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Search results only go back to 1/1/2020.
Click on dice roll ID to view all details and links to the roll.

Roll ID Character Campaign Roll result Date
210272 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Mace of the Old Kingdom attack [1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12 damage [1d6+3] = 3+3 = 6 2020-09-16 16:55:34
210224 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Mace of the Old Kingdom attack [1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11 damage [1d6+3] = 5+3 = 8 2020-09-15 17:48:35
209966 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Cure serious wounds [2d8+1] = 9+1 = 10 2020-09-10 07:41:45
209102 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Cure light wounds [1d8] = 8 2020-08-25 16:40:44
207380 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Touch Zahra to neutralize poison [1d20] = 16 2020-07-24 09:29:08
206894 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Save vs poison [1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10 2020-07-14 15:35:31
206776 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Mace of the Old Kingdom attack [1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10 damage [1d6+3] = 1+3 = 4 2020-07-12 12:44:11
205742 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Healing from chalice [2d4+1] = 6+1 = 7 2020-06-25 14:50:38
205728 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) B11 opportunity attack [1d20+4] = 13+4 = 17 damage [1d6+3] = 5+3 = 8 2020-06-25 14:18:54
205727 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) B7 opportunity attack [1d20+4] = 10+4 = 14 damage [1d6+3] = 6+3 = 9 2020-06-25 14:18:27
205411 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Mace of the Old Kingdom attack [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14 damage [1d6+3] = 5+3 = 8 2020-06-21 11:19:36
205159 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Mace of the Old Kingdom attack [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8 damage [1d6+3] = 1+3 = 4 2020-06-17 21:28:18
204861 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Dex ability check (15) [1d20] = 9 2020-06-14 12:57:24
204720 Tjoruy The Lost City of Eternity (1e) Cure light wounds [1d8] = 3 2020-06-12 09:23:19
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