You can enter dice expressions or entire macros into the field below to get an idea for how this system works. Dice expression syntax and examples are shown at the bottom of this page. More in-depth help can be found here.
Please note that anything entered here will NOT be stored in the database. This is for testing purposes only. The result of your roll will be shown in a pop-up window.
Use the links at the upper-right of this page to either log in or create a profile so that your dice rolls will be saved in the database.
There is a valid die-roll macro in the field below.
Click 'Roll!' to roll it, or enter your own macro to roll.
Dice expression syntax and examples
Expression | Function | Description | Example |
[XdY] | n/a |
Roll X dice with Y sides each. | [1d20] rolls one twenty-sided die. |
[XdYcN] | Cut | Roll X dice with Y sides each, and cut (drop) the lowest N dice afterwards. | [4d6c1] rolls four six-sided dice, and cuts (drops) the lowest roll. |
[XdYkN] | Keep | Roll X dice with Y sides each, and keep the highest N dice afterwards. | [4d6k3] rolls four six-sided dice, keeping the highest 3 rolls. |
[XdYrL] | Re-roll | Roll X dice with Y sides each, rerolling any results lower than L. | [3d8r2] rolls three eight-sided dice, rerolls any dice that are lower than 2, and then sums the result. |
[XdYsT] | Success | Roll X dice with Y sides each, and count any rolls that meet or exceed T (the "target number"). | [4d6s4] rolls four six-sided dice and counts any individual roll that meets or exceeds 4, presenting the number of "successes" in the result. |
Modifier | Function | Description | Example |
_ | Show all dice |
Show all results in a multi-dice roll. | [_3d6] rolls three six-sided dice, shows all dice results AND sums the result. |
+ | Add |
Add the specified integer to the roll result. | [1d8+1] rolls one eight-sided die then adds one (1) to the result. |
- | Subtract |
Subtract the specified integer from the roll result. | [1d12-2] rolls one twelve-sided die then subtracts two (2) from the result. |
x | Multiply |
Multiply the roll by the specified integer. | [4d6x10] rolls four six-sided die then multiplies the result by ten (10). |