Sus-Pool (lacus)    (1/2 Orc Male Fighter - Solder)
Character Information   
Name: Sus-Pool (lacus) XP/Next lvl: 5429 / 8000
Class: Fighter - Solder HP:curr/max 40 / 40
Alignment: CN (maybe) AC:reg/rear/no shield 6 / 8 / -2
Race: 1/2 Orc Level: 3
Age: 19 Height: 71
Weight: 15 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 12
Languages: Common, Orc, dwarf, goblin, hobgoblin, and ogre
Ability Scores   
STR: 19 ((17) Stamina (Weight: 85); (21) Muscle (+4 hit, +9 dam, Max 810, OD 17(12), BB/LG 70))
INT: 16 ((14) Reason (normal); (18) Knowledge (+7 languages/C.P.))
WIS: 11 ((11) Intuition (normal); (11) Willpower (normal))
DEX: 17 ((16) Aim (+1 hit); (19) Balance (reaction +3, Ac –4) (+2 bonus to armor class while unencumbered))
CON: 19 ((17) Health (normal); (21) Fitness (+6 per level, +100 resurrection) (hp rolling: all 1’s and 2’s are now 3’s))
CHR: 9 ((9) Leadership (4 henchmen); (9) Appearance (normal))

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
13 15 14 16 16


Description and Background   
Twin katana sheathed to his back, red and black plate-mail (magical +1), with a mask he wears to hide is 1/2 orcish nature. Quiver of arrows just over his shoulder and a short bow at the ready. In many ways he is just another example of a hybrid, of a height similar to half-elves, but resembles his human parent enough to pass for a human in public. His skin is is somewhere between peach and olive, and his hair is brown. Since he is a pofessional soldier he walks and acts in a military fashion... mos of the time.... Personality: very comedic, although apparently insane (he commonly develops obsessions with words and people, repeatedly mentioning the words), Sus’s voice is distinctive (gravelly or somewhat shrieky and coarse), Sus has bovinophobia (the fear of cows, according to him, cows 'scare the *$ outta' him, as he believes their stare to be chilling, like they're 'waiting'.

Sus lacus (1/2 Orc Fighter-Thug) (swine, pig, hog - a hollow, lake, pool, pond, trough, trough, tank, tub) History: Early Years: Little is known of Iacus's mercenary activities. At one point he traveled throughout the Eastern Realms and was hired by a crime lord, the Boss, to teach them of the west. Iacus spent three years under the Boss’s tutelage and became romantically involved with the Boss’s daughter, Ai. When the Boss finally discovered the relationship, Iacus was given the option to leave or die. Ai begged him to leave, and so he did. On the way back to Baulder’s Gate, Iacus was ambushed by the Boss’s forces. They took him to a valley of Cursed springs where they threw him into the first one they came just to stop his endless taunting. That spring was the cursed spring of the mad Orc, anyone falling into it becomes permanently poly-morphed into a crazy half Orc. Iacus emerged from the pool, with his memories removed but with a consuming belief that none of what was happening was real. His only recollection was that he was some kind of mercenary headed west. One his continued journey he came to believe that he was some minor character in a fictional reality created by a god named Tolkien and now being written by some less than skilled author. He is convinced that his characters name is Sus-Pool (taken from the sign next to the cursed spring of the mad Orc). Now although sometimes lucid, Sus can no longer able to tell the difference from fiction and non-fiction. He wears a mask of red and black, taken from the flag of the Boss in the east, and is sure he is going to be written out of the story unless he does something epic to stay in the plot. Find the one ring... destroy it, use it... whatever it takes to become a major character in the narrative. Mercenary: Following his escape from the East, Iacus (now calling himself Sus) returned to his freelance mercenary activities, donning a mask to hide his hansom half orcish appearance.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Katana 3/2 3 1d10+12/1d12+12 y n 11 If used 2-handed (2d6 damage), +1 weapon
Katana +1 1d10+12/1d12+12 y n 11 two-weapon fighting style
Short-bow 2/1 1d6+1/1d6+1 n n 17 24 Dex: Aim +1 to hit
Qty Item Location
1 Short bow held/backpack
2 +1 Katana hips/waist
1 +1 late Mail worn
24 Arrow, flight quiver/back
1 Backpack back
1 Belt pouch, large backpack
1 Belt pouch, small belt
5 Chalk backpack
1 Fishing net (10 sq ft.) backpack
1 Flint and steel backpack
1 Grappling hook backpack
1 Magnifying glass backpack
1 Map/scroll case (realm) backpack
1 Mirror, small metal backpack
5 Oil (5 flasks:Greek fire) belt/holster
1 Quiver back
1 Rope (per 50') silk leftside of backpack
1 Sack, large backack
1 Sack, small backpack
1 Sewing needle backpack
1 Soap(1 lb) backpack
1 Tent, small bottom of backpack
5 Torch 4 in backpack, 1 on the side
2 Whetstone backpack
2 Wineskin (one water, one empty) backpack
1 Winter blanket backpack
1 Dry rations (1 week) tied to horse
1 Mount: Riding horse n/a
1 Belt worn
1 Boots, riding worn
1 Breeches worn
1 Hood, mask worn
1 Cloak, Good cloth saddlebag
1 Gloves worn
1 Gown, common sadlebag
1 Hose saddebag
1 Mittens saddlebag
1 Plain brooch worn
1 Robe, Common sadlebag
1 Sash saddlebag
1 Shoes saddelbag
2 Sword scabbard belt
2 Tunic worn/saddlebag
1 Vest saddlebag
1 Bit and bridle horse
1 Saddle, Riding horse
2 Saddle bags, Large horse
2 Saddle bags, Small horse
2 Saddle blanket horse

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
1 +1 Plate Mail worn
2 +1 Katana hips/waist

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

The proficiency slot spent to specialize in this difficult style requires 1 additional character point when it is first acquired—except for rangers, who can buy it for the same cost as any other fighting style specialization. A character who specializes in the two weapon style counters some of the penalties inherent in using two weapons. Normally, a character suffers a –2 to attacks with the primary hand, and –4 to attacks with the secondary hand; this specialization reduces the penalty to 0 for the primary hand, and –2 for the secondary hand. Additionally, if a character has the trait of ambidexterity coupled with this specialization, he suffers no penalty for either hand. The secondary weapon must be one size smaller than the primary weapon—unless the primary weapon is size S. If a character spends 2 additional character points on this specialization, however, he can learn to use two weapons of equal size, so long as each of the weapons can be wielded in one hand.

WEAPON OF CHOICE (Katana): cost of 2 cp, character receives a +1 bonus on all attack rolls when using his weapon of choice.

WEAPON SPECIALIZATION (Katana), cost of 2 cp, The character gets a +1 bonus to attack rolls and +2 to damage rolls when using the weapon. Also, the character gets one extra attack every two rounds.
Cooking 3 7 (+1) = 8 Intelligence/Reason (14)

Fire-building 2 8 (+1) = 9 Intelligence/Reason (14)

Fishing 3 6 (+5) =11 Intelligence/Knowledge (18)

Orienteering 3 7 (+5) = 12 Intelligence/Knowledge (18)

Riding, Land 2 8 (+5) = 13 Dexterity/Balance (18)

Swimming 2 9 (+4) - 13 Strength/Stamina (17)

Blind-fighting 4 NA/6 (+5) = 11 Dexterity/Balance (18)

Endurance 2 3 (+5) = 8 Constitution/Fitness (21)

Running 2 5 (+5) = 10 Constitution/Fitness (21)

Survival 3 6 (+5) = 11 Intelligence/Knowledge (18)

Weaponsmithing 5 5 (+5) = 11 Intelligence/Knowledge (18)

Kit: Soldier
weaponsmithing (free non-weapon)

At the time of character creation, the soldier gains one free nonweapon proficiency, provided it is selected from the recommended list above. In addition, a soldier acquires one weapon at no cost—a gift of the military

A soldier can purchase only those weapons, armor, and other pieces of equipment that can be carried on his back or on his mount.
1/2 Orc
Infravision, 60'

In human societies, suffer a –2 reaction roll penalty.
1d12 for hit points (10)

Magic resistance (10)

Weapon specialization (5)

Limited weapon selection (5)
Character Traits
Ambidexterity: This character is equally skilled with the use of either hand. This trait carries over into training, so that the PC can use weapons, bear a shield, and perform acts of strength equally well with the right or left hand. The character is good at the two weapon fighting style, suffering no penalty for the first hand, and only a –2 penalty for off-hand use.

Fast Healer: This highly useful trait allows a character to recover 1 hit point of damage within 2–12 turns of receiving a wound. Also, the character naturally heals at a rate of 2 hit points, not 1, per day.
Character Disadvantages
Overview: Although very comedic, and apparently insane (he commonly develops obsessions with words and people, repeatedly mentioning the words), Sus’s voice is distinctive (gravelly or somewhat shrieky and coarse), Sus has bovinophobia (the fear of cows, according to him, cows 'scare the *$ outta' him, as he believes their stare to be chilling, like they're 'waiting'.

Irritating Personality: This disadvantage can make it difficult for the character to obtain cooperation and aid from others. During encounters with NPCs, the DM should require the character to make a Wisdom/Willpower check to resist the effects of the disadvantage. A failed check means the irritating aspects of the PC’s personality rise to the surface. It is best to role-play the specifics of the character’s behavior—is a fighter exceptionally critical, does a wizard laugh at inappropriate times, or does a thief behave in a very uncouth fashion? The player is free to devise the irritating elements of the character’s persona, and if encounters are role-played the disadvantage will take care of itself.

Phobia—Cows: Sus has bovinophobia (the fear of cows, according to him, cows 'scare the *$ outta' him, as he believes their stare to be chilling, like they're 'waiting'.