal to the difference between the roll and the user's wisdom score. A net will yield three times more.
Requires 1 NW-prof slot
Non-Weapon Proficiency - Weather Sense
Able to make intelligent guesses for the upcoming weather conditions.
Check can be made every six hours, every six hours of observation the player gains a +1 to his ability, this bonus is cumulative.